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World's First Vertical LED Grow Light: Pre-Ordering Now Available!

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Yes I have, defiantly more so than a so called "new" member with 5 posts....
99% of the posts are very nicely put. The only people who have seen the blunter side of led girl are those who refuse to communicate and discuss properly. They usually sneer at her and her company, then hate on LED's after she gives a 3 page analytic report on how there "brain fart idea/speculation" is far from reality.

Why talk like you know something about the results of this unit? It's not even out yet...

Contradicting now:

I shouldn't even clog this thread up with replying to your post...

I have yet to see LEDgirl make much of an argument anywhere. I wasn't even attacking LED's for fucks sake. I made an attempt at a proper discussion - LED's are NOT for every single situation. She decided to be a **** EVEN THOUGH I said her lights were more efficient, which is all she claims. End of fucking discussion.

Fucking buy the fucking system. Run it side by side with a 1000w HPS.

One harvest. You're not going to get more bud from her damn LED's. Fact. Undisputed fucking fact. Yes, you can get TWO of her systems (similar wattage) and outproduce ONE HPS. But then you're also using DOUBLE the space to do so. This is undisputed fact.

Not to mention it'll take a few years to pay off her system with money saved by electricity. No thanks.

You fucking LED fanboys, I swear. And you talk of refusal to communicate and discuss properly?


Basically what she does is comparable to me saying that a HPS is the ONLY bulb anyone should ever use. It's fucking ridiculous.


interesting use of led.... is there a reason panels are still being used? ease of production?
no arguments from me, i'm on the "waiting for the price to drop" side of the field...
or waiting for my income to increase .... :)

carry on with your drubble!



Active member

I would appreciate if you could please give me some info on the products you have.How many hours of life do these led lights have (at 25°C ambient temperature) before they lose efficiency/and need replacement?

I don't mean how many hours they have till the output drops to 50% but how many hours of life do they have till the output drops to say 80% of initial output.
I am trying to work out how it compares in terms of costs compared to HIDs like HPS.

Has anyone tested the 756W LED you are about to sell , compared to a 1k HPS or is it still in the making ? If the 756W LED can give equal total yields as a 1k hps in same growing area and time then I think this LED light will be a great option for those interested in replacing their 1k HPS with LEDs and dont want to experience less yield or longer flowering times.


There is no such thing as one light source to meet all growing criteria.
LED's, HID's, Fluoro's all have their particular applications.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

That being said I'm glad that the LED packages are maturing to the point where we are ducting waste heat out instead of just blowing back randomly into the growing area. +1 To LEDGirl in that regard.


Sure is a shame we can be happy and talk about the great new possibilities this light offers, instead it seems to be these relentless "new" members. Wow 5 posts and you already are realy to leave such a nasty remark towards this company on an otherwise usefully thread..

Should I be saying hello or goodbye to you??

Been around since towards the start of OG. I had an account here for awhile. I started reading the led forum here looking into switching to led. I actually deleted my account after getting a bunch of posts deleted by ledgirl and seeing how she treats people there. Took a month or so off from here and just made this one the other day. There is no better forum to substitute for icmag and the info it has, so I'm back. I read the vertical forum mainly, and actually have it as my bookmark to icmag. I was just pissed to see her acting the same way she does in the led forum in the vertical forum. No one is allowed to question her or her products at all or they have their posts deleted. Apparently she doesn't have that power in this forum as my post is still there.

The funny thing is as far as led lights go, her company seems to have the best product. She doesn't need to censor everyone's questions about them. Do I think led compares to hps yet? No. If I wanted to buy an led would I get it from ledgirl? I would have before I met her, seriously.


Been around since towards the start of OG. I had an account here for awhile. I started reading the led forum here looking into switching to led. I actually deleted my account after getting a bunch of posts deleted by ledgirl and seeing how she treats people there. Took a month or so off from here and just made this one the other day. There is no better forum to substitute for icmag and the info it has, so I'm back. I read the vertical forum mainly, and actually have it as my bookmark to icmag. I was just pissed to see her acting the same way she does in the led forum in the vertical forum. No one is allowed to question her or her products at all or they have their posts deleted. Apparently she doesn't have that power in this forum as my post is still there.

The funny thing is as far as led lights go, her company seems to have the best product. She doesn't need to censor everyone's questions about them. Do I think led compares to hps yet? No. If I wanted to buy an led would I get it from ledgirl? I would have before I met her, seriously.

She does do this, and it's horrible for the company. Personally? I couldn't possibly care any less. I complimented LED's efficiency, but get ragged on by two LED fanboys because I simply stated that HPS outproduce LED's in flower.

I defy you to show me otherwise. LEDgirl's thread she linked to only further backed up everything I've been saying. It shows that LED's can rival HID during veg, but simply can't get the bud density that HID's produce (thus lacking weight).

It's been proven time and time again. Why is this even an issue?


Active member

thanks , but I wouldn't have asked her here if I had found answers to my Qs in LEDGirl's site...

BTW I noticed something on her site thats not right..

"If you look at a HID Manufacturer's site, you will notice that a 1000W HPS has the highest lumen per watt value of any HPS bulb, however, if you look at a LED Manufacturer's site, you notice the opposite, as a 1W LED has the highest lumen per watt value."

As we all know the 600s are more efficient per watt than 1000w hps bulbs...

"One of the biggest things when it comes to understanding how LED grow lights are able to work so well, is spectral output. A HID light emits nearly the entire spectrum of light, most of which is unused by plants for photosynthesis, while LED's can be tailored to emit only the wavelengths of light used most efficiently for photosynthesis. According to SunMaster (a HID bulb Manufacturer), a 400W HID emits anywhere from 120-140W of light in the PAR (Photosynthetically Active) range, meaning at least 65% of your energy is wasted! When using a properly developed LED Grow Light, up to 100% of the light emitted is within the PAR range. This means that watt for watt, LED is much more efficient at growing plants, as it is tailored specifically for the wavelengths of light they use best."

Growing buds is not all about PAR watts.
If the number of PAR watts of a light source could show which source is better for growing bud then those MH lights that have higher PAR at same wattage as HPS lights would produce more yield..but they dont ;)

Plants have other functions apart from photosynthesis..and this is why can see higher yields with HPS than with a MH eventhough the MH may have more PAR Watts..

Anyway back to the topic of the thread , these vertical LEDs seem great , cant wait to see how they work in practice esp the 756W one. If it wasnt for the high cost I d grab one today and test it..but seems I will have to wait till they become more affordable..



thanks , but I wouldn't have asked her here if I had found answers to my Qs in LEDGirl's site...

BTW I noticed something on her site thats not right..

"If you look at a HID Manufacturer's site, you will notice that a 1000W HPS has the highest lumen per watt value of any HPS bulb, however, if you look at a LED Manufacturer's site, you notice the opposite, as a 1W LED has the highest lumen per watt value."

As we all know the 600s are more efficient per watt than 1000w hps bulbs...

"One of the biggest things when it comes to understanding how LED grow lights are able to work so well, is spectral output. A HID light emits nearly the entire spectrum of light, most of which is unused by plants for photosynthesis, while LED's can be tailored to emit only the wavelengths of light used most efficiently for photosynthesis. According to SunMaster (a HID bulb Manufacturer), a 400W HID emits anywhere from 120-140W of light in the PAR (Photosynthetically Active) range, meaning at least 65% of your energy is wasted! When using a properly developed LED Grow Light, up to 100% of the light emitted is within the PAR range. This means that watt for watt, LED is much more efficient at growing plants, as it is tailored specifically for the wavelengths of light they use best."

Growing buds is not all about PAR watts.
If the number of PAR watts of a light source could show which source is better for growing bud then those MH lights that have higher PAR at same wattage as HPS lights would produce more yield..but they dont ;)

Plants have other functions apart from photosynthesis..and this is why can see higher yields with HPS than with a MH eventhough the MH may have more PAR Watts..

Anyway back to the topic of the thread , these vertical LEDs seem great , cant wait to see how they work in practice esp the 756W one. If it wasnt for the high cost I d grab one today and test it..but seems I will have to wait till they become more affordable..


I pointed out the PAR thing once in the LED forum and she deleted it. I'm curious to see how she responds. I understand that she has to market her product. But why not do it far more effectively, and market LED's for what they really are? They're EFFICIENT lights. Since when does efficient = brute power? It doesn't.

Some people like little Honda Civic's and some people like an old V8 Camaro. Each car would prove to be superior to the other in different circumstances. A drag strip or at tight track with multiple hairpin turns? Each proves more useful than the other here. Nobody's dissing on the other light for fucks sake. I prefer the drag strip, is all.


Yes! LED's are seriously IMO the ULTIMATE tight space light. They're far superior than CFL's, produce viritually no heat, thus being able to provide more light power in a small space than HID, thus providing more buds.

If I had a small space to grow in, you bet your ass I'd be using LED's.


New member
If a thousand what led was to produce more than a thousand what hid she needs to make that fuck saving any more money on power one 1k bulb only costs me like 26 bucks a month to run on 12/12


Active member
"think LED are kind of not for a serious grower. More for a hobbyist "

Well considering the initial cost..I have to completely agree budgod.

I can't imagine someone spending 15,000 usd for 10 of these 506w led units when he could spend almost 1/5 of that for 10 1k lights which will not only produce more bud but total cost (initial and running cost ) will be the same in the first year/s.
Hopefully soon the grow LEDs will become more affordable to all the growers.

As penetration seems to be an issue with LEDs I was thinking how the LED growlights could be improved in this area. Seems LEDGirl chose to use 60degree LEDs which are better in terms of penetration compared to 120degree LEDs that have better coverage but light is of lower intensity.

For growing tall plants I was thinking whether LEDs with 20degrees beam angle would be better (of course more leds will be needed to get same coverage). As cost drops maybe we will get to see such LED growlights with light penetration that is closer to that of high wattage Hps.


Exactly! Running 1,200 watts only cost me about $50 a month. Running her system instead would cost me about $25 a month then. $1,500 unit price /$25 monthly savings =60 months of growing to pay for lights that produce less bud than HPS. Yeah. FIVE YEARS to pay for the light.

Sorry, I'll stick with my cheaper, more powerful lights. You keep your $25/mo energy savings.


"think LED are kind of not for a serious grower. More for a hobbyist "

Well considering the initial cost..I have to completely agree budgod.

I can't imagine someone spending 15,000 usd for 10 of these 506w led units when he could spend almost 1/5 of that for 10 1k lights which will not only produce more bud but total cost (initial and running cost ) will be the same in the first year/s.
Hopefully soon the grow LEDs will become more affordable to all the growers.

As penetration seems to be an issue with LEDs I was thinking how the LED growlights could be improved in this area. Seems LEDGirl chose to use 60degree LEDs which are better in terms of penetration compared to 120degree LEDs that have better coverage but light is of lower intensity.

For growing tall plants I was thinking whether LEDs with 20degrees beam angle would be better (of course more leds will be needed to get same coverage). As cost drops maybe we will get to see such LED growlights with light penetration that is closer to that of high wattage Hps.

I think he meant hobbyist in terms of a small-scale grow. I'd say the vast majority of LED grows are micro grows, so that makes sense.

The penetration factor is one of my concerns with LED's. They're better than CFL's but seriously lacking. I think your points about the degree angle was rather interesting. The idea of a narrower beam but higher number of LED's producing more penetration would be an interesting concept.


Active member
Exactly! Running 1,200 watts only cost me about $50 a month. Running her system instead would cost me about $25 a month then. $1,500 unit price /$25 monthly savings =60 months of growing to pay for lights that produce less bud than HPS. Yeah. FIVE YEARS to pay for the light.

Sorry, I'll stick with my cheaper, more powerful lights. You keep your $25/mo energy savings.

And don't forget the unit replacement costs..thats why I asked LEDGirl about after how many hours the output would drop to say 80% of the initial output.
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