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World's First Vertical LED Grow Light: Pre-Ordering Now Available!

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Active member
We made an announcement several months ago that we would be the first company in the world to introduce a Vertical LED Lighting system, and now that promise has come true. We spend countless hours behind the scenes making the dreams and ideas of our customers into a reality. It costs us an insane amount of money to make new lights such as this, but when you get as many requests as we have it's hard to say "no".

So brought to you by POPULAR demand is our brand new (and World's First) 504W Vertical LED Grow Light! This unit will feature 6 banks with 84W of LED in each, emitting light at a 90 degree angle for optimal overlap between banks, and supporting plants up to 24" tall. The unit itself (rough dimensions) is approximately 28" tall and 10" in diameter, and is designed to replace a 1000W HPS. It will have a fan on both the top and bottom once complete, and we're currently working on making it available for use with ducting. It will supply light to a vertical area of 3', with a maximum interior grow space of 30" in any direction from the unit.

The cost for this new unit is $1500 shipped. Pre-Ordering is available now, with delivery in 3-4 weeks. Below you will find a reference image of the casing for the light, which is absent of LED's and cooling fans (and no, production models will not be black). We will have a second version of this light available soon with 756W of LED for those seeking even more power!




Nice. I see lots of positives with this light. My only concern is height, 24" means we would have to keep the plants short. For tree growers such as myself this might be a concern as I primarily use vertical lights just so I can grow tall, large plants.

Very neat though, I'm looking foward to seeing them test run.


Active member
has anyone run any yet? I would love to see a two bulb vertical but one hps on top or bottom with a divider for a nice comparison grow.


Nice. I see lots of positives with this light. My only concern is height, 24" means we would have to keep the plants short. For tree growers such as myself this might be a concern as I primarily use vertical lights just so I can grow tall, large plants.

Very neat though, I'm looking foward to seeing them test run.

I agree. That is my concern with these as well. I can't wait to see a test with one though!


Am I the only person who has absolutely no interest in the LED's?

I'd use them for veg, and that's it. But for the price, I'd honestly just buy some CFL's. They simply cannot compete with HID lighting. This has been shown time and again in side-by-side grows. For $1,500 I can produce more bud with HID's AND fans, than the LED's alone.


In search of Genetics
Am I the only person who has absolutely no interest in the LED's?

I'd use them for veg, and that's it. But for the price, I'd honestly just buy some CFL's. They simply cannot compete with HID lighting. This has been shown time and again in side-by-side grows. For $1,500 I can produce more bud with HID's AND fans, than the LED's alone.

They do seem to kick ass in veg , very uniform and tight nodes i have noticed in the side by sides.


I'm not putting them down, much. They do kick ass in veg. I don't use HID in veg much because it seems a little bit wasteful. LED's are definitely better than CFL's and if they were more affordable, I could justify dropping the cash for a panel or three. They simply do not penetrate like an HID.

I just think its a lot of hype. Here is the results one of SEVERAL side-by-side grows HID vs LED that I've read:

HID side: 21 days @ 18/6 (378 hr.), 56 days 12/12 (672 hr.) total=1,050hr @ 400w= 420Kwh yielding 91g or .217g/Kwh

LED side: 21 days @ 18/6 (378 hr.), 70 days 12/12 (840 hr.) total=1218hr @ 82w=99.9Kwh yielding 36g or .36g/Kwh.

And while it may draw less power, your 1000w'ers will still put off far more weight. It's stated that it was made to replace a 1000w'er. I'd still take a 600w HPS over that LED panel, and I bet it could out produce the LED still.

While I suppose the grams/kwh is a true definition of efficiency, you're still producing less weight. The LED's pay for themselves in power savings, but the HID's pay for themselves in the end product. That's what I want. The end product.

Edit: Please note that the experiment I chose to post is actually in favor of the LED's in terms of efficiency. However, for all points and purposes of my own - the LED's produced less bud (not per watt) with 15 days more flower with LED's that were made to replace a 400w bulb.


Basically, let me just say this. I think more research needs to be done. The buds produced by LED's have comparable density to CFL's IMHO. I haven't done enough research to know exactly why this happens, but I've seen enough side-by-side grows (I ALMOST went the LED route) to convince me that LEDs are not for me.

Different strokes for different folks. Everyone has different objectives, and LED's may be able to help you achieve yours. But not mine.


Active member
Am I the only person who has absolutely no interest in the LED's?

I'd use them for veg, and that's it. But for the price, I'd honestly just buy some CFL's. They simply cannot compete with HID lighting. This has been shown time and again in side-by-side grows. For $1,500 I can produce more bud with HID's AND fans, than the LED's alone.

Let's see here, they CANNOT compete with HID huh? Seems you haven't been reading around these forums very much. We have 3 Side by Side grow tests going on currently with our LED's vs HID, and in each test we are using roughly half the wattage of the HID's (actual consumption difference is closer to 60%). According to YOUR PEERS (independent growers on these forums), your ignorant statement is FALSE. In one grow our 205W is DESTROYING a 400W Metal Halide. In another our 126W is holding its own against a 250W Metal Halide. In the third our 205W is slightly behind a 400W HPS, although the test did not start from clone like the others. But hey, you probably don't want to believe me, so see for yourself: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=169219

Lastly, if all you're going to do is make comments that you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BACKUP, then please refrain from posting or you will be reported. Our lights are AT MINIMUM 2X as efficient as HID's, so if you ran the same wattage LED as you do currently with HID, you're going to get double the yield. That's a fact that's being proven left and right with our products. Take care.


ICMag Donor
Basically, let me just say this. I think more research needs to be done. The buds produced by LED's have comparable density to CFL's IMHO. I haven't done enough research to know exactly why this happens, but I've seen enough side-by-side grows (I ALMOST went the LED route) to convince me that LEDs are not for me.

Different strokes for different folks. Everyone has different objectives, and LED's may be able to help you achieve yours. But not mine.

Erb, this thread was in regards to this company introducing a vertical LED grow light. Where in this did you see where anyone asked whether it could compete with an HID light?

I get so damn sick of people constantly wanting to argue regarding who's dad is bigger. There are plenty of other threads where you can argue to your hearts content. Damn it gets old repeating this over and over again. If you just want to argue just move along......


Maybe a Vertical LED in the middle, and HPS in the roof....hmmm..

You guys juuust cant let go of those bulbs LOL??

This thing would not need a drop of additional lighting, in fact this is where LED tech will most likely overcome a 1000w bulb since the canopy will be 30"..

Can't wait to see one in action!!


Not sure why everyone jumped on smokinherb as his points are valid.
THIS IS NOT THE LED FORUM so hopefully some actual discussion will be allowed here. You can belittle people and remove their posts all you like in your own forum ledgirl. You may have a good product but any time someone questions led you reply with such anger. You are a horrible public relations person for your company. I'm sure I'm not the only one who won't buy from you just because of how much of an asshole you are to everyone. Smokinherb was even careful with how he made his posts trying not to offend you. His example he used even showed led to be more efficient.


Sure is a shame we can be happy and talk about the great new possibilities this light offers, instead it seems to be these relentless "new" members. Wow 5 posts and you already are realy to leave such a nasty remark towards this company on an otherwise usefully thread..

Should I be saying hello or goodbye to you??


Not sure why everyone jumped on smokinherb as his points are valid.
THIS IS NOT THE LED FORUM so hopefully some actual discussion will be allowed here. You can belittle people and remove their posts all you like in your own forum ledgirl. You may have a good product but any time someone questions led you reply with such anger. You are a horrible public relations person for your company. I'm sure I'm not the only one who won't buy from you just because of how much of an asshole you are to everyone. Smokinherb was even careful with how he made his posts trying not to offend you. His example he used even showed led to be more efficient.


Let's see here, they CANNOT compete with HID huh? Seems you haven't been reading around these forums very much. We have 3 Side by Side grow tests going on currently with our LED's vs HID, and in each test we are using roughly half the wattage of the HID's (actual consumption difference is closer to 60%). According to YOUR PEERS (independent growers on these forums), your ignorant statement is FALSE. In one grow our 205W is DESTROYING a 400W Metal Halide. In another our 126W is holding its own against a 250W Metal Halide. In the third our 205W is slightly behind a 400W HPS, although the test did not start from clone like the others. But hey, you probably don't want to believe me, so see for yourself: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=169219

Lastly, if all you're going to do is make comments that you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BACKUP, then please refrain from posting or you will be reported. Our lights are AT MINIMUM 2X as efficient as HID's, so if you ran the same wattage LED as you do currently with HID, you're going to get double the yield. That's a fact that's being proven left and right with our products. Take care.

Okay I'm not sure how any of this is really relevant to all of this? Why you flowered under a MH is beyond me. I would expect better flowering results from LED's than a MH bulb, obviously. The point you make about the HPS grow not being from clone really shouldn't matter. I think that was a choice you made, for the purposes of marketing, because you know that your LED's can't outperform a HPS gram for gram. Which is what SOME of is, myself perhaps, strive for. Weight. I could give a damn about how much I have to pay for in electricity.

A 1000w HPS will give me more bud in the 3' tall space you suggest for your vert LED system per harvest. THAT is what I care about. I don't give a fuck how much the electricity cost me to get that harvest.

Like I said, different strokes for different folks. Some people care about little shit like that. I don't care about a few bucks for more of a more dense product.

I CLEARLY stated that LED's were more efficient. I CLEARLY stated that HID (HPS, CMH) will produce a heavier harvest. BOTH claims I made, you just backed up.

So... Why the fuck are you being so hostile? I only said LED's weren't for me, because I want the weight that can only come with HPS/CMH. I'll take the heat that's given as a byproduct. For the cost I save on the light, I can buy a pretty damn nice fan, if I may say.

So bitch, shut the fuck up. All you ever do is fucking advertise your product, become some pushy bitch that can't handle someone who JUST DOESN'T WANT TO BUY YOUR LED'S BECAUSE THEY DON'T FIT MY GROWING OBJECTIVES.


Sure is a shame we can be happy and talk about the great new possibilities this light offers, instead it seems to be these relentless "new" members. Wow 5 posts and you already are realy to leave such a nasty remark towards this company on an otherwise usefully thread..

Should I be saying hello or goodbye to you??

Have you honestly seen her posts around the forum?

Not saying the thread isn't useful, but meh. It's a discussion forum, this is the vertical growing board, and I was just throwing out my opinion on her light vs HID light. Sure, they're cheaper to run, but it comes at a cost of a smaller yield. Now when you only have so many sq/ft to work with, and you want to get the most bud out of your space, you go with HID.

If you want to get the most bud for the least cost in the long run? By all means, buy her LED system.

I'll take more pounds of denser bud, than cheaper pounds. Sorry? I mean, fuck.

Edit: That Ultimate LED grow looks pretty pimp, actually dude.


Have you honestly seen her posts around the forum?

Yes I have, defiantly more so than a so called "new" member with 5 posts....
99% of the posts are very nicely put. The only people who have seen the blunter side of led girl are those who refuse to communicate and discuss properly. They usually sneer at her and her company, then hate on LED's after she gives a 3 page analytic report on how there "brain fart idea/speculation" is far from reality.

I was just throwing out my opinion on her light vs HID light.

If you want to get the most bud for the least cost in the long run? By all means, buy her LED system.
I'll take more pounds of denser bud, than cheaper pounds. Sorry? I mean, fuck.
Why talk like you know something about the results of this unit? It's not even out yet...

Edit: That Ultimate LED grow looks pretty pimp, actually dude.
Contradicting now:

I shouldn't even clog this thread up with replying to your post...
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