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World's First Vertical LED Grow Light: Pre-Ordering Now Available!

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Active member
So bitch, shut the fuck up. All you ever do is fucking advertise your product, become some pushy bitch that can't handle someone who JUST DOESN'T WANT TO BUY YOUR LED'S BECAUSE THEY DON'T FIT MY GROWING OBJECTIVES.

:laughing::laughing: good entertainment hahaha im dying :tiphat:


Active member
I would appreciate if you could please give me some info on the products you have.How many hours of life do these led lights have (at 25°C ambient temperature) before they lose efficiency/and need replacement?

I don't mean how many hours they have till the output drops to 50% but how many hours of life do they have till the output drops to say 80% of initial output.I am trying to work out how it compares in terms of costs compared to HIDs like HPS.

Our LED's operate at 105 degrees F. At 15,000 hours they emit 90% of their initial output. At 50,000 hours it drops to 70% if I remember correctly (it's late). So 15k hours = 2 years of 24/7 or 4 years of 12/12.

Has anyone tested the 756W LED you are about to sell , compared to a 1k HPS or is it still in the making ? If the 756W LED can give equal total yields as a 1k hps in same growing area and time then I think this LED light will be a great option for those interested in replacing their 1k HPS with LEDs and dont want to experience less yield or longer flowering times.

The 504W isn't even made yet, let alone the 756W ;) We are doing pre-orders right now for the 504W models, and the 756W will follow it a few weeks later. As far as testing these units, they use the exact same light engines as all of our other products, meaning they'll produce the same results. Our lights are currently proving twice as efficient as HID in side by side grow comparisons, so there is no doubt that our 756W unit will outperform a 1000W HPS in any gardening situation. Our 2nd gen units (current) also improved flowering response and time over our 1st gens.


I like how we assume in our make believe grow that "a hps bulb" made denser buds than this unit. To bad there's no way you could back this statement but hey that goes right in line with everything else you post...

Before you said LED's could not even come close now all you have is price and some make believe statistics to ensure yourself that your bulb and growing method isn't inferior.

You even say yourself LED's will be more cost effective in the long run, still your short term memory won't allow you to comprehend that and you would rather pay 65 a month for electric lol!!!

Call me a fan boy all you want, your the one driving that dinasour.....

p.s. garden bug: why did you come back again?


... no way to back that statement? You mean other than the dozen or so side-by-side grows, INCLUDING LEDgirl's? LED's DO NOT produce the same type of bud density/weight that HPS does. Where has this EVER been in question?

Notice that LEDgirl ignored any question regarding the PAR? It's because she's wrong. Notice how neither you nor her has yet to come up with a single piece of evidence that shows an LED outperforming an HPS gram for gram? It's because they don't.

I'm not trying to ensure myself anything. I don't throw out misinformation, unlike the pair of you. For instance:

"One of the biggest things when it comes to understanding how LED grow lights are able to work so well, is spectral output. A HID light emits nearly the entire spectrum of light, most of which is unused by plants for photosynthesis, while LED's can be tailored to emit only the wavelengths of light used most efficiently for photosynthesis. According to SunMaster (a HID bulb Manufacturer), a 400W HID emits anywhere from 120-140W of light in the PAR (Photosynthetically Active) range, meaning at least 65% of your energy is wasted! When using a properly developed LED Grow Light, up to 100% of the light emitted is within the PAR range. This means that watt for watt, LED is much more efficient at growing plants, as it is tailored specifically for the wavelengths of light they use best."

This is simply false. This is misinformation, and I despise it. As previously stated, mh produces more light in the PAR range than does HPS, yet it doesn't outperform the HPS in flower.

LED's are good for Micro grows and that's about it. Apparently they suit you just fine. Just remember one thing - if they were so great, everyone would be using them. You're a damn fool, and gullible to boot. Try some reading out for a change.

P.S - You have not answered one question regarding ANY of the technical aspects of the LED's, you have provided no information supporting your statements, know why? Because there aren't any. Everything I've stated so far is accepted as fact. Everything I've stated so far was supported by the ONLY little bit of information LEDgirl has given us.

pine boy

Consumer research and development is a very bad way to test products.

LEDgirl, Why don't you show off this product before putting it on the market?

Make us all really want the shiney new thing ...

In 3 months you could grow us a reef if it works.:canabis:


so let me get this straight, your "Proof" is other peoples grows?

Got it. An I like your 3 paragraph rant, to bad there's not a drop of useful information in that post ethier.

your just pounding sand over there...


ICMag Donor
:So bitch, shut the fuck up. All you ever do is fucking advertise your product, become some pushy bitch that can't handle someone who JUST DOESN'T WANT TO BUY YOUR LED'S BECAUSE THEY DON'T FIT MY GROWING OBJECTIVES.

Herb, yesterday I politely asked you to knock off the "who's daddy is bigger" crap that you like to do. Did you bother to even consider my warning? No. Instead you chose to keep it going and then go as far as to start calling people a bitch to stir the pot more.Which I'll add is a bannable offense.

You're getting a weeks ban for your rotten language. And when you come back if it continues you'll be gone for good. All the mods and administration are so damn sick of the people that stalk these lights starting arguments. If you have run all of these lights and have a message to give, so be it. But if you're only going from thread to thread starting arguments you won't be here long.


JJ just curious, what about all her rotten language used twards USERS questioning her products? i can remember multiple threads with me thinking how you let vendors talk to you users like that. Anywho my 2 cents.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
JJ just curious, what about all her rotten language used twards USERS questioning her products? i can remember multiple threads with me thinking how you let vendors talk to you users like that. Anywho my 2 cents.

so, so true.........its called "special treatment"

say something bad towards led's or use "foul" language - post erased and possible ban......

if ledlady says something bad about someone or talks shit to you - its all good, dont worry about it........


Active member
Why are these questions even being asked about why LEDgirl doesnt get a slap on the wrist.

She pays, she supports and keeps this thing going. Why did SmokinErb find it neccesary to start flaming a Vendor? I dont know but its kinda like walking up and punching a cop in the face, you simply dont do it. you build your case and handle it civil like an adult. a 14 year old not getting his way is who Smokinerb is in this thread. I'm not an open minded guy when it comes to changing my scenario at home and i dont care to comment on the people that constantly want change.

What i do care about is the quality of smoke that i use to treat my ulcerative colitis, LEDlady is out their working out ways to create something new and exciting. Innovating new products into the world of true medicine is more than enough to wave the odd 14 year old comments on these forums.

bud, if you dont like it carry on, if its in the wrong forum, someone that has a positive way of replying will be by shortly, buy the product or build one yourself, then you can decide what sucks.

Smokingerb, if growing weed to you, is some kind of capitalist agenda to profit from personally. Shut your god damn mouth because i cant find quality weed to treat my disease.


JJ just curious, what about all her rotten language used twards USERS questioning her products? i can remember multiple threads with me thinking how you let vendors talk to you users like that. Anywho my 2 cents.

waits for response that probably wont come....


LEDlady is out their working out ways to create something new and exciting.

So is ronald mcdonald out creating new and exiting sandwiches, or is he just selling products for profit?

There are different measurements of efficiency. Some think electrical efficiency is most important. I do not.

I think weight of final product against 'floor space used' is the best measure of efficiency (weight:area).

Calling someone who is banned for a week, without a chance to reply 'a kid' a '14 year old' & 'capitalist' makes me ask whos really being childish?


Active member

look man, if no one understands this just by putting two and two together, you must be the ones living under the roof of the USA. A website or corperation or government Not penalizing the accused (website donor, sponsor or FED) is called " Securing their Investments" which means when you ask (Obama, Wallmart or ICMAG) why certain higher ups run things different ways resulting in negative feedback, there are no questions to be asked. Its like when 120 offshore international banks recieved 500billion american dollars in bail outs and the american'ts ask "where did our money go?" the FED chairman said to the american people " i cant tell you that" and you asked well which banks demanded those bail outs and he said ( im not going to tell you so ....NO) and thats basically word for word and you can quote me on that and i'll send you $20 if you can prove me wrong. And thats CDN dollars so thats like 400 american dollars now.


as a vendor LED shouldnt be taking part of such small arguments, people will talk and someone in her position must rise above it not sling mud and vulgar language on public forums. but it comes back to her being a vendor and remaining above that shit, let your products speak for you, thats all you should have to do. Call me old fashion....i've had this conversation with her before. its just hard to see a user get a ban over something she did in multiple posts.


Active member
So is ronald mcdonald out creating new and exiting sandwiches, or is he just selling products for profit?

There are different measurements of efficiency. Some think electrical efficiency is most important. I do not.

I think weight of final product against 'floor space used' is the best measure of efficiency (weight:area).

Calling someone who is banned for a week, without a chance to reply 'a kid' a '14 year old' & 'capitalist' makes me ask whos really being childish?

"hahaha banned and cant reply" i didnt notice that but good for them, so i guess you are going to step in and take your stab at it now as this response was quite random.


Active member
So is ronald mcdonald out creating new and exiting sandwiches, or is he just selling products for profit?

Mc Donalds is a corporation within a corporation and so on. they are not out to innovate new burgers and great new healthy flavours. They are out there to create the illusion of choice and while you're busy deciding which combo to supersize, the CEO's are deciding which economy to ruin with your money.


ICMag Donor
As the unit is 10 inches diameter and the closest i can use my 126 is 10 - 12 inches from the plant tops thats a 30 - 34 inch dead space .

Ran a 600 sodium vertical and was useing below 16 inches cooltubed , could it be a tight squeeze to retrofit existing commercial units with the leds ?
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