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World's first GM babies born.....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Don't know what you all think, but I Do know what I think about this. You posted this thread for info and input...so here's mine. I Do believe in an Almighty God, I do believe that each of us was predestined to fill the slot we're in by that Master weaver of this entire reality. We were put here for "our time", in "our place", in His likeness, to live the life He intended for us. Our choice is to how we relate to Him and our fellow man. That said...I believe that when mere mortal man starts usurping His authority and doin' His job for Him, the end result will not be as perfect, nor will it conform to His plan. I see nothing but TROUBLE with this manipulation, BIG TROUBLE. Say it ain't so! I look forward to rebuttals, counterpoints, and buttressing from such a worthy and diverse group as those within this community. "I'm looking for,someone to change my life. I'm looking for a miracle in my life. And if you could see..ah, what it's done to me"

Well the problem with this line of reasoning is that if God is the master weaver of this entire reality and he put us here in our time and place to fullfill predetermined destinies then what the scientist behind this is doing is all part of that Master plan. I mean come on if God is this all knowing, all powerful being that has carefully put together this tapistry of life do you really think he's going to allow it to be undone by an individual or group of individuals who somehow managed to avoid their predestination just to thwart his plans?

If what you suggest is true then trying to prevent people from doing this or anything else that someone decides is against God's will, then they the people trying to prevent these things are the one's actually interfering with God's will.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
GM Babies tm Monsanto

"we WILL own the future"

if they do engineer super smart and strong species of humans they will probably end up thinking that us normal sapiens are inferior and kill or enslave us all... sounds like a SciFi movie


stoned agin ...


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
so I just talked to a professional on this and it is all bull shit. this is what he had to say.

They did not alter the human germ line, mDNA is not the same DNA and our mitochondrial DNA has always been housed separately. L2genetics nublets. to alter the human germ line would involve actually using restriction enzymes to recombine the DNA. I hate when journalists think they can do scientific writing :(


The article is a little misleading, but I didn't read it all that close. It sounds like the third contribution of genetic material comes from the maternal mitochondrial DNA. I don't think they were splicing chromosomes and what not....

Buddy Holly

might have to look into this but i shouldnt let that stop me from having an opinion. hasnt stopped anyone else apparently. headband you post some weird shit at times. are you a conspiracy theorist? ahhaha

but just think of the money to be made. celebrities will go bat shit for the chance to genetically modify a baby. "can you make me one that doesnt shit or piss or eat but looks really cute in dolce and always smiles for the camera?"

the rubicon has long since been passed in regards to science altering our relationship with 'nature'. now its simply a matter of deciding to what degree. the ethical debates we need to have are riveting. sadly i dont think most want to think about or frankly are equipped to have a proper intelligent debate about it. they just want to have kneejerk reactions, thats fun and easy.
Mr.HempKat. Point well made and well taken. However...never indicated I was in favor of preventing these actions. I simply can't envision any GOOD coming from engineering humanity.


ruger 500
the search for the the super warrior is over i will make one in my own image ,one who can kill with no remose ,no ptss ,a perfect killer ,who will fallow my orders to the death ,one who has no morals ,like me,


The Mad Monk
I remember reading something a few years back where some anthropologists and scientists came up with a theory that human beings will split into two distinctly different types. Wealth will play a big part in spurring the divisions as technology allows. The haves will make babies that can run faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound... and the havenots will make babies like people always 'used to'.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Mr.HempKat. Point well made and well taken. However...never indicated I was in favor of preventing these actions. I simply can't envision any GOOD coming from engineering humanity.

Nor did I suggest you were personally in favor of preventing these actions. I simply made the observation that if each of us are meant to be the way we are by God and we're all part of an intricate plan that God has laid out then it is wrong for people to try to prevent sinners from behaving sinfully. If there is a god and he made us all intentionally the way we are to fulfill our role in his master plan then that includes both the good and the bad. Therefore if we went out and tried to stop all the Hitlers, Mansons, Dahmers of the world we would be interfering with God's will and undoing his plans.

I would also observe that just because an individual can't envision any good coming from something does not necessarily mean that no good would ever come from it. It might just be a lack of imagination on the part of the person doing the envisioning.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
so I just talked to a professional on this and it is all bull shit. this is what he had to say.

Yeah it's not altering the human geneline it's using two mother and one father if that is what you call altering... This can work both ways as recessive genes can show up this does not have to be a good thing as we all know from breeding cannabis.

LOL who did you talk to and what did they say lol... I have no doubt that there are countries screwing with this how and why do I know this one. ? Not all countries have the same rules as we do so they do not have to abide by what we call "ethical practices" . Which by the way is one BIG JOKE imvho.
For example we have NO IDEA what North or South Korea or China might be up to in their scientific communities. After the movie the Planet of the apes the scientist were asked to stop screwing with mixing apes genes with human genes. I bet ppl didn't think that was going on either ffs. So no, I don't think our so-called pros have any idea as to whats what in these fields imvho. My doc is pretty UNINFORMED for the most part.She barely knows which is the new drug of the month I need to inform her.
This story is not a far stretch it just not somthing they said they were going to allow,atleast not in this part of the world as far as I know. As we all know money will buy just about anything so if this is possible then it's going to get done..stay safe headband 707:tiphat:


Active member
Your missing it. Gods plan is evolution. Here is a sandbox, he knows everything that can happen in the sandbox but doesn't wory about any of it. All in all it's a personal evolution. Some make it some don't

Nor did I suggest you were personally in favor of preventing these actions. I simply made the observation that if each of us are meant to be the way we are by God and we're all part of an intricate plan that God has laid out then it is wrong for people to try to prevent sinners from behaving sinfully. If there is a god and he made us all intentionally the way we are to fulfill our role in his master plan then that includes both the good and the bad. Therefore if we went out and tried to stop all the Hitlers, Mansons, Dahmers of the world we would be interfering with God's will and undoing his plans.

I would also observe that just because an individual can't envision any good coming from something does not necessarily mean that no good would ever come from it. It might just be a lack of imagination on the part of the person doing the envisioning.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
might have to look into this but i shouldnt let that stop me from having an opinion. hasnt stopped anyone else apparently. headband you post some weird shit at times. are you a conspiracy theorist? ahhaha

but just think of the money to be made. celebrities will go bat shit for the chance to genetically modify a baby. "can you make me one that doesnt shit or piss or eat but looks really cute in dolce and always smiles for the camera?"

the rubicon has long since been passed in regards to science altering our relationship with 'nature'. now its simply a matter of deciding to what degree. the ethical debates we need to have are riveting. sadly i dont think most want to think about or frankly are equipped to have a proper intelligent debate about it. they just want to have kneejerk reactions, thats fun and easy.

LOL that is a good question am I a conspiracy therorist? LOL, nah but I'm starting to really question all this shit infront of me.I look around and like most ppl I think wtf has happened and why can't we stop this shit and who is in charge here that all this is happening now? Seriously why is all this going on now? What exactly has changed that the whole world has become what it has become today? Who exactly is pulling these strings to make it this BAD? Weather/War/Hunger/Economy/social hatered/boarders closing /major lies from media CNN/political riots because of lying politicians/slimmiest bankers taking YOUR money/billionair stockbrocker with YOUR cash/Lawyers sucking up the last of the TRUE BLOOD../Doctors that go through school only to work for BIG PHARMA and not help at all.Try traveling and see how much of a hold your country has on you then you really see whats what ffs.. nah what do I have to be worried about..

Love to talk about Babylons newest trick.. the disappearing ink on the reciepts... wait for it it's coming to a town near you... Headband 707:tiphat:
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ICMag Donor
When discussing the God equation - I find it so pompous and so hilarious that people forget one major aspect of said equation:

Any and all things - including humanity - are in a constant state of decay as a result of sin. That would mean our minds - our thought processes - our desires - OUR MORAL SUBJECTIVITY.

To say we are who we are meant to be is so wholly and entirely false. WE ARE FALLEN. We choose sin. We stopped being what we were supposed to be a very long time ago...

But again, I mention this because it is accurate to the construct of God in this equation = which I think IS THE ONLY reason there could EVER be any sort of moral stand point against this. If no creator - no sanctity of life - no reason to not dabble.

If we all evolved from bacterial soup - what exists in a beaker or a test tube or syringe - is nothing more than an extension of the evolutionary process. It fascinates me - that there is INCREDIBLE things we fail to understand or achieve with the ease of the natural world (ie photosynthesis and splitting water a good recent example easily found). I find it remarkably obtuse that we would then still consider our selves to be the highest evolved life form. Our very purpose of evolution could be to re-fertilizer the earth after we tried to juice it.

We are so finite...it would be wise to invest more in understanding origin than destroying those that already exist...


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