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World's First Vertical LED Grow Light: Pre-Ordering Now Available!

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Active member
as a vendor LED shouldnt be taking part of such small arguments, people will talk and someone in her position must rise above it not sling mud and vulgar language on public forums. but it comes back to her being a vendor and remaining above that shit, let your products speak for you, thats all you should have to do. Call me old fashion....i've had this conversation with her before. its just hard to see a user get a ban over something she did in multiple posts.

I agree, it is hard to see our own kind fall subject to the corporate world of push and pull but the masses in our generation and generations before us have chose to ignore it and (go with the flow) and this is how we are paying for the ignorance of many.

Kinda like the whole mind over matter thing is now "money over Morality"


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Why are these questions even being asked about why LEDgirl doesnt get a slap on the wrist.

She pays, she supports and keeps this thing going. Why did SmokinErb find it neccesary to start flaming a Vendor? I dont know but its kinda like walking up and punching a cop in the face, you simply dont do it. you build your case and handle it civil like an adult. a 14 year old not getting his way is who Smokinerb is in this thread. I'm not an open minded guy when it comes to changing my scenario at home and i dont care to comment on the people that constantly want change.

What i do care about is the quality of smoke that i use to treat my ulcerative colitis, LEDlady is out their working out ways to create something new and exciting. Innovating new products into the world of true medicine is more than enough to wave the odd 14 year old on the forums.

Kid if you dont like it carry on, if its in the wrong forum, someone that has a positive way of replying will be by shortly, buy the product or build one yourself, then you can decide what sucks.

Smokingerb, if growing weed to you, is some kind of capitalist agenda to profit from personally. Shut your god damn mouth because i cant find quality weed to treat my disease.

dont flame the vendor, but flame the consumer..............thats a new one

we are the ones buying the vendors products, making it possible for the vendor to buy add space.........

we are also the ones buying and donating seeds, making this whole site available..........


Active member
dont flame the vendor, but flame the consumer..............thats a new one

No its not, im 26 and ive seen this happen ever since i was old enough to understand politics.

Also, he was not a consumer, he was a threat to company finances in the eyes of the ADMIN and her company. Money pays its way out of anything. Especially when someone throws up a red flag that has no pull in the situation.


Active member
im not saying she coughs up money to hide these guys, im just saying that she has pull and uses it, wrongfully yes, can we do anything about it? prolly not unless you get a majority vote and i dont know if this site admin would condone that but i wouldnt if she's bringing me money and these particular site users just disrupt that relationship.


Active member
Our LED's operate at 105 degrees F. At 15,000 hours they emit 90% of their initial output. At 50,000 hours it drops to 70% if I remember correctly (it's late). So 15k hours = 2 years of 24/7 or 4 years of 12/12.
Hi LEDGirl,

First of all thanks for taking the time to reply.I bumped on this thread and the vertical LED growlight seemed really interesting and as LED grow light technology becomes more affordable and better tailored for plant growing , I did some reading and tried to calculate the costs between LEDs vs HPS growlights.
Regarding temps , I was actually asking about the Leds life when running the unit in a growroom where ambient temperature is about 25c (average flowering growroom temps when flowering plants).The operating life is different for LEDs working at different ambient temps. So I am not really interested in the temps the actual LEDs are operating but the hrs of life at a given average ambient room temp.
As for output , so if your LEDs output is 90% of initial lumen output at 15,000 hrs its not really different to HPS lumen maintenance as quality HPS lights have 90% of initial lumens also after about 10,000-15,000hrs (of course after more hrs the LEDs show less drop). As you know when light output drops under 85-90% its advisable to change lights with new ones so there is no yield loss per watt of electricity used. If I have to replace a 1500 usd unit every 1.5-3years thats a lot of cost imo.I understand that the initial costs will be lower as its a growing technology but for the time being these units have a really high buying cost.
The 504W isn't even made yet, let alone the 756W ;) We are doing pre-orders right now for the 504W models, and the 756W will follow it a few weeks later. As far as testing these units, they use the exact same light engines as all of our other products, meaning they'll produce the same results. Our lights are currently proving twice as efficient as HID in side by side grow comparisons, so there is no doubt that our 756W unit will outperform a 1000W HPS in any gardening situation. Our 2nd gen units (current) also improved flowering response and time over our 1st gens.
Your clearly missing a point here..the fact that low wattage , 50-300W , LED growlights can compete with HPS of double wattage does not mean that LED grow lights of high wattage , 318W , can really compete in practice with high wattage HPS 1000W lights.
LEDs are really efficient lights as they produce more lumens per watt of energy used..great..but the problem with LEDs is that they seriously lack canopy penetration (thats why I was thinking about LED growlights with a narrower beam angle(<60degrees) and more LEDs). So LEDs will most probably will and do compete or may even outperform 'low wattage' HPS lights of higher wattage rating but still only when the plants are trained/grown into really short bushes , like a shallow scrog canopy or if vertical plants cant be too wide..
For these reasons LED growlights will not perform good , unlike you state , or even perform poorly if plants are big , wide and tall (over 3-4ft) , compared to HPS lights..and not all growers like grow small short plants.. So the efficiency of LEDs is basically greatly determined by how much effort you put to keep plants short and small and train them to be suitable for LED growlight growing with all the limitations. You have to have a shallow canopy for therm to work well.So their efficiency greatly varies from garden to garden and in most indoor growers gardens the 318WLEDs will not be better than 1K HPS lights..

From your site's FAQs:
"Q:Your 318W says it is equal to a 1000W HID, but it only has a 2' x 4' footprint. I use my 1000W HID within a 4' x 4' footprint, so wouldn't it take two units to cover the same area? If so, how are they equivalent?A:Yes, it would take two 318W units to cover a 4' x 4' area. While LED's are certainly a lot more efficient watt for watt at growing plants, it still requires a similar amount of wattage in order to cover an equal sized area as a HID. The 318W is equal to the 1000W HID in terms of its yielding capabilities, but certainly not it's footprint. This means that you can achieve equivalent yields to a 1000W HID, in half the space using our LED's."

Anyone who is a real cannabis grower and has grown enough plants indoors knows this is marketing lies. If this is not marketing lies , I challenge you or anyone else to SHOW us a 1k hps vs 318W LED light comparison grow to prove your sayings... Just because LEDs work well in SOME cases it doesn't mean they work equally well in all cases.You need to realize you can only fit/grow as much bud in a given space with a strain..With 1k HPS you can see dialed in gardens full of reeeally tightly packed rock hard colas/buds taking up huge volume , like 4ft x 4ft x 6ft...producing huge amounts of bud..there is no way such strains would produce that amount of bud with a 318W LED Growlight , in not the same space/volume but HALF as you claim in your FAQ answer !
The 1k HPS dialed in garden already has rock hard buds packed as tightly as possible...How would the 318W LED growlight manage to give same top total yields in half the growing space....? Its impossible.

Not only one can grow plants tightly up to a point due to plant structural limitations but air space between plants is also important for good airflow which is important for getting the best results in growing..So its impossible to get double yields from a strain with the 318W LED in a given space if the 1K HPS room is already really tightly packed with buds and buds are already rock hard and placed as close as possible.So please prove your claims , not in theory but in PRACTICE cause its not the same. ..Till then as a grower I call your site claims on LED performance marketing lies . Prove me wrong and I assure you I will make sure to apologize and I will be the first to accept I was wrong..
So far these are the Facts:

LED grow light limitations & disadvantages:
*Lack the penetrative ability of HPS
*Short plant profile /shallow canopy is required
*limited coverage
*Higher initial/buying cost
LED grow light advantages:
*More efficient use of energy (more lumens per watt)
*Less heat per watt produced making LEDs a great option for small spaces with height restriction
*Lower running cost

Conclusion...LEDs can be great but all depends on ones needs and garden setup/grow style. LEDs are great for small spaces where heat built up is an issue or goal is to have the lowest running cost in an indoor garden. So LEDGirl as a potential customer I would love to hear how you justify the really high initial cost of those units you sell. I understand that LED Growlights have their advantages and I also understand these lights can have high production cost..but..why would I as a grower chose a 1500usd 318W LED Growlight to replace a 1k HPS lighting system for growing bud?


Please explain how your 504 watt unit can even come close to a 1000 watter, A 1000 watt bulb spreads its lumen rating in all directions. Now your unit has 6 84 watt panels. According 2 your site the 63watt model is the equivelent or better of a 150w hid or better. By splitting your lights up seems too me it would make it less effective. Why not just take the 345watt model and hang it vertical?
flaming the consumer has been around for years...... examples....

ever signed up at free credit report dot com, and have them charge you like $20/month automatically, then refuse to reimburse?
ever had a legit insurance claim and get denied coverage several times?
ever buy an electronic device have it crap out exactly when the warranty runs out?
ever had buyer's remorse?
ever buy a $200 dollar pair of shoes, only to have the seams come undone, or buckles break a week later?

this is why we need these forums, to help educate us on all of our purchases, before they are made.

remember the keys to limiting waste, in order...
REDUCE, reuse, recycle.
when you buy a product, you are essentially creating waste.
think about all the products before you buy them and ask yourself, do i really need this??? and what is this going to accomplish for me??? is it worth it???

please stop throwing away plastic. this is the #1 major pollution in the world. it lasts forever, so why use it once???? so in 5 years when your led's are at 60% efficiency or whatever and you need to replace the whole system instead of one bulb, think how much is wasted, as opposed to a bulb a year? and they cost a pretty penny too. would it be more efficient to buy a mag or electronic hid ballast and change the bulbs yearly, i don't know.
someone do the math please cause i'm going to smoke a bowl.

one Q

all interesting points here. Can we have a "led argument thread" tho please JJ? then move all the stuff NOT related to THIS thread, Vert LED, to that new thread.

I am interested in hearing all sides. I am pro-LED but want to hear from ACTUAL users not number crunchers. ^ Mexican has one of the best CONs on here so far.


^ Mexican has one of the best CONs on here so far.

Yeah he can justify throwing away bulb after bulb sucking tons of electricity.

However buying led lights is creating a landfill problem :moon:

Ever go to hope depot Mexican lol, what's the most eco friendly light they sell in the store???? here's a hint, it's not a hps bulb...


ya, eventually i do think there will be a time where LEDs will replace the bulbs, do i think that time has come? clearly not. And until the prices of these things come down, and vendors work out light penetration and other kinks, i dont see our industry biting....also id turn that "vertical" light inside out and make it a light tight cab with diodes lining the inside of it....my 2 cents


Active member
all interesting points here. Can we have a "led argument thread" tho please JJ? then move all the stuff NOT related to THIS thread, Vert LED, to that new thread.

I am interested in hearing all sides. I am pro-LED but want to hear from ACTUAL users not number crunchers. ^ Mexican has one of the best CONs on here so far.

That is what i like to hear also, not the profit mongers that boast numbers but the guys that want to make changes that help more than just himself.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
everybody is entitled to their own opinions when it comes to products.
we should ALL respect that.
some people will ALWAYS like something, just as
some people will ALWAYS hate something.
no way around that.
but we shouldnt slander potential customers.
it's easier to attract flies w/ honey, instead of using vinegar.

i personally would never use LED's,
but if i ever were gonna, i'd buy someplace else.
no need to attack every1 that doesnt agree w/ you.
real bad for business.
i own a couple businesses and i could never treat my customers with anything but utmost respect.
irregardless of who's right or wrong.
gotta put $$ over opinions


JJ just curious, what about all her rotten language used twards USERS questioning her products? i can remember multiple threads with me thinking how you let vendors talk to you users like that. Anywho my 2 cents.

as a vendor LED shouldnt be taking part of such small arguments, people will talk and someone in her position must rise above it not sling mud and vulgar language on public forums. but it comes back to her being a vendor and remaining above that shit, let your products speak for you, thats all you should have to do. Call me old fashion....i've had this conversation with her before. its just hard to see a user get a ban over something she did in multiple posts.


Real marijuana growers use LED's.

Some of us think the time is here. If some of you aren't convinced yet OK, but this isn't a place to slander the abilities of led's. its for us Enthusiast or those with experience using the hgl units.

Start a thread that says "LED's, We hate' em" post your hate there..

and you guys just never stop on Cam, over and over well what about that one time, n what about this. The sheer ignorance thrown at ledgirl is ridiculous, yeah free punching bag to anyone who does not like led's.

Guys, she is here to represent her product for those whose are customers or potential customers. She does not have to argue every possible scientific fact with you people to do this.

I am sure there are allot of un measured statistics for this unit, but hey there working, well.

The price is right on the first post, why must we bash the prices of led's?? Believe it or not your not the only one who knows the price, however I bet hgl is moving these sweet units with nooo problem..

So if you don't like the price: Sorry can't help ya

If you don't like the multiple comparison grows and information provided: can't help ya.

If you have or are considering to purchase a unit, I'm sure you will here a "how may I help you" soon after your post....


Real marijuana growers use LED's.

Some of us think the time is here. If some of you aren't convinced yet OK, but this isn't a place to slander the abilities of led's. its for us Enthusiast or those with experience using the hgl units.

Start a thread that says "LED's, We hate' em" post your hate there..

and you guys just never stop on Cam, over and over well what about that one time, n what about this. The sheer ignorance thrown at ledgirl is ridiculous, yeah free punching bag to anyone who does not like led's.

Guys, she is here to represent her product for those whose are customers or potential customers. She does not have to argue every possible scientific fact with you people to do this.

I am sure there are allot of un measured statistics for this unit, but hey there working, well.

The price is right on the first post, why must we bash the prices of led's?? Believe it or not your not the only one who knows the price, however I bet hgl is moving these sweet units with nooo problem..

So if you don't like the price: Sorry can't help ya

If you don't like the multiple comparison grows and information provided: can't help ya.

If you have or are considering to purchase a unit, I'm sure you will here a "how may I help you" soon after your post....

Real marijuana growers use LED's?! Really Bean?! Common...maybe real cab and scrog growers.
im constantly considering which is why i am picking apart and getting every last opinion and number... If she is here to rep her product, she is doing it with vulgar language, bias, and not too much class. Granted there are people with useless comments and bad language, but ask yourself something, as a business man or women do you, respond to those comments with the same ignorance? or to you rise above it and ignore it, and let people make up their own minds about the product, if your product is true, you dont need to get into these circle jerks...I just find it childish, especially when people are being banned for something she has done again and again.


Mr Mean Bean,
I've been growing with LEDs for a few years now. Pre-Procyon era home brew stuff. Many of the issues that people complain about like canopy penetration have already been addressed with LED components way more powerful than those of LEDGirls units. These components are much more expensive and have way longer lead times that presently "available" pre-build lamps. These components have already been assembled into DIY experimenter's lamps with very good results.

The problem is that the cost is much higher than even the units LEDGirl is selling. If people are hesitant buying the products at the present pricing imagine what they would say about the cost of the more advanced units. We must all wait until the cost comes down on these parts for LEDs to be a true competitor for HID lighting. Until that is a reality we do not do ourselves or LED technology any service by making statements like "Real marijuana growers use LED's." We must wait until the costs match the utility of the product or we ourselves are guilty of hyperbole.

Neo 420

Active member
Real marijuana growers use LED's.

Some of us think the time is here. If some of you aren't convinced yet OK, but this isn't a place to slander the abilities of led's. its for us Enthusiast or those with experience using the hgl units.

Isn't that a slander itself? You just called out 99.99999999999420% of the growers out there. You may not of had a aggressive tone but neither did Smoke till LED responded to him with a combative remark. Something about this whole episode is not siting right with me.


Hempyguy, Hey I agree somewhat! I am sure if led girl could just pick whatever spectrum's she wanted and make a unit it would blow an hid bulb away, but for now were nipping at the bud with affordable setups!

I am sure there are underground guys with sick results!
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