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WTF is going on with my clones?



I usually use the regular sized peat pellets, and they work great.

These are from Ferry-Morse Seed Co. 1-800-283-3400. Just had some lying right here by the computer. They are Tomato Starter peat pellets, they are just big giant peat pellets, nothing special.

If you have ambient lighting from a HID lamp, put the clones in a couple plastic totes, and put a lid on them. They seem to like the light and keep growing.

Feed your mammas Cal Mag and ferts before cloning at least 24 or 48 hours prior.

I have not even misted this batch. I have only taken the lid off 2 times once to add water and once to take pics yesterday.

Since the 2 bottom totes I'm using have an air space at the handles, I don't worry about them getting air.

One day soon maybe I will look in and have BIG roots! :)

I didn't mention one other thing I do, I scrape the stem gently with the razor blade after cutting on the 45 degree angle, then dip in rootin powder. I dunno if this helps, but it makes me feel all scientific and what not.. heehee.

Maybe put that fancy cloning machine inside a cheap 2 dollar tote and it will work? If I had that rascal I would think I was a Vanderbilt or some rich fella! :)

I'd love to get my hands on that rascal. Looks like fun.

I noticed there is white stuff in the pic that looks like mold, that's rootin powder! I forgot to tell ya another of my secret cloning methods! Sshhh! Don't tell anybody! Everybody else thinks it is dumb and have told me so.

Before I add water to those cheap peat pellets, I put a dab of rooting hormone on the tops of the pellets. That's what you see in pics. Then I mist the water down through the powder and into the peat pellet. I still put root powder on the clone before stickin in the pellet too.

I give gives a double dose of that rootin hormone, cause I likes to pimp em extra hard! :biglaugh:

I usually get almost all of them to live with my secret $5 methods. Like I said, it's usually me not taking care of them that kills em off.

Good luck Evil Me!

I doubt I have said anything new, but it does seem to work for me well. I got carried away one winter and cloned up about 100 clones when I figured out how to do it. It is addictive... lol.

p.s. I need a job, so if it pays good, hire me as a cloning consultant, and I will clone 8 hours a day 40 hours a week. I need health insurance too... :)

Just kidding.... YOU CAN DO IT!


Active member
Old growers trick......

Take your cuttings and soak them in a bucket of RO water with a splash of tap water in it. Leave them there for 30 minutes, I've left them up to 12hrs without issues. :D

Trust me, they don't wilt unless there's something wrong with your cloning setup and then it's usually a day later. :D

Guest 18340

Hey Lola, thank you for that. I swear I would pay someone to do my cloning for me. You wouldn't happen to live anywhere near Cocoa beach Florida would you ;)
That cloning machine in my pic, I only paid $50 for it from my local 'dro shop, they had a few demo's the company sent them for free. It worked great the first time but not since. I find that because the pump sits inside the unit, and the unit is so small, the pump heats up the water too much.
Thank you so much for the detailed help K+

Hydo-soil, I think you're onto something. I clipped 2 more before I went to bed lastnight and put them in water. Then this afternoon I dipped them in Rootech and slipped 'em in coco, and they're still standing 5 hrs later.


Have you cleaned the rooting thingy with some of the ole Scrubbin Bubbles?

(They do the work so you don't have tooooooooo....)

It really kills off the germies. It was made for hydro!

The yellowing clones you spoke of were starving to death. Once they get all yellow, not much to save them. Feed Mamma real good to avoid this !!

I have heard rapid rooters are really the best for cloning, but I never tried them as the peat pellets worked so good, I never strayed. I did use some cubes of that stuff for cloning, I'm stoned can't remember the name, but I did not like it nearly as well as the peat pellets.

Add an airstone to the Granny method so the roots get Oxygen or change the water real often.


put a 1 min on 4 min off timer on your cloner... that will keep the water from getting overheated. Try it I know it will work. Also if you have any superthrive use it and straight water ph 6.5 or so.


Active member
Hydo-soil, I think you're onto something. I clipped 2 more before I went to bed lastnight and put them in water. Then this afternoon I dipped them in Rootech and slipped 'em in coco, and they're still standing 5 hrs later.

sounds encouraging! good luck.

the first watering of the clones (in oasis cubes) got 15ml of hygrozyme and 30ml of power clone per gallon on the first watering. Successive waterings (bout every 3 days @ about a gallon for 2 trays) got HALF the dose of the first watering.

All the plant matter that was cut for the clones stood in solution. All cuts were made in a puddle of solution at the bottom of a shallow tupperware tray.

Keep tweaking. If we managed it, anybody can.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"I clipped 2 more before I went to bed lastnight and put them in water. Then this afternoon I dipped them in Rootech and slipped 'em in coco, and they're still standing 5 hrs later."

Your first pictures clearly show cuttings that are wilting from transpiration. They're transpiring more water than the cut ends of the stems can take up. There's different ways to remedy this. You can just root in water, as I and others do. Or, you can put a clear plastic top on the cups you're using to make a humidity 'dome'.

A simple method I use sometimes is; fill a 20oz solo cup (with drainholes) about 1/3 with perlite. Soak the perlite thoroughly, poke a hole down the middle with a chopstick, put the stem of the clone in (use rooting stuff if you want, but it's not needed) the perlite, water again to settle the mix and cover with a piece of cellophane held with a rubber band to make a little mini greenhouse. I use this method with valuable cuttings when I need to make sure of 100% success.


Wanted to share my excitement with ya'll (the evil family)!!

Looked into the $5 clone box, and had big roots this morning!!! Yippie.

I tugged on all the rest that were not showing roots on the outside of the peat pellet yet, and all 15 had rooted in the box.

I ain't trying to make ya'll feel bad or nothing, but just letting you know that a $3 box of peat pellets and a $4 plastic tote are about all you really need.

I will post a pic of the new rooties if you want to see!

Keep on clonin in peat pellets! :)


it is shock. sometimes it happens. as others have said place the cuttings in a glass of water for the first 1/12 hrs. then place in rooting cube. keep warm about 80f. check your cutting tool. if its dull or not cutting clean can be a factor also. use a sharp razor blade or a quality pair of small beauty scissors. keep your hands wet so the cut dont get all air.


Active member
a $4 plastic tote
Just a reminder to get a name brand plastic tub. I have 3 dollar store tubs that will cause a 90% failure rate. Make a bubble cloner out of it and the same thing happens, no roots.
Throw a cheapo plastic trash bag in as a liner and BAM! Roots in 4 days. There's a chemical or something in cheaper plastics that retards root growth. :D Just be aware.

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