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WTF?should 13yr old be smokin pot w/ prnts

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I don't know if I can call them bad parents overall, but I don't think they realize the full weight of their decision. Some kids will sneak behind their parents' back to smoke and drink. I understand they want their child to be safe when it comes to smoking cannabis and they probably think that this is the best decision.

However, once another adult hears the kid say, "My mom and dad know I smoke cannabis, because they let me do it and I smoke with them.', the parents will lose custody and the kids will be placed in foster homes. As parents, you hope that they thought this through and considered their options.

  • Do you take the chance of letting your kid sneak behind your back to smoke cannabis hoping she is around friends she can trust that won't take advantage of her while she is high?
  • Or, do you hope that she won't accidentally and inadvertently snitch on you while bragging to her friends that her parents like her smoke cannabis?
  • Even worse, what if someone overhears that her parents have weed and decide to try to rob the house?
Maybe those are situations that may never happen, but still you have to consider them.

All these things will happen and smokin with your kids has nothing to do with it ... If a kid wants to go down that road they will whether you like it or not.. How many kids do you know that actually listen to their parents? Even the best parents have bad kids..vice versa. These are indivuals and they will make up their own minds.In most kids eyes they think . You might have been my parent but you don't own me or what I do. That is all me and always will be lol...
Parent underestimate how much a kid knows. Not all kids I agree but most.
If a kid comes and says I want to smoke/or drink I would rather they smoke.. I'm far more concerned about drinking then I am about smokin. As far as takin advantage of a girl while high on cannabis .. I guess the only way to do that is if they eat it but I really don't know many that say I was high on bud and he took advantage of me because I was soooo high lol..drunk that is another story altogether. peace out Headband707:)


The parents should be arrested, and that kid needs her ass whooped.

"I'd rather them do it with me than some strange.. blah blah"

Until you open your kid's eyes to every aspect of the world, and they can put together coherent and sensible argument defending their opinions, what ever the subject is, then smoking weed or any other drug shouldn't even be near them.

Brain development is important. Keeping your kids from smoking with strangers is very important, but you're not helping them by smoking with you instead of them. They are hurting that child.

Now, since they are doing it with them.. it's ok? Fuck no.

Absolutely no exception for a 13 year old child to be a recreational marijuana user. Medical problem? They've tried other things to help, but nothing but marijuana works? Then maybe it would be tolerable. Never should it be acceptable. Legally or morally.


Freedom Fighter
The parents should be arrested, and that kid needs her ass whooped.

"I'd rather them do it with me than some strange.. blah blah"

Until you open your kid's eyes to every aspect of the world, and they can put together coherent and sensible argument defending their opinions, what ever the subject is, then smoking weed or any other drug shouldn't even be near them.

Brain development is important. Keeping your kids from smoking with strangers is very important, but you're not helping them by smoking with you instead of them. They are hurting that child.

Now, since they are doing it with them.. it's ok? Fuck no.

Absolutely no exception for a 13 year old child to be a recreational marijuana user. Medical problem? They've tried other things to help, but nothing but marijuana works? Then maybe it would be tolerable. Never should it be acceptable. Legally or morally.

So, if your kid is already smoking...and has no intentions of stopping...you think it is better to be an ostrich, and put your head in the sand?? Or do you ground them, and make their life miserable for something that you yourself do??
I would never try and coerce my kid to smoke, but if they do, and are not going to stop....then where is the "Morality" in not wanting them to do it around you??
I guess I just don't get it--:ying:
I do not have the decision to make yet, as my daughter nor any of her friends are into that yet (And my son and older daughter are 26 and 22)...but I always try to keep my house as a friendly environment for her and her friends to hang out-- I think it is MUCH better to have them feel comfortable at home, rather than forced to go hang out god knows where--
No offense to you personally, I respect everybody's Right to raise their kids the best that they know how-- But wanting them arrested is kinda fucked up--
lol i was a rubix cube at 13, im so happy that i didn't need(WANT) weed and got to experience life without needing anything ,completly happy and content.had my problems but didnt require weed to handle them. i feel sorry for those who missed out on that. Im trying to get back to that place but weeds in the mix from here on out lol.


New member
13 is way to young, if theywere 16 or 17 and i caught them i would probably explain that its not wrong or harmful, but its not worth the trouble( you can lose everything finacial aid, jobs, ect.) then confinscate said marijuana :} harm managment is the way to go
All these things will happen and smokin with your kids has nothing to do with it ... If a kid wants to go down that road they will whether you like it or not.. How many kids do you know that actually listen to their parents? Even the best parents have bad kids..vice versa. These are indivuals and they will make up their own minds.In most kids eyes they think . You might have been my parent but you don't own me or what I do. That is all me and always will be lol...
Parent underestimate how much a kid knows. Not all kids I agree but most.
If a kid comes and says I want to smoke/or drink I would rather they smoke.. I'm far more concerned about drinking then I am about smokin. As far as takin advantage of a girl while high on cannabis .. I guess the only way to do that is if they eat it but I really don't know many that say I was high on bud and he took advantage of me because I was soooo high lol..drunk that is another story altogether. peace out Headband707:)

You quoted me but maybe you skimmed over what I was writing.

I did state and acknowledged that some kids will sneak behind their parents' back to smoke and drink. In addition, I also stated and acknowledged that I understood these parents want their child to be safe when it comes to smoking cannabis, so they will make the decision to smoke cannabis with their child.

To me, this issue has nothing to do with the kid, but everything about the parents. And that is, the parents themselves maybe have not weighed the issue that they could possible risk losing their kids, temporarily or permanately, to the State if it is known that they willing and knowingly gave cannabis to their child.

I'm glad you had a good experience with cannabis growing up. I'm not criticizing you, you parents or anyone else about their personal decisions when it comes to cannabis and their children. Nor have I said, like other IC members, that it is giving cannabis to your 13 or 17 year old is either right or wrong.

All parents who consume cannabis, whether in the past, as all of you have been referring about your own childhoods, or the present have weighed this issue. Even in this forum right here, there are threads in which the children of cannabis consuming parents have been removed from their homes.

And for some parents, nothing has happened and their children have grown up normal and functioning members of society as I assume you have Headbang 707. If you personally chose to expose and teach cannabis to your children when they are 12 or 17, then that is your choice. And it would not be my place to say that it is right or wrong because you and your children would be the ones to enjoy or suffer any potential outcome.

In my personal opinion, this would be a difficult decision. I think before I would expose my own child to my own stash, I would have a long talk about cannabis to child just so he or she knows that cannabis is not used to just, pardon my language, "get fucked up."

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You quoted me but maybe you skimmed over what I was writing.

I did state and acknowledged that some kids will sneak behind their parents' back to smoke and drink. In addition, I also stated and acknowledged that I understood these parents want their child to be safe when it comes to smoking cannabis, so they will make the decision to smoke cannabis with their child.

To me, this issue has nothing to do with the kid, but everything about the parents. And that is, the parents themselves maybe have not weighed the issue that they could possible risk losing their kids, temporarily or permanately, to the State if it is known that they willing and knowingly gave cannabis to their child.

I'm glad you had a good experience with cannabis growing up. I'm not criticizing you, you parents or anyone else about their personal decisions when it comes to cannabis and their children. Nor have I said, like other IC members, that it is giving cannabis to your 13 or 17 year old is either right or wrong.

All parents who consume cannabis, whether in the past, as all of you have been referring about your own childhoods, or the present have weighed this issue. Even in this forum right here, there are threads in which the children of cannabis consuming parents have been removed from their homes.

And for some parents, nothing has happened and their children have grown up normal and functioning members of society as I assume you have Headbang 707. If you personally chose to expose and teach cannabis to your children when they are 12 or 17, then that is your choice. And it would not be my place to say that it is right or wrong because you and your children would be the ones to enjoy or suffer any potential outcome.

In my personal opinion, this would be a difficult decision. I think before I would expose my own child to my own stash, I would have a long talk about cannabis to child just so he or she knows that cannabis is not used to just, pardon my language, "get fucked up."

Nah I understood you lol.. I guess I would have to say to this is that kids if they have a good relationship will come to their parents and ask them questions the best you can do is be honest. As far as exposing lol the kids bring more drugs then I could ever grab now a dayz..I don't need to expose the kids they are already exposed lol lol.. I live accross from a high school and there are lots of kids walkin around doin their thing.. You might think that it's up to the parent but trust me no one could have told me what to do not then and not now ...Be glad you brought up a kid the questions authority and thinks for themselves.. peace out Headband707:)
In a sane world it would be no problem whatsoever. The only problems are the legal ramifications and misguided control freaks who think they know what's best, but don't know shit.


So, if your kid is already smoking...and has no intentions of stopping...you think it is better to be an ostrich, and put your head in the sand?? Or do you ground them, and make their life miserable for something that you yourself do??
I would never try and coerce my kid to smoke, but if they do, and are not going to stop....then where is the "Morality" in not wanting them to do it around you??
I guess I just don't get it--:ying:
I do not have the decision to make yet, as my daughter nor any of her friends are into that yet (And my son and older daughter are 26 and 22)...but I always try to keep my house as a friendly environment for her and her friends to hang out-- I think it is MUCH better to have them feel comfortable at home, rather than forced to go hang out god knows where--
No offense to you personally, I respect everybody's Right to raise their kids the best that they know how-- But wanting them arrested is kinda fucked up--

Head in the sand? I never sand do nothing. I sand whoop that kids ass and tell them this won't happen here or there.

It's not being a hypocrite if I'm much older, much wiser, and know what's good and bad, and what's safe and whats not safe. I lived and learned. I made mistakes and achievements, and teaching those to my kids is at the top of the list. Wether it's by grounding them, whooping, politely talking, whispering, or writing them a letter. Whatever works for the child is what should be done.

Again I never said I wouldn't smoke with my children, but a 13 year old child.. Yea, you are 100% correct. I'll be a hypocrite, an asshole, make their life miserable, or whatever else comes with keeping my kid safe.

I don't think for one second it's fucked up for someone that encourages anyone, ESPECIALLY someone that young, to do drugs to go to jail.

In a sane world it would be no problem whatsoever. The only problems are the legal ramifications and misguided control freaks who think they know what's best, but don't know shit.

When you say misguided control freaks do you mean parents not wanting their 13 year old kid to smoke drugs?


Active member
I smoked out with my mom and sister starting at age 12. Call it fucked up all you want, but I love Mary Jane to this day, grow it in my shed, and won't quit until I'm just dust in the motha fuckin' wind.

~Abbie :joint:

El Toker

I can understand why someone may think it's a good idea. Every parent knows that as their children reach their teens it's only a matter of time before they are going to experiment with recreational drugs, so they may as well do that in a safe and nurturing environment.

Personally though I don't think that way. I think it's irresponsible and the thought of encouraging a child to inhale smoke and tar into their lungs is repugnant. The thought of a child getting stoned or drunk or under the influence of any drug is equally repugnant. A 13 year old is still very much a child in my view.

So my answer to the OP is - No, it's not acceptable for parents to allow a 13 year old child to smoke a bong. Also they'll probably end up having "issues" and careers in law enforcement.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I started about that age. It would not have mattered for me as I was going to do what ever I wanted. My parents where very old school and my dad would beat my ass when i did things bad. I still did them I did not care. Kids have a big network of where to go and how to get what ever they want. I would never site down and smoke with my 13 year old child even if they where smoking. I would wait until they got to be older and understand. When they are adults thats completly different I would smoke with my kids all day if I could.


Smoking with my parents in my mind would not be the same as smoking with my friends. I had so much fun and was never home I had a great childhood my parents let us do what we wanted as long as there was no trouble. I spent most of my time getting stoned and racing 125cc motocross we had a P.A.L track right down the street from our neighborhood. a child's environment will have a huge impact on there decisions to experiment with drugs.
Nah I understood you lol.. I guess I would have to say to this is that kids if they have a good relationship will come to their parents and ask them questions the best you can do is be honest. As far as exposing lol the kids bring more drugs then I could ever grab now a dayz..I don't need to expose the kids they are already exposed lol lol.. I live accross from a high school and there are lots of kids walkin around doin their thing.. You might think that it's up to the parent but trust me no one could have told me what to do not then and not now ...Be glad you brought up a kid the questions authority and thinks for themselves.. peace out Headband707:)

I agree with you. Maybe I should have used the word 'expose' so generally. I meant 'expose' as in, telling your kid about your own cannabis. :)

El Toker

my parents were great!!! Couldn't ask for better lol.. I'm talking about all adults when I was a kid.. Gee I don't know about you but everyone I knew drank or did some type of drugs whether it was bud or presc. or hard street drugs

I grew up with two chain smoking parents. I spent hours in small unventilated rooms with them while they belched out smoke like two factory chimneys. I honestly don't think that it crossed their minds for a second that they were harming me. I was largely oblivious of it as well, even though I did have a smokers cough by the time I was ten. They lectured me regularly and earnestly on the evils of smoking.

So in that respect I can see what you're saying about every adult abusing some form of drug and indulging in some form of hypocrisy.

However, that doesn't alter the fact that there are some things that children should not be doing because they simply aren't old enough to make informed decisions about or mature enough to handle the consequences of.

Visiting prostitutes, taking drugs, driving cars and getting tattoos (that's what I call a good night out), are all examples of things that children shouldn't be doing. I think the vast majority probably subscribe to the same viewpoint. The only point of contention left is the age at which a child becomes an adult. It has to be an compromise number as everyone matures at vastly different rates. Again I think the vast majority of people (not aged 13 or younger) would agree that a 13 year old is most definitely a child.


on the fence

on the fence

I have 4 kids myself, and imo that's child abuse.

child abuse?? really - I think thats a little overboard, depending...

If a parent smokes and their child smokes, to not smoke together seems to make hypocrites of both of them - however...to me the real issue here is weather or not to smoke in front of the kids in the first place.

Personally I wouldn't smoke in front of my kids (not that I have any - it seems you need a wife first..LOL) but I have had friends and relatives who chose not to hide their pot smoking and although it was weird at first I did smoke in front of their kids as who am I to mess with someone elses parenting.

However smoking in front of some one and offering them a toke are two very different things!!

In my opinion a 13 year old smoking with their parents in their home in and of itself isn't that big of a deal, IF the child was already known to be smoking the stuff.

However if none of the kids friends or peers smoked and this 13 year old had their very firsts toke with the parents then I would see a problem. So yeah -- I'll eat my words part way...

giving your kid their first toke - I could see this as abuse

sharing a bowl with a child who's smoking the stuff anyway - nope

of course to be my usual objective as possible self, one could argue that smoking in front of your kids is encouraging them to have that first toke...even so I think thats way different than actually handing them their first joint or bowl


Freedom Fighter
Head in the sand? I never sand do nothing. I sand whoop that kids ass and tell them this won't happen here or there.

And you believe they listen?? lol

It's not being a hypocrite if I'm much older, much wiser, and know what's good and bad, and what's safe and whats not safe. I lived and learned. I made mistakes and achievements, and teaching those to my kids is at the top of the list. Wether it's by grounding them, whooping, politely talking, whispering, or writing them a letter. Whatever works for the child is what should be done.

Don't your kids need a chance to Live and Learn?? You, as I also...obviously made a lot of mistakes as a kid...and I can't speak for you, but I had Parents that tried to help me with their advise and experiences...I paid no attention, and did things how I do them--
Do you honestly think you are that much better than whoever brought YOU up?? (I regress if you had shitty Parents...I know this is the case many times--)

Again I never said I wouldn't smoke with my children, but a 13 year old child.. Yea, you are 100% correct. I'll be a hypocrite, an asshole, make their life miserable, or whatever else comes with keeping my kid safe.

I don't think for one second it's fucked up for someone that encourages anyone, ESPECIALLY someone that young, to do drugs to go to jail.

Bro...I never said anything about "encouraging" them...I am only talking about if they are already doing it, and are not going to stop!!
If at all possible, I will not have my daughter smoking at 13...but I realize, I am not the "Final Word" on that....she is--
You cannot stop kids from doing something they are determined to do...therefore, I am of the mind to give them the safest possible environment to do it in--:tiphat:

I burn all the weed I can find
I know it's not bad but it's a crime!!
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headband 707

Plant whisperer
I agree with you. Maybe I should have used the word 'expose' so generally. I meant 'expose' as in, telling your kid about your own cannabis. :)
Well let me tell you a quick story about not telling your kids LOL.. I had a friend that had a kid that was 9 and she didn't want him to know she smoked /cig or bud so she would head out to her cornfield and smoke thinking her kid never knew. When he got older she finally told him I smoke bud.. "His responce was "Mom I have known ever since I was a little kid that stuff stinks all over you and I followed you one day and seen you". She was shocked as she had no idea that her kid knew LOL LOL.... So much for hiding things from your kids lol peace out Headband707:tiphat: