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World's First Vertical LED Grow Light: Pre-Ordering Now Available!

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Real marijuana growers use LED's.


Ok, you shamed me into using leds - I wanna be a real grower when I grow up.

Everyone should stop spouting off about how much better one light is than another. It's simply not true. There is no one best light - it's situational.

This thread has been :hijacked:. Let's get it back on track.

LEDGirl, that is a very interesting light. I have seen very few vertical growers that maintain a two foot high canopy. SOGs are usually about two feet high but we use horizontal lights for those. Vertical grows I have seen and done usually cover at least four - six feet vertically and often more as the vertical dimension is the one we are trying to optimize.

What kind of grow style are these lights designed for? Do you recommend this light for vertical and colosseum grows and if so how would you recommend one go about covering the typical 4 - 6 feet of vertical space? Or would you recommend it for a sog on a small table?

How much heat does one of those generate?

Neo 420

Active member
This thread has been :hijacked:. Let's get it back on track.


I came to this thread because I am interested in LED technology. Please proceed with more information on this product. I would love to see this item in a actual grow.


Slimm, heat created will be the same for any unit of of same rating using same technology, so you can extrapolate that info from the literature on previous lights if she measured it. The cool thing is that since this model is designed to allow ducting, we can just dump the waste heat outside the grow area now if needed.


WOW - I was going to ask about this. LEDgirl - we need to work something out. Just dont have the $1500 - but I am a HUGE supporter of the cause.


Is not the whole point of Vert is so you can use 360degrees of the bulb so there is no wasted or reflected light? LEDs are directional yes?

What would would be the square footage of canopy with this unit? My 600watter gives me 18square

So what I see wrong is the design. I think leds would work better in a V-stadium. Here is my awsome artwork

2 flat panels with adjustable hinge at the bottom and a adjustable cable on top


Active member
Ok, you shamed me into using leds - I wanna be a real grower when I grow up.

Everyone should stop spouting off about how much better one light is than another. It's simply not true. There is no one best light - it's situational.

This thread has been :hijacked:. Let's get it back on track.

LEDGirl, that is a very interesting light. I have seen very few vertical growers that maintain a two foot high canopy. SOGs are usually about two feet high but we use horizontal lights for those. Vertical grows I have seen and done usually cover at least four - six feet vertically and often more as the vertical dimension is the one we are trying to optimize.

What kind of grow style are these lights designed for? Do you recommend this light for vertical and colosseum grows and if so how would you recommend one go about covering the typical 4 - 6 feet of vertical space? Or would you recommend it for a sog on a small table?

How much heat does one of those generate?

well said.


What is it about LEDs that ramp people up so? I'm outta here. You people scare me :hide:

Same here. I'm really considering not posting here anymore; for a community that is supposed to be tied together by a common love for cannabis, I have never seen so much dissension, vitriol and just plain schoolyard name-calling.

I'm going back to my autoflower, cab, scrog grows with my LEDs and leaving this argumentative horseshit behind.


New member
Its all the BS that is associated with LED's and this Ledgirl is the WORST!!! I am sure I am not the only one that was turned off by her "Child like attitude and experience level". That company needs a new spokesperson for sure! One that is educated in the use of LED lights.

If I were ready to test LED's in a grow system I assure you it would not be from them thanks to "LedGirl". There are a couple of legit companies out there that are doing REAL R&D in this field.

IMO and many others, I would stay away from them. There will be some really good companies with professional service and REAL data in the VERY near future.

Like Zombo stated above, I am going back to my veggie grows as growing for me is a very RELAXING hobby that I enjoy very much!!

Good luck with your LED representative......lol

PS- For the record I think LED lights will pave the future for growing.....AFTER some serious R&D which is being done by some LEGIT companies out there as we speak. (Companies run by ADULTS!!)


O Go home.... No one cares about your feeble negitive thoughts. Go pet your cat... I am soo tired of these "new" members that directly come on these threads and take a personal stab at the company or led girl.... you have 10 posts..

ALL of the negitive shit that came with LED's has been brought on by :moon:'s like you!!!

These other companies out there, they are the floppiest yet. If these "up and coming" led companies are so great where the F are they at, not here representing there company???? Were can I see anything, nowhere because there lights are a scam for idiots who get told how it is in every walk of life not just led's.. I know you a complete b.s'er because If you would have even tried to contact another co you could just hear the "bs" in lines they feed you. Well you, maybe not.

Some people go home sniffling when there are corrected and these "other companies" will tell you just what you want to hear and have no problem smudging led girls rep with you.. What they wont give you is a better light.

Hold on tight buddy, 10 more posts 5 more "new" accounts hey someone might respond to you besides me kicking you in the nuts...



Active member
Hey MeanBean

Regarding the negativity..
LEDs are great for what they are but thats it...If LED growlights were marketed by companies (including LEDGirls company) as an alternative lighting option and marketed in an honest way with its advantages and limitations presented and were not advertised as a simply superior replacement for all types of HPS lights..., trust me we wouldn't see so many people reacting negatively to LED lights....

LEDs have their advantages and limitations ( like all systems of course) , and from tests seems there is no doubt they can give great results even outperform HPS lights of similar or even higher wattage.....BUT only in certain cases , only in specific types of growrooms and growstyles..NOT always..which is basically what a consumer is led to think when seeing her ads and visits her site.

Fact is LEDs don't fit all growers needs and gardens so they should not be advertised simply as superior HPS replacements.. For them to work well you must adjust your garden/plants for LED grows..its not like you just have to swap lights...and boom you're done as its implied..

I bet my ass that LEDGirl's 318W system cannot give same yields as a 1k hps light as she claims...esp in half the growing area/space! She has to prove her claims not in theory based on smaller units performance..but in practice. The burden of proof is always on the person making the extraordinary claim..
Till then for me its all marketing lies. Just cause LEDs may be able to outperform HPS lights in SOME cases (small rooms with low wattage used) it doesn't mean that they always do that or they can do so in most cases/different types of gardens. Plants can grow buds tight only up to a point, thats a fact so her claims about same yields in half the space are all lies..
IMHO most if not all the negativity seen in threads such as this is not really from those members that come here just to ditch LEDs..but arouse from the marketing lies used by LED manufacturing cos that people hate to hear..
Im sure if the LEDs were marketed in a more honest way and with backup proof for the co's claims (in this case the 318W led matching the yields of 1khps..in half space..) people would not be so negative.

Marketing and marketing lies aside..LED technology is really promising so I 'm interested to see how LEDGirl can justify the extremely high cost of her units. I 'd love to hear why I or anyone else should chose to spend 1500usd to replace a 1k hps with one of the LED units.

If I was a PC or cabinet grower I would most probably have already tried LEDs as there is enough proof by growers that LEDs work well in such small grows, but if LEDs with ~1/3 wattage are claimed to be able to match 1k lights performance wise I need to see this in practice before I spend 1500usd and I will be from the first to chose LEDs over 1k hps..

I dont want to sound like nit picking..but I saw another thing that drew my attention , this time regarding consumption, from LEDGirls site FAQs:

"Q: What is the actual power draw for the 126W unit, with fans and LED's operating?

A: We recently bought a power metering device to give you an exact answer. Our 126W contains 126 x 1W LED's and 6 fans, while having a total power draw of 126W. The reason for this is that LED power supplies are only 90-95% efficient, causing a slight dip in the overall amount of power supplied to the LED's. This eqautes to low power bills and high functionality in a compact design."

I don't know if things are different with LED technology (doubt it) but with all lighting systems power supply units when the unit is rated 90%efficient this means that the actual electricity going to the lamp/bulb is only 90% of what is actually drown/consumed.
Like with 600w HPS lights where the ballast actually draws ~650W of electricity in order to be able to send to the lamp 600w. The ~50W lost are turned into heat. If such a power supply/ballast was 50%efficient it would draw 1200watts of actual power to manage to send to the lamp/bulb 600watts.

Any comments LEDGirl?

Dr happy

show me pics of vertical led !

led is a good grow light - no doubt !
will it fit vertical -360 deg ?!

show me your vertical pics


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
everybody is entitled to their own opinions when it comes to products.
we should ALL respect that.
some people will ALWAYS like something, just as
some people will ALWAYS hate something.
no way around that.
but we shouldnt slander potential customers.
it's easier to attract flies w/ honey, instead of using vinegar.

i personally would never use LED's,
but if i ever were gonna, i'd buy someplace else.
no need to attack every1 that doesnt agree w/ you.
real bad for business.
i own a couple businesses and i could never treat my customers with anything but utmost respect.
irregardless of who's right or wrong.
gotta put $$ over opinions

same reason I got off the ledgirl train myself. I was one of the first ones on this forum trying to talk about vert led setups and was STOKED to chat it up.

i'm passed that as I think "biting your tongue" or "take a breath before writing" should be in any business owners arsenal especially when your public presence is what can build or hinder your online respectability.

I agree 100% with the honey remark. Instead of going :hotbounce maybe think about what you are about to write before freakin out.

either way, I don't care if leds work better or not simply because I don't see myself dumpin $1500 for a 30" canopy BUT I would love to see what 2 of those stacked together might do.

I hope leds get cheaper, get better and more results can actually show them outperforming hps grows BUT when I say hps grows I mean watt for watt in LARGE setups.

Would love to see a 10k hps setup compete against the same wattage in leds. See what ends up kicking who's ass because single 1k competitions or against 250's, 400's and 600's doesn't really peak a larger growers attention much.

I am happy this is actually in a section we can actually WRITE OUR THOUGHTS in without being micro modded though :jump:

either way

the light looks cool and hope it works out well for whoever ends up testing them out.

leds are cool
cmh are cool
hps are cool

whatever you want to run do it but I think people need to stop pushing the "this WILL outperform" sales pitch because that is a damn turn off.

can't wait to see some of these led verts get going because I always wanted to see how they did.

My thought was since the light would be going straight instead of a spread that you could do 2 rows around the light and I would assume the light would easily work for 2 rows around the light versus just the one.

Makes sense to me since they would be penetrating the plants from the side, less light restrictions so why not have two rows if they fit. Can't they penetrate around 30" or so.

either way I am glad someone is pushing hard for leds to get better and sure seems like a stressful business which I think needs some tougher sales skin a growin. That should come over time and hopefully sooner than later.

I don't see anyone else wanting to get trashed each time they write something especially when most is negative trash talk WITHOUT any proof to dispute it. I think this will all change if a vendor learns how to counter a bad comment without having to remove it or rant a few paragraphs off in anger.

Have these grown anything yet or still in the works. Like the 30" deal is that based simply on assuming what they perform well based on horizontal results or from actual testing?


ICMag Donor
Im sure if the LEDs were marketed in a more honest way and with backup proof for the co's claims (in this case the 318W led matching the yields of 1khps..in half space..) people would not be so negative.

This is the root of the problem

Got a 126 penetrator last xmas with modest expectations and have given it a good trial in veg and early flower to around 1800 hours , vegged for six weeks with the unit on its side replaceing an overhead 200 watt nurturlite with similar results , but had to turn them every day as they bent to the light.

However , due to the directional light source i could raise three times as many plants under and around the CFL , cost of lighting per square foot is very high and would require five or six units to replace two 200 w CFL,s in useable illuminated space.

Closer than 10 - 12 inches they developed bleached spots and uneven leaf growth , beyond 30 inches there was no detectable PAR reading so would think a 24 inch canopy is the limit.

As the unit is 10 inches diameter and the closest i can use my 126 is 10 - 12 inches from the plant tops thats a 30 - 34 inch dead space .

Ran a 600 sodium vertical and was useing below 16 inches cooltubed , could it be a tight squeeze to retrofit existing commercial units with the leds ?

Am i right in thinking this could be a problem in a colliseum or kettle ?



Well, hey I don't control how there marketed, plus I don't sell them.Although I think the way they are marketed is pretty fair. I use 126 watt units, if i bought the comparative light "according to hgls website" I bet I would have similar or better results with my led panel..

the fact is they work, maybe not exactly AS a hps bulb but as far as yield goes, it's close. But yes you may need to adjust your garden to maximize led efficiency, just as you have done so to your hps setup for the past X years!!

Ether way both our PC cabs got LED's in em!!!

I am glad you took the time to actually state your case not just blurt out harsh words though!!
I didn't see the answer on the first page, are they made with 3 watt leds..?....I would never pay anything close to that if they're just 1 watt or 1/2 watt LEDS.


I didn't see the answer on the first page, are they made with 3 watt leds..?....I would never pay anything close to that if they're just 1 watt or 1/2 watt LEDS.

Welcome new member!! Thanks for your input, There 1 Watt Led's as all the current hgl units..

According to hgl, 1 watt led's are more efficient than 3 watt led's. For more of that info you'll have to wait for ledGirl to drop by :)

Broccoli Head: Understanding the price of led units seams to be a common problem. As a led Enthusiast I always checkout the home brew led units, there out there and I am sure some of them could compete with hgl for sure.

i have a few hgl 126 watt panels, they were shipped to my door for under 475, not sure what the price is now.
Anyhow, the few home made panels I have come across that do have nice results usually cost the builder around 400 bucks per 115 or so watts... And I bet you can guess wich unit "homemade/hgl" looked like it was going to catch on fire and burn your house down first.

See but you could build a 126 watt panel with led's for .10 per led. But the good spectrum led's, well they cost denaro.. ANYONE who purchases proper spectrum LED's is going to feel this large price jump compared to generic spectrum led's..
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