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WTF MAN. One 60 degree nite and this?

I cant even believe this shit. all my permafrost is doing this. all looked good yesterday. the bigger ones both sativa and indica, closer to the light right next to this look great:, 12/12, 60 degrees this a.m. when lights went on.


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hey there, temperatures are known to interact with pH in the soil. Causing different elements to become more pronounced. Yet i have put plants in 40 degree temperature for weeks and they don't curl up like that

I would guess the damage you are seeing is either a result of an imbalance of minerals that was already a problem in the soil or pesticide/fungicide residue. the cool temperatures caused this initial problem to express itself

could it be any of those things? what is in the soil and what are you spraying your plants with? what ever you do don't trim any leaves off.
thanks for your post ozzie, i have been watering with a shot of emulsified neem oil for at least a month now, because i always see those damned spider mites. i had one plant that got them anyway, and i just bombed them with this raid bomb with permethrin, which is made from pyrinthians so same as dr doom. one other room i bombed has no ill effects and has much younger plants but was at least five degrees warmer, no lower than 63.

that for cannawhoop. same with the water/neem/ferts in my grow room, things look fine there. as usual, like always, i am mystified.


Active member
Is the most damage in front of a fan? If it is, don not have the fan blowing cold air onto the plants hit a wall or under neath anywhere but direct. I get weird leaves on plants that get hit by cold air from fans a lot like yours.


ruger 500
flush with clear water put them under the hydrant and let it run flush very well trim all the leaves back by 50 % check ph ,I did the same thing ,in my ebb and grow set up ,after mixing my ph down ,in ro water ,I found that ro needs way less than my tap water ,dumb ass newbee mistake ,just saying you can fix it but go steight to flower,there stunted


Well-known member
The pic you posted looks like what happens when you have high concentrations of ozone in the air. If you are running an ozone generator then I would bet that is the problem.


Active member
I often drop my temps at 50 light off at the end of bloom, and never had a single issue doing this. It's not the temp, if they went from nice and green to this in 12h then it must be some serious issue here.

they looked fried, worst than over fert, seems to come fromn te roots, any root aphyds? Any bugs inthe roots?


New member
I can agree that's not from cold, maybe from fan at off time. also do you have time of use billing on your hydro, if so you should be off all day on all night for cheaper usage, not to mention you get colder air in at night.


I had this happen to two of mine. They look exactly the same. I haven't quite figured out what happened. Only a few things changed from what i normally do. I was doing a test with spraying with H2o2 and rinsing with protek foliar to see if it had any affect of SM. It did not.

Another thing i was testing was going heavy on carbs (homboldt honey es). To much to often(tbls every watering and feeding). I suspect this is what did it to mine because when i flushed them (1/2 way through flower) the water was pure black !!! I suspect i was smothering the roots. I flushed them for 20-30 minutes. They never really bounced back, They stunted the growth to half what I'm used to. Still alive,green and maturing but not really any new growth. I hope you get yours figured out. GL.
i do leave my fan on when the lights are off, on HI. the ones that got hit the worst, like the one in my pic, are directly in front of my fan. one had been watered recently, the other dry. and the larger plants right next to them are still fine. not overferting unless, i added about a teaspoon of alaska fish ferts (shit) into a half gal of H20 with 5ml each of Dutch Masters two part. doesn't look like overferting i have done before, which has more of necrosis on the leaf edge than this curling thing. i put a drop of that plant cure shit into my half gal and watered as usual. my other permafrosts on the other side of the larger plants are doing the same thing, and they are not in front of the fan, but getting minimal circulation. i can't really believe it's the temp either, but i dont know what else could have been out of parameters. but i will check ph, as well as pull a plant out of the pot and check out the roots. and get back to yall later.


I have had some crazy temp differentials over the years, as much as 30 between lights on and off before i got a grip on things, and never had that happen. Very bizzare - what is your normal Temps and RH?


Active member
I use my fans no higher the med if they are hitting planties, and add another fan if you need, and a timer for your off cycle,so the plant gets a rest from the wind stress. Alternate the fans in the dark cycle{timer} so you still have circulation, but plants are getting a rest from keeping up with the wind{chapped lips/leaves} My observation is a plant{varietals vary} that is tighter in its pot will be more apt to be stressed by the difference in intake air{temp/humidity} before it warms in your room, especially if a fan is blowing the cooler dryer air direct on planty. hope you suss it out peace


I use my fans no higher the med if they are hitting planties, and add another fan if you need, and a timer for your off cycle,so the plant gets a rest from the wind stress. Alternate the fans in the dark cycle{timer} so you still have circulation, but plants are getting a rest from keeping up with the wind{chapped lips/leaves} My observation is a plant{varietals vary} that is tighter in its pot will be more apt to be stressed by the difference in intake air{temp/humidity} before it warms in your room, especially if a fan is blowing the cooler dryer air direct on planty. hope you suss it out peace

Good Point.


Well-known member
Marquis de Sod are you running an ozone generator?
The pic you posted looks like what happens when you have high concentrations of ozone in the air. If you are running an ozone generator then I would bet that is the problem.
I looked at your pics again and thought I'd quote myself from this thread. Usually smaller plants are the first to be affected.
hi. the stuff i used is Super Thrive, and it hasn't done anything. the roots all looked great too. no bugs. the neem extract i use is Garden Safe's with some unknown emulsifying agent, but i been using a long time now, this is my third jug of it.

no ozone at all. i know neon lights generate ozone but none around. no flourescents, just my one 1000W combo bulb. only thing else is the fan, timer, exhaust fan. electric wall heater in the adjacent bathroom has elec coils. but i only have that on when i'm in there for maybe 10 minutes a day. DO YOU THINK the 1000W ballast might generate any? if so, always had my plants in with the ballasts.

and my soil is just plain ol green miracle grow, thats about 3 months old. i am thinking the ferts that are in the soil might be enough still and i should NOT be giving them any dutch masters. i keep forgetting there is fertilizer in the soil for six months and i got to just give them water and maybe mg.

i flushed out one, my run off is 6 even. when i mixed my ferts (dutch masters 2 part) i got between 6 and 7 somewhere.

i WAS thinking the fan then. BUT now i notice all my plants i've watered with ferts are doing this, even not directly in front of fan.

UPDATE. i am pretty damned sure this is from over feeding them. i have four plants in there with NO ill effects, and they are the driest ones who never got watered with this FATAL, well not fatal, but OVERDOSE. It seems pretty apparent to me that even tho i used the DM ferts at half strength, together with the Cal Mag and fish shit, all at once, that this was too much for them.

I have flushed them all out with fresh water with Drip Clean at 1ml/10 liters. Hoping for the best, although the tips have all dried and crumble when touched.

thanks vapor Batman drastic and everybody else. i have fd myself once more!!! i am also thinking forget watering them in the room with just a tray underneath, for them to wallow in their water. yes it gives them a chance to soak it in, if they are starting to wilt, but i think maybe i'll put them into the bath tub to water, then let the excess water just go down the drain. potted plants are just too sensitive, at least for me. I WILL also start turning the fan off at 'night' . ... the worst fucking grower of all time. ALL TIME!

just read this here: http://en.**********.eu/strain-info/Blue_Dream/Clone_Only_Strains/review/
says they do NOT like low temps.