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WTF were these guys on??? (PICS inside!)


Tropical Outcast
The whole story sounds like something only "Beavis & Butthead" would do.

But nooo IT'S REAL!

"Let's go and steal a dead Lion all under the public eye!"


Knuckleheads Charged In Theft Of Lion Carcass

Cops had shot animal freed from Ohio compound

NOVEMBER 8--A quintet of young Ohio men were playing poker last month when they learned that dozens of wild animals had been set free in a neighboring city.
So the group piled into Richard Weidlich’s Jeep Cherokee at around 11 PM and drove the 25 miles from Cambridge to Zanesville, where cops had spent the prior five hours shooting lions, tigers, bears, and wolves that had been released by Terry Thompson from cages on his 73-acre property.


Joseph Jakubisin, 21, told TSG that he and his cronies planned to “photograph the animals” when they arrived in Zanesville. In short order, the group came across a dead lion, which was surrounded by three cars whose occupants were posing for photos with the dead animal (which had blood seeping from its head and mouth).
That’s when Weidlich, 20, and Jakubisin's cousin, 21-year-old Brian Matthews, decided to take the dead lion. Jakubisin said that it took the duo about 30 minutes of “messing around with it” to get the heavy carcass into the car’s hatchback trunk.
Jakubisin, who said that he and the Jeep’s other two occupants did not touch the lion, recalled telling Weidlich and Matthews not to take the lion because of “the simple fact that it is nasty.”
Weidlich had some “stupid ideas” for the lion, Jakubisin said, including making a “rug for his house,” or perhaps “stuffing it.” At the time, he added, Weidlich and Matthews were just “living in the moment.”
The attempted heist, however, was thwarted when cops rolled up and discovered that the men had “loaded up” the dead lion into the Jeep, according to a Muskingum County Sheriff’s Office report, and were “trying in fact to steal the lion.”
As seen above, a local TV crew actually filmed Weidlich standing outside his vehicle after cops interrupted the theft attempt.


With the animal still in the Jeep, deputies escorted the vehicle to Thompson’s property. A rope was then tied to lion, and deputies pulled it out of the bloodstained vehicle.
The October 19 escapade resulted yesterday in misdemeanor theft charges being filed against Weidlich; Matthews; Jakubisin; Cody Wilson, 21; and a 17-year-old boy. Each faces up to six months in jail and a $1000 fine if convicted of the lion theft.
Weidlich, Matthews, Jakubisin, and Wilson are pictured above, clockwise from upper left, in photos from their Facebook pages.
Jakubisin first learned of the criminal rap lodged against him this morning as he was driving with his mother. After hearing a radio report that mentioned her son’s name among the accused lion thieves, Jakubisin said his mother asked him, “Why are you with your cousin, you know he is an idiot.”


Green is Gold
How is it stealing to take a dead animal carcass? I'm not saying what these goobers did was smart or even a good thing but I don't get charging them with taking a dead animal that was just laying in the street?


Active member
if your messing with big animals you really need a truck. altho i have put deer on my hood before. stuffing and properly taxidermy a lion would cost quite a bit and raise a few eyebrows. i wouldnt mind a zebra rug too


A possible 6 months and $1000 fine is fucking nuts, punishment hardly reflects the crime.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
how do you get charged with stealing a dead lion???/ its fucking dead they are going to bury it or set it on fire....


how do you get charged with stealing a dead lion???/ its fucking dead they are going to bury it or set it on fire....

If they had a brain in their head they would realize it costs money to bury or incinerate carcasses and the bringing these guys to court will cost even more.


Active member
welcome to america, land of idiots, from the president on down.

picking up dead animals from the road is now stealing.

how come you guys don't post links? im trying to share this story but first i have to search google to find exactly which news report you copy pasta'ed with the pictures.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
welcome to america, land of idiots, from the president on down.

picking up dead animals from the road is now stealing.

how come you guys don't post links? im trying to share this story but first i have to search google to find exactly which news report you copy pasta'ed with the pictures.

Also the land of the lazy. :laughing:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I could understand a hinderance charge (a body going missing would cause a lot of work) Stealing? Nope, don't get that one.


Active member
So did the cops get charged with destruction of private property? What the fuck kind of logic is it where shooting the lion =no problem, finding the shot animal and taking it home=stealing? I don't understand. What the fuck people.


I'm surprised more people haven't chimed in here saying "I could see doing something like that at that age." I know I certainly could see that hahahahah. :D

I mean, why drive all that way just to look at the lion? I'd totally be thinking about having it turned into a rug as well.


Active member
I'm surprised more people haven't chimed in here saying "I could see doing something like that at that age." I know I certainly could see that hahahahah. :D

I mean, why drive all that way just to look at the lion? I'd totally be thinking about having it turned into a rug as well.
i admit i probably would of done it too. even at my age now. i mean i could skin it out myself. lol i would of looked for a bear too as i alredy know how to do them up.


Active member
Ain't like the owner is gonna be filing charges...

Stuff that sucker, add some wheels and a go-kart motor and you got a career as a professional parade leader.

You could make a fortune taking pictures at Gay Pride parades alone.
Leather and lions...a winning combo.

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