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WV Penitentiary experience



So this place has garnered a lot of attention from the media, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, TAPS and now even an upcoming Ghost Labs show...mainly due to the initial fame from MTV's first FEAR episode.

We had a group of roughly 11 or 12, but eventually broke out into smaller groups and eventually down to 4. We did the same old stuff you see most ghost hunters do, took tons of pictures, video recordings, used a 'ghost box' like i mentioned in the other ghost thread, emf meter, digital recorder...

Before I explain what happened, logical thoughts come first:

- Aging building in the middle of weather changes, it rained earlier so humidity could of played a part, the building is settling so many things like pipes and metal framework could very well make noises that would, initially, make you turn your head real quick and say 'what the fuck was that' but soon realize it wasn't anything paranormal.

- The mind can play serious tricks on you if you let it. Thankfully with the power of xanax and cannabis, LOL...that didn't happen with me!

Knowing that...

We were being guided around the prison, given background on it by the tour guide etc...the part where everyone heard something was in the infirmary. This place was either just noisy, or active as hell with paranormal activity. The guide told us that she recently was able to get an EVP of "Kill" with her daughter after she opened one of the psych ward cells that have been sealed shut for years. When she told us about this, there was dead silence amongst the group and then, behind us, a loud boom/bang down the hallway...we ALL turned around and some of us said what the fuck, what was that...but we continued on..

We eventually broke down into smaller groups, and 4 of us went back to the infirmary. The really freaky part leading up to the infirmary was that me and my buddy got lost, we smoked a blunt in the prison yard and were going to meet back with 2 other people in the lobby, so we were all in the lobby, we went out into the prison hallway (pitch black) by ourselves, waiting for the other 2 people...but apparently they went ahead of us or something, and we figured we'd try to go find them.

Bad idea...we ended up going to various parts of the prison for like 15 minutes trying to figure out where they were, freaky and REALLY creepy...but high as hell it wasn't messing with our minds as much. So I had the bright idea...call him! I had my phone out and asked my buddy for his number (the guy we were looking for), my buddy said 'its in my phone'...but he couldnt find his phone. He then said "figures i can't find my phone the one time we need it.."

So we head up to the infirmary anyway. We see them in the one hallway leading there, so we all head towards the infirmary at that point. Dead silence. We hit the entrance hallway to the infirmary and we ALL stopped dead in our tracks and I went to say "I don't feel right" and before I could even finish my sentence we heard bangs, dings, odd noises down the hall behind us and in front of us, above us, all around us. Almost like on cue noises began from dead silence. When we walked through the place earlier with the guide, it was silent.

I had to keep everyone moving because many people at times were truly getting freaked out even full grown men hesitating going into rooms first or being the last one out...I didn't mind...I didn't want to go in first, but I knew I was all good and just rolled into the sugar shack first, infirmary first, darkass hallways first, etc. We finally made it into the infirmary and started the normal ask questions, record, etc.

We did attribute SOME of the noise to being raindrops on the ceiling hitting pipes or cement, but there were definitely, definitely some major unexplained noises. There would be silence for 2, 3 minutes...he would ask a question...and instant responses (dings, ticks, etc.) He kept repeating though "We heard that, but that could be the building settling. Let us know if you're here by doing something intelligent...make 2 or 3 noises in a row"...and without a doubt, we heard one noise way in front of us, one noise to our right, and one noise directly behind us, again, almost on cue.

This continued for ~20 minutes, but he finally came with the question "We've heard all the noises but it's still not proof. Can you make a discernible sound, preferably a loud bang instead?"

I shit you not people, to MY left, down the hallway I was sitting next to was a REALLY loud bang, almost like a cell door slamming shut. Everyone jumped out of their seat. The guy asking the questions said he didn't feel good and would like to leave. I got nauseous myself but I attributed that to other things, not a ghost or anything. That was the defining moment of the whole trip and will stay with me the rest of my life. That noise was uncalled for, was not easily attributed to raindrops or pipes settling, this was distinct, on cue and LOUD...

Here are the pics of the infirmary room and the sugar shack. Will keep these up for a few days.




Fact: In the Sugar Shack picture you can see a 'ghostly' figure painted in black on blue background. MTV pained these figures before the filming of their FEAR episode, and because of this have been banned for life from ever filming at the penitentiary. They intentionally did it to attempt to scare the contestants. Also, a pentagram was found in the Warden's office of which either WVPenn didn't tell people about or recently found themselves.


Quite the tale. Sounds trippy as hell.So is this stuff a hobby? was this a group of friends on their own adventure or was it an regular organized deal??

I thinks i woulda pooped me pants lol.



The people who organized it are into the ghost hunting stuff but I did it as a one time thing.

I was truly scared in the infirmary, but I can hide it good. The noises make you just feel the hairs slowly stand up on the back of your neck and arms...


wow can you imagine the grow one could setup in there. You could call it ghost weed. A good paranoia inducing haze would be perfect. People would even pay extra for it I bet.


wow can you imagine the grow one could setup in there. You could call it ghost weed. A good paranoia inducing haze would be perfect. People would even pay extra for it I bet.

The idea behind it would be cool bc of it's size and reputation, but look at the buildings structure, the aging alone would provide horrible growing conditions...drastic changes in temperature, humidity, mold you name it!

The thought of apparitions kneeling to water some big fat weed plants would be awesome though lol