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Wow..what a nutjob!


I couldn't agree with you more. The mindless chatter that flows from his mouth (and Scientology for that matter) is purely inconceivable. Completely brainwashed.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
he's a fvcking wingnut.......

but he wants to help, I really get the feeling he knows how to help, we can depend on Tom for help.......

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Ahh remember that people made fun of Christians at one time


9Lives said:
.a textbook nutjob!

Like Tom is THE ONLY ONE?
As I see it - we- the little people draw smoke into our lungs - when you attain cult status - they blow smoke up your butt till your head swells.


Britney, Mike Vick, Mike Jackson, Mike Tyson, yeah Tom - and Brad and. and, and

there's about 20 or 30 that some people juct can't get enough of.

If I can find nothing else to entertain my mind than current pop star misfortunes - oh god just shoot me now.

Shine on
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Can anyone explain to me the belief of scientology? I hear about it on the television, but never explain what they believe/practice.

Thank YOu.


ten,,, you COuld do a search a hella lot faster than I can type

helle helle

lemme hep----http://www.whatisscientology.org/html/Part02/index.html

so they say: Scientology is a twentieth-century religion. It comprises a vast body of knowledge extending from certain fundamental truths, and prime among those truths: Man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities well beyond those which he normally envisages. He is not only able to solve his own problems, accomplish his goals and gain lasting happiness, but also to achieve new states of awareness he may never have dreamed possible.

In one form or another, all great religions have held the hope of spiritual freedom — a condition free of material limitations and misery. The question has always been, however, how does one reach such a state, particularly while still living amidst a frantic and often overwhelming society?

Although modern life seems to pose an infinitely complex array of problems, Scientology maintains that the solutions to those problems are basically simple and within every man’s reach. Difficulties with communication and interpersonal relationships, nagging insecurities, self-doubt and despair — each man innately possesses the potential to be free of these and many other concerns.

Scientology offers a pathway to greater freedom.

sweet 10 feet BTW
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CULT of Scientology

CULT of Scientology

Dr Dog said:
Ahh remember that people made fun of Christians at one time

They still do today. :)

On the topic of Scientology:

The mindless drivel that is spouted from this "church" is horrendous. They have not a shred of evidence to prove anything they say. Their "e-meters" are one of the biggest laughs I've ever had. L. Ron Hubbard was a fictional writer, certainly not some prophet or religious leader (shouldn't be, anyway.) Their past is filled with legal troubles, scams, violence, corruption, crime and pretty much anything else you can imagine. They milk their members for money and fill their minds with sci-fi bullshit. Their "Fair Game" doctrine is unbelievable. Auditing is complete hogwash. Their tactics and attempts to silence critics are mind boggling. Anyone who believes this crap is either a.) lonely and seeking acceptance, b.) easily influenced or c.) mentally challenged. Perhaps some members have found "peace of mind," I don't necessarily take issue with them because these members aren't as despicable as the ones running this scam.

http://www.xenu.net/archive/personal_story/paulette_cooper/ ("Scandal of Scientology" - Paulette Cooper)
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Echoes, Echoes, Echoes, Echoes, Echoes

The Scientology website makes it sound LOTS more fun than you do - I think I like their positive approach much better.

Now where's my checkbook - Tom might be hungry - -

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Slap-A-Ho tribe
What the hell did he say..........his mindless rambling made it hard to stay focused. I lost the the little respect i had for him a long time ago.


I've seen some of the videos of crazy people belonging to the church of scientology.

To me it's just another religion. I've seen crazier Christians, but it's scary that there's a new religion on the block taking over lives and brainwashing people. What a mad world. I suppose I'll be thankful that they're not running into groups of people and blowing themselves up.

Talking of Tom Cruise, anyone seen the video of him when he was squirted in the face with water? Some funny stuff there.
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Lune TNS

I'd rather be stuck in a room with him than the members of the Westbrook Baptist church...


I'd rather put Tom-cat in a room full of Westbrooks best and sit in the corner with Lune and yell "Cat Fight"
scientologists in the 80's had a huge recruiting program for celebrities to make them more popular. They even have a Scientology church in hollywood that caters exclusively to the stars


Cannabrex Formulator
Here's Tom lookin' his best:


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