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Would you have seeds sent to your grow house?


donut engineer
I've obeyed rule #1 of growing to the T: Don't tell anyone about fight club.

But now I need solid genetics, and I want to place an order, but can't ask a friend to have them sent to his house because then I would have to implicate them.

So, okay to do this? Big risk?


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I agonized over this for a long time, but when it came down to it I finally said F it. I ordered from the Boutique directly to my future grow site and have had no problems. Granted, I'm a legal medical patient in my state, so I have just a tad less to worry about than a non-medical grower does, but it's a concern for us all. It seems that many, many growers order right to their grow space and have had no issues. But if you want to be SUPER safe, don't do it.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I would reply but I currently have seeds in the mail and don't want to jinx them. Take it how you want and good luck.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I wouldn't if it could be avoided, at least if you're in the USA.

It seems cool as supposedly the worst you'll get is some green tape, but in my mind, that could change any second and I wouldn't want to be in the pile when customs changes their mind about what to do with the intercepted packages.

I'd say the chance of problems is very very slim, but if you've done things 100% till now, why take anything less?

You could always take a trip to Amsterdam, tons of ways to bring some seeds back on the stealth-mode.
youll be fine dude.. they arent going to let the seeds thru and bust u months later like they do in japan....worst case u lose your money and get the green tape.


Un - Retired,
not a good idea as there was a case where a doctor was busted after he had seeds delivered to his grow house / home
best to get them delivered to some other place if you can
Here's my $.02

Would I want to send to my "grow house"? Hell no. But my first grow many years ago I ordered directly to my grow house 4 times in a row. I guess my thinking at that time was "Ok.. which is a bigger risk, telling a friend that I am growing and asking if I can send seeds to his house... -OR- Send them directly to my house and eliminate one more person from knowing anything about the grow".

It's a tough decision, but be realistic about it. Now I am not saying to send seeds to your grow op address, but weigh your options, which is more risky? Do you really think they would intercept seeds to your grow address and then just WAIT to bust you? I would be willing to bet they would be very interested in having a "Knock and talk" with you, and probably making up some BS about they smell pot on you, then getting into your house, then finding your weed, blah blah blah.

Be smart out there! Safe addys are the best.
Just go get a Post Office Box in the next small town where nobody knows ya, use a ficticious name but use an address frowarding service so when the PO BOX bill is due you get a copy sent to you so you can pay for it to keep it in use. I belive it'll cost you like $24 a year for the box, have your seeds sent there and when you think their go check. Rember you'll also get junk mail that will come there so you'll have to check your box every 2 weeks to keep it cleaned out. I've been doing this for years now and it works just fine! Sticky


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Just go get a Mailboxes Etc/PO box of some type even if you have to use ID to get it. If you get a chance when filling out the form for it fudge the real (your) address, lie and say you moved or something and didn't get new ID yet.

This way if it does get green tagged, the good address won't get in the database and the tards will have to jump through a few hoops to get to you if they really want to.

I dunno if its worth the trouble but seems better to me than just sending it straight through if you know what I mean.

Good luck and be safe!!!


depends...if its internal mail i cant see a problem.if it crosses country/continental borders NO WAY,postal workers aren't interested in nothing but money,but if customs get involved your just asking for trouble,if they open your packet and see seeds and your address on the packet:(
.especially if your in a country that dosent allow seeds.best of safety first:)


Registered Med User
If I didnt have a license to grow I wouldnt. Id go get a PO box with a different name. But since I do got a license and live in cali I dont trip.


how long are you going to be staying at that address?

i will tell everyone right now that when I first lit my place up, I had the seeds sent directly to my home. This was just prior to 9/11, probably like 9/4/01. I had a shop light and bag seed going in my home and just said fuck it. Once 9/11 hit I was like Oh SHIT the borders are going to be shut down all orders stopped. But a few days later my seeds arrived.

Now, I have a few safe addy's available to me, but they are one time use only. Only time I plan to ever use them is if something goes to shit and I need access to new genetics (or old genetics that are still cooking out there).


btw I should add for clarity that I moved from that address within a year, meaning I knew I was not staying there long-term.
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Active member
if i wasn't currently growing at the house but planned to in a few months then i probably wouldn't worry about it to much, but if i was going to order them and start the grow immediately then i would have them sent somewhere else.
my philosophy is this and maybe i am just paranoid, but there should be some time between when you obtain the supplies (lights, seeds, pots, dirt) and when you grow. i never get my supplies right before i grow. i collect it over a period of time and prepare.


I've agonized over this myself. I am also a medical patient with a card but still worry some. Like others have said I'd avoid it if you can. I don't think I'd want to go for a P.O. Box because post 9-11 you have to give your ID and sign some legalese type papers that makes it feel even more scary. I also would never order a large amount of seeds because if they do intercept they may think you are a commercial grower and may not send the green tape. I have heard that some areas in the US tend to get intercepted more often then others (I believe Chicago's customs office has a high interception rate). And I would think those in smaller towns might have a higher risk then those in big cities. All that said I have ordered over the years maybe a half dozen times and haven't had any problems.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I never send seeds to my grow address when there's a grow going on,
those times I have them sent to my moms home where I get a bunch of
mail regularly. Moms sends my my mail in a priority envelope 1-2Xs month.


Active member
without being over-paranoid just think thru every precaution necessary to be SAFE.

it's usually no biggie to have beans sent to your grow, but if you can arrange it between moves, or grows thats prolly best....and sometimes better than a "safe addy"

i have a dead solid safe addy, but in the past ive had beans sent to my grow spot several weeks before lights on.

...and ive been a "safe addy" before i grew indoors.

dont have 'em sent to the grow if you dont have to tho.
I have ordered to my grow location twice with no probs. The one time I ordered to a "safe addy" they never came.

My advice is this: if you have to order to your location go ahead. If the seeds come prompt and proper with no green tape then no worries. If anything else happens, ie. seeds never show, green tape arrives, then you DON'T GROW at that location. Simple as that.


donut engineer
Argh. So difficult. Thank you all for the input!

I checked out a few Mail Boxes Etc. I'll go in, pull the "Don't have an ID!" routine and see what happens.

Failing that, i really have no other choice but to send to my grow house. I think I'll play it like iLLperception says and don't grow if they don't show up. Otherwise, I'm working with potentially shitty bagseed genetics (again) which I really can't stand.

I will be at the location for another year.

This decision is so agonizing. I could always have them sent ot my work address (a University), but that's potentially a much worse idea.