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Wow......what a fucking night.....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I'm a California Collective, now I don't sweat it.

Good Luck :ying:

DO NOT even think that will protect you!!!! that kind of arrogance WILL get you busted......

check out my fucking busted hardcore thread to see what a collective owner is going through......


Active member
not sure if those 3-6 feet ones work....the one he used was at least 12 feet long.....also i found another clear-out about 25 feet from the first clearout...

where does this pipe run to eventually, someone mentioned a trap? its so damn narrow maybe 4 or 5 inches....what if the clog is way down there like 30 or 40 feet down the pipe.....


Game Bred
not sure if those 3-6 feet ones work....the one he used was at least 12 feet long.....also i found another clear-out about 25 feet from the first clearout...

where does this pipe run to eventually, someone mentioned a trap? its so damn narrow maybe 4 or 5 inches....what if the clog is way down there like 30 or 40 feet down the pipe.....
if it's 40 feet past the last cleanout it may be the cities problem to solve..

you gotta find out where your plumbing ends and municipal begins.
unless you are on a ssds at which point your pretty close to FUCKED!

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I've got one of those Augers. A 12ft. one. For sure useful.

Wish you'd have hit me up. I've got a trustworthy plumber. Would have beat the random roto-rooter guy.

I know that feeling though. A few weeks ago I was getting ready to head out to get a massage and soak in some japanese cedar hot tubs. I walk downstairs and step off the stairs into about an 1" of water. The toilet had kept filling and the whole place was soaked. Fortunately it was "clean" water, but I still bleached and scrubbed everything. I shop-vac'd all the water up and straight into the drain. Definitely put a damper on the day, but it could have been worse. It might have happened after I left.


My 75 year old Mom plugs the toilet ALL the time and it's not bars of soap or rolls of toilet paper. To weak to plunge the crapper herself I do it for her, which embarrass her to no end.
So after awhile I thought about it and I haven't had to unplug it in awhile but I'd heard some weird noises coming from the bathroom. So I asked her what's going on? and she said,
"I made a CHOP CHOP STICK" I've never had to plunge for her again.

I'm glad everything work out for you Yes4Prop215


Active member
hahaha forty i know 300 bucks could have bought alot of things....man now im just angry that im so fucking stupid i didnt even know about cleanouts....live and learn i guess

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Bad situation to be in, back in 2009 I done a grow in a rented house and everything was going great with no fuck up accept for snow melting off my roof too fast which was a close call. There was an old alarm system setup in the property, it wasn't connected to the police but for some reason this fucker took mad spells of going off for no noticeable reason and the house wasn't remote and on it's own, far from it actually. Anyhow I was lucky because I was in the house every time it went off but I kept losing the code to shut it off then I'd enter the wrong code 3 times and bam it locked up and wouldn't go off so when it decided to go haywire I had to rip the alarm out of the wall, every little fucker that was beeping. Total nightmare, it was going off for an hour flat the last time.

The house was number 13 too, I'll never grow in a number 13 again.


I had about 80k in damages one time because of the exact same scenario you mentioned.

Taking shower on the 2nd flr, back-up/clog in the basement, first open receptacle was a powder room on the first floor...15 min. shower x 12-14 gal gpm.

Luckily, no grow at that time.

These arcaic fucks round here would have done some 'let them eat cake' shit to me if I had one.

Live and learn indeed :ying:


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
like i said...if i had known about cleanouts and plumbing (which my ignorant ass didnt)....i probably could have saved myself the plumber visit....


Dont sweat it. Haha that is the only way I ever learn anything, when I have to blow a grip of cash I which I really did not need to. Sometimes I act too much in the moment, and do not take the time to think shit out. Oh well, thats what the girlfriend is for lol.

And I think you should be fine with the plumber dude. If you had gotten the drunk Irish guy, maybe not haha. Take it easy homey.



Bad situation to be in, back in 2009 I done a grow in a rented house and everything was going great with no fuck up accept for snow melting off my roof too fast which was a close call. There was an old alarm system setup in the property, it wasn't connected to the police but for some reason this fucker took mad spells of going off for no noticeable reason and the house wasn't remote and on it's own, far from it actually. Anyhow I was lucky because I was in the house every time it went off but I kept losing the code to shut it off then I'd enter the wrong code 3 times and bam it locked up and wouldn't go off so when it decided to go haywire I had to rip the alarm out of the wall, every little fucker that was beeping. Total nightmare, it was going off for an hour flat the last time.

The house was number 13 too, I'll never grow in a number 13 again.

thats some scary funny shit right there!!! ghost didnt like your growing there? :biglaugh: can imagine you panicking...

talking of the number 13 its friday the 13th and the first and last time i got my grow robbed was Friday the 13th :witch2:


I love my life
fuck it....if i get raided or robbed i know the reason why...i cant be wasting all my time stressing off this shit.....4kw grow is chump change....im gonna get these buds trimmed up and moved asap and then theres nothing valuable here for another two months.....

If you get raided or robbed you probably know the reason, but the real fucking problem is all of us have 100+ reason why it could happen, not just the last Mexican plumber ;)

I guess we need to add plumber to the list of HVAC and Electricians who do honest work for honest pay.

Remember we are on the honest side of this society, anyone who would fuck with you just because they could normally doesn't take the time to learn a craft like plumbing and actively practice the craft.

Much more likely the shit storm comes from someone we trusted a lot and shouldn't have. Or a jealous nosy fuck, not a hard working honest craftsman.

Much love to those who help out my fellow grower!



weed fiend
hahaha forty i know 300 bucks could have bought alot of things....man now im just angry that im so fucking stupid i didnt even know about cleanouts....live and learn i guess

Ah, it could have been worse. Cleanouts aren't always successful and plastic drain pipe is easier to crack than it looks. The guy charging $300 hopefully has insurance should he mess up the show.

If there's anything worse than having to pay the professional, it's having to pay for something the homeowner ferks up even more.


Active member
Sounds like a Shit Storm is brewin'!!:biglaugh:

haha like i said my shit barometer is off the charts....the shit pressure is rising....

i want to clarify that my drying nugs are safe from the high humidity bathroom air.......my rooms are set up so that my exhaust draws air from the drying room past the poop room to the filter.....all the drying bud air gets pulled past the veg room.....

another interesting note...when i go down there all i smell is kushy lemon funk.....it overpowers the bleach smell coming from the veg room....

didnt even realize tmrow is friday the 13th....crazy shit. i might just stay in....


Rubbing my glands together
Eat more fiber. Helps to clear out those logger heads and keep the pipes, yours and the houses, running smoothly!

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