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Would I qualify to get a card?


ya but I have a legit problem so I trying to see if I would be able to get it from somewhere that doesn't just hand them out like cookies.
this is an interesting question:

Does it really matter which doctor signs your rec, or what you get your rec for?

If you never get arrested, no. (though in that case, your rec didn't do anything but give you peace of mind)

What if you get arrested and have to go to court? In cali, if some doctor is just a "rec mill" and signing off folks that don't even come in with a medical history (ie "i have back pain"), does it actually put you at risk if you should ever go to court?

In WA, my doc said that the reason they were getting so strict with medical files, and signing off, was that in court, lots of folks that were just 'rubber stamped' were getting into trouble.

Dunno how accurate that is, or if it is the same in cali, but in my mind, "$100 and a pulse" seems too good to be true...

Not to say you can't just get a card with it, rather the question above "ya but I have a legit problem so I trying to see if I would be able to get it from somewhere that doesn't just hand them out like cookies. " offers some form of greater security than just going to a "rec mill" and paying your $$$.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Well the $100 and a heart beat is pretty true for the first year but in that year you HAVE to go see a doc about whatever you got your rec for. You have to do this even if you bring in medical records, the reason is they need to see if anything changes in your health during that year and it's the same with all prescribed medicine... In Cali you can get your rec for free if you know the right people or are luck enough like I was to get a Free Compassion Card from Medi Cann which made my appointment free! But I still have to go see a doc sometime this year about my anxiety and depression and I'll have to pay the $150 next year unless I get another one of these cards next year. But yea Cali is the place to be right now....
Yea I have the same basic problem with a broken leg from a few years ago...No medical record since, just popped tylenol when it hurt... now from working too hard, the break site has become more n more painful... Im gona go to a doctor first before I go to a MMJ doc to get a new X-ray and some pain meds, at leeast so when I go to the MMJ doc they will know I am for real..

Also does anyone trust http://www.medicannusa.com/ ??

Im near Santa Cruz but im willing to go to SF or bay area to see a good doc..


Active member
I got one from a legit doctor in Redondo Beach for pains in my knee. They wanted doctor proof because they actually back you up in a court of law, although I didn't have any they still signed mine because I had a scar to prove it.

Yes, you can get a medical marijuana rec.


I was thinking of using medicann too but not really sure.

Well I went to request my medical records & am now waiting. Gonna go take them to the doc when I get them to see if I can get it but if I need recent x-rays or checkups then I guess thats what I got to do. No health insurance sucks


Bong Smoking News Hound
pot will lower your need for opiotes. meaning u take less. Yes you are applicable


Active member
ANY licensed physician or Osteopath in California can sign a recommendation. Go to your primary caregiver and have him/her sign the recommendation instead of going to a "Doc In the Box" like Medicann.

Doctors are often ignorant of the laws protecting them and protecting patients, and ignorant of the therapeutic effects of marijuana. It is important to educate them for that reason.

But sometimes doctors will not sign a recommendation because they are uncompassionate and unwilling to listen to their own patients. That's where the Doc in the Box comes in handy.

If your doctor has any questions, there are numerous groups that will help guide them in the right direction.

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