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WTF Are These Things??? Pics Included.. Please, please help!


Fuck Entropy.
As far as where I got the clones from, I got them from my plants.
Strikes me as strange that they're coming off non-carrier plants as they live on leaves, not so much soil... but I'm not going to call you a liar... some other plants in the house... ivy?

I hope you read those links offered up... loads of perspectives contained there in...

Best of luck on finding a resolution.

I know that your attention to detail will be one of the primary factors... so keep your eyes open!!! Do not slack off!!!


Strikes me as strange that they're coming off non-carrier plants as they live on leaves, not so much soil... but I'm not going to call you a liar... some other plants in the house... ivy?

I hope you read those links offered up... loads of perspectives contained there in...

Best of luck on finding a resolution.

I know that your attention to detail will be one of the primary factors... so keep your eyes open!!! Do not slack off!!!

Why would I lie? LOL! Everything I've said is 100% accurate. My clones came straight from my plants, that I have been cloning continuously for over a year. There is a total of 1 other plant in my house, an aloe plant that I have had for 15 years, and it is VERY far away from my grow. I checked it just to make sure and there is nothing on or in it. I have also checked the mothers now since discovering the mites and as of now there is NOTHING on them. I am pretty much certain these came from the RR cubes, and I have further evidence of that.... When I went to the hydro store today, a place that I have frequented for a while now and know everyone in, I told the girl there, who has always been really cool with me, that I believe these things came from the RR cubes... Her response... "You know, you're like the 3rd person that has told me that in the past couple months."

At any rate, luckily enough they had Azamax. I mixed 1 oz in with a gallon water, rinsed off every clone under running water, then dunked the shit out of them in the solution. I also got a completely new dome and tray and put them in there, and got rid of everything else that they came in contact with. The other thing I should mention is before I did all this I looked hard for the mites in the existing domes, and saw nothing. I was able to get the humidity up in them yesterday and I think that slowed them down. As of now I have not seen one mite, hopefully it stays that way. I am obv still keeping them quarantined until I am sure they are mite free. I plan on dunking them again in 3 days.

BTW, I did read all the links provided to me in this thread, they were all very informative and I can't thank you all enough. Just a few days ago I had no idea how to deal with this issue, now I feel very informed thanks to all of you guys.

Thanks again. I will post more in a few days about how things are going. I'll post some pics too of some of my buds :)

Edit: I read your response to me wrong the first time bro, I thought you DID call me a liar...lol.


Fuck Entropy.
Her response... "You know, you're like the 3rd person that has told me that in the past couple months."


But I'm still not calling you a liar. Like you said, why would you lie?

It sure would be fucked up if a manufactured rooter is carrying mite eggs.

Hope it clears up soon.



But I'm still not calling you a liar. Like you said, why would you lie?

It sure would be fucked up if a manufactured rooter is carrying mite eggs.

Hope it clears up soon.

Yeah, I agree. I know the FFOF comes with gnats sometimes, but that is dirt that is in bags with holes in it. The root cubes come sealed in ziplock bags. Who knows how the hell they got in there, but all signs point to that being the case. Hell, at this point I wouldn't doubt someone somehow sabotaged the bag before I bought it. Luckily I caught them very early on. I would love to see how these things are manufactured and packaged and how sterile the environment is.

Just looked in on them again and saw no creepy crawlies... Keeping my fingers crossed.


Active member
Its good you've got the ammunition/information to tackle these things now.
SpiderMites are famous for getting into grows by hitchhiking a ride in on clothes, trainers/footwear etc etc. Its more likely that they got into your grow that way, than from a sealed pack of RR cubes(its possible though). very common problem that all growers come across many times over in their growing careers. Treat to kill infestation, then use preventative measures.
Good Luck with the Borg' Buddy.

I have found several suppliers of Linalool, but most of them seem to be wholesalers lol(selling by the Ton), but i was thinking of e-mailing one of the companies in China/India & asking for a sample lol. Worth a try!
There are suppliers of smaller quanities but i cant remember 'atm' which one, when it comes back to me i'll hit you up a PM.

http://www.alibaba.com/showroom/linalool.html (i think quite a few of these would send samples)

At present you are better off getting & using a recommended treatment from your local hydro store/web etc. I think Linalool may be one to look at in the future, i like its non-systemic.
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New member
skunklover go to loews and buy (garden safe) neem oil extract it's cheap and best of all works great it's a three in one insecticide,fungicide,and miticide. two oz. makes a gallon of spray which you can keep and use until whole gallon is gone just besure to shake bottle good before each use. plus it can be used up til the day of harvest.(no nasty after taste either).


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
oh man i just started using root riot blocks like two cycles ago, havent noticed anything yet, but now im freaking out! lol hope everything works out, ill be dropping back in here if i notice any of these fuckers.



oh man i just started using root riot blocks like two cycles ago, havent noticed anything yet, but now im freaking out! lol hope everything works out, ill be dropping back in here if i notice any of these fuckers.


I wouldn't worry too much bro, I've used them plenty in the past and never had an issue. That being said though, I am pretty much certain this is where these things came from. Aside from things I have said in this thread, here is why...

I am convinced there were no adults when I discovered the problem, all of the mites were still in their infancy stage, which is evident by the pics I posted in my OP. You can see that their skin has not molted yet, and this is the way every one of them looked. There was also absolutely no leaf damage, nor were there any infestations on any part of the plant, just infant mites coming in and out of the root blocks. This also happened after I lowered the humidity in the domes as I was about to transplant to soil.

It makes a lot of sense to me that there were eggs in the blocks just waiting for the right conditions to hatch, luckily I caught it very soon after it happened. I know people keep saying they could have been introduced other ways, but I find it highly unlikely that I would find infant mites and no adults in not just one, but two humidity domes. The only thing that makes sense to me is that they were in the root blocks. How they got in there is another question, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that the bags were sealed when I bought them, and they stayed that way till I used them for the clones.

To update, as of now the clones are still quarantined in the new dome, which is sitting at 95% RH. There has not been one single mite crawling around since I dipped them all in the Azamax. The plan now is to lower the humidity, dip them again in the Azamax, and see where I stand. I need to get these things in the soil soon, they have been rooting for 3 weeks now. I inspected the mothers again yesterday, as well as the entire room and there is not one sign of any mite at all, the room is as clean as can be, thank the Ganja God's :)


Active member
damn reading this makes me want to go lysol and scrub the shit out of the inside of my tent and the area around it a good 5-10 times, sorry hear bro... wish you the best in your fight!

I have a cat and is the ONE thing I fear the most, luckily *knock on wood* I've gone a good 2 allmost 3 years and haven't had the issue... yet.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
hope everything works out for you brother. actually reading this has made me want to be a little more vigilant with my grow room cleanliness. good luck dude.


vStagger Leev

Do the mites move fast? or are they very slow like spider mites? I have had some kind of soild mites in the past and diagnosed them as hypoaspis miles, a beneficial mite that feeds on thrips, whiteflies, and fungus gnats. Do research on these things, cause there actually pretty cool! But make sure you check veryyyyy carefully, peace and hope all turns out well.:watchplant:KEEP AN EYE ON THEM!


good call vStagger, could be some non-harmful mite from the wild.
if you get one under a scope, harmful mites have downward facing mouth parts (to eat yer plants)
other varieties of mite (like hypoaspis) will have forward facing mouth parts (to eat mites)


Active member
Do the mites move fast? or are they very slow like spider mites? I have had some kind of soild mites in the past and diagnosed them as hypoaspis miles, a beneficial mite that feeds on thrips, whiteflies, and fungus gnats. Do research on these things, cause there actually pretty cool! But make sure you check veryyyyy carefully, peace and hope all turns out well.:watchplant:KEEP AN EYE ON THEM!

very cool info, thanks!:bongsmi:

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