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wow.....soooooo many 'alaska' shows


Active member
pretty crazy these days how many reality shows are shot in alaska, or are about alaska

i love it and hate it.

love it cuz i miss living there sooo bad, and hate it cuz i don't really want ppl to decide to move there.....( we are going back in a cpl years)

but there are a ton of shows on AK these days...wtf


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
its just how tv works... one thing gets big and then everything explodes they milk it to death till all the shows die and move on to the next one....

started with king crab then ice road then blah blah blah

does the same all around all tv does is copy eachother over an over... its mindless trash if you ask me... im not a big tv guy and i do enjoy some thing but if you have time to sit aroudn and watch someone drive a fucking truck then you need to prioritize your life.... that may be alittle harsh but its just every trying to suck at the tit of something that succeeded once....


Active member
its just how tv works... one thing gets big and then everything explodes they milk it to death till all the shows die and move on to the next one....

started with king crab then ice road then blah blah blah

does the same all around all tv does is copy eachother over an over... its mindless trash if you ask me... im not a big tv guy and i do enjoy some thing but if you have time to sit aroudn and watch someone drive a fucking truck then you need to prioritize your life.... that may be alittle harsh but its just every trying to suck at the tit of something that succeeded once....

yeah pretty much trying to be the "next dealiest catch"


Active member
No, I've wanted to go to Alaska since Johnny Hortons 'North, to Alaska'.

You are right, though...WTF?? Do I really need to see state Leo's? I must confess, however, that I do watch 'Gold Rush, Alaska'....Writers can't write any more. No new ideas, just the same soup, just warmed up. That's why Canada's Trailer Park Boys was so successful...It was a fresh idea. 90% of TV is crap.


Active member
ak state troops
palins ak
expedition ak
deadliest catch
gold rush
the cpl of bush pilot shows now (names???)

....it makes alot of sense these days tho...ppl wanna see how unconventional ppl make it in this world...

...still cant wait for the new deadliest catch season!!!!


Active member
ice road truckers (seasons 3 and 4 are in alaska)
the alaska experiment
gold rush alaska
deadliest catch (the best show by far. )
sarah palins alaska (i refuse to watch this one)
flying wild alaska
alaska state troopers
ax men (logging suemez island in alaska)
expedition alaska
alaskas fishing wars

that is all i can name now. there have been specials, and other fishing shows taking place in alaska... can't think of the names right now

kind of pissed about the bush pilot show. ive wanted to be an Alaskan bush pilot since i was a kid, and when deadliest catch came out i thought a show about Alaskan bush pilots would be awesome. its a VERY dangerous job. just didn't really have the knowledge/resources to pitch a bush pilot show to a company like discovery. oh well.
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I've been trying to talk the wife into moving to AK for years and these shows only help show her the landscape and whats up. Im forbidden to get a fishing job though.

I dont watch Sarah Palins waste of time, but I like most of the rest.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

lately it's the whole Sarah Palin thing that keeps me hating the thought of ever living in Alaska.

first of all the populace at large elected her... that speaks volumes, I don't like it at all. are they the imbeciles that elected a dimwit or the dimwits that elected an imbecile? too close to call....

job prospects and cost of living. there are several cottage industries that exist there off of peoples bad moves and failures. you'll sell all of your jewelry to keep the wolf from the door, you'll also very likely sell your nicer set of wheels for something more 'affordable' before going belly up.

want remote w/o leaving the lower 48? draw a parallel line from west to east 100 miles south of the Canadian border. just about anywhere in there you'll find plenty of nothing. lotsa fishing/shipping jobs on the west coast & great lakes if that blows your skirt up, Montana oil rigs, hunting/guiding big game in any state. Fossil hunting in Montana for you Indiana Jones type, easier than panning for gold makes good for either a primary or secondary income.

in any one of those shows do you ever see ANYONE kicking back and enjoying the fuck outta his or her life in Alaska?

so what's the attraction.......



Active member
wow.....soooooo many 'alaska' shows >

wow.....soooooo many 'alaska' shows >

the alaskan porn has been wonderful !! especially their animated work !!


Active member
Kinda offtopic but I watched american television once, I swear the god it was so many comercials It's fucking UNBELIEVEBLE, I don't get how you guys survive it


Parker Schnobel
Kinda offtopic but I watched american television once, I swear the god it was so many comercials It's fucking UNBELIEVEBLE, I don't get how you guys survive it

It's called being quick with the remote,and the mute button. :)


shut the fuck up Donny
I wanna move there so bad.

I'd settle for anything other then where I'm at now but Alaska would be towards the top of the list.