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World Wide Rallies to Free Marc Emery Sept18


Active member
I think at the very least when the usa came for emery the canadians were more than happy to get rid of a professional gadfly, Its a win win situation for the goverments

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Canada did not legalize marijuana, please get your facts correct....

Really Karmagirl

Cannabis legalization in Canada

<!-- /firstHeading --><!-- bodyContent --><!-- tagline -->From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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<!-- /jumpto --><!-- bodytext -->The legal status of cannabis in Canada is under dispute. Superior and appellate courts in Ontario have repeatedly declared Canada's marijuana laws to be of no force and effect. However, challenges to marijuana laws at the federal level have not resulted in the deletion of the appropriate articles from the Criminal Code of Canada and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Police and prosecution services in other Canadian jurisdictions still pursue criminal charges for marijuana possession.<SUP id=cite_ref-CannabisCulture_0-0 class=reference>[1]</SUP>
The cultivation of cannabis is currently illegal in Canada, with exceptions only for medical usage.
Several polls since 2003 have found that a majority of Canadians agreed with the statement, "The use of marijuana should be legalized", the latest being the 2009 Angus Reid poll, with 53% for legalization.<SUP id=cite_ref-AngusReid_1-0 class=reference>[2]</SUP> However, the current government, the Conservatives, are attempting to pass a law with "mandatory minimum" penalties and jail sentences for drug crimes. Specifically targeted, are cannabis users. <SUP id=cite_ref-2 class=reference>[3]</SUP>
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ICMag Donor
I have no idea what that stuff is supposed to mean. It was legal to sell seeds in Canada but never legal to grow and sell. If it was why was Emery fighting for it to be legal in Canada? Doesn't make sense does it?

I truly do believe that Emery hurt legalization in Canada more than a lot of people will admit. If Lawmakers thought smoking Cannabis makes people act like him it's no wonder they went backwards. I mean I'm not trying to be mean, but do you think Emery and his following of kids looked professional? That's not how to get things done, although it is a good way for someone to continue making money.

Just google his name and watch some of the videos. How much more ammunition did the antis need to keep Cannabis illegal? I mean be realistic here. Lets get naked, rub oil on each other and think this is going to do anything other than humor a bunch of idiots. It sure isn't going to sway lawmakers into thinking Cannabis is a good thing.

Another example. Look at this forum compared to CC. I would have loved that forum at 14, but when you grow up doesn't it seem rather foolish? And tell the truth.

Until you guys start getting Doctors and other professionals to open peoples eyes without Emerys nonsense and comedy show you can forget things changing. He's left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouth that's going to take a while to get rid of.

Again, I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm a realist that looks at things in a real manner. And the unprofessional way that someone claiming to be the leader carried themselves was a no win situation for legalization in Canada...

Perception is each persons reality I guess. But I've never talked to one person in the States that didn't think he was a self serving moron. And that's wording it nicely. But hey, it's your Country so do what you want. But you know what they say about insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results...

The quicker you guys move away from the Emery comedy hour the quicker you'll get something going in a positive direction.

But that's just my opinion. And you know what they say about them.....

Really Karmagirl

Cannabis legalization in Canada

<!-- /firstHeading --><!-- bodyContent --><!-- tagline -->From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
<!-- /tagline --><!-- subtitle -->
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<!-- /jumpto --><!-- bodytext -->The legal status of cannabis in Canada is under dispute. Superior and appellate courts in Ontario have repeatedly declared Canada's marijuana laws to be of no force and effect. However, challenges to marijuana laws at the federal level have not resulted in the deletion of the appropriate articles from the Criminal Code of Canada and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Police and prosecution services in other Canadian jurisdictions still pursue criminal charges for marijuana possession.<SUP id=cite_ref-CannabisCulture_0-0 class=reference>[1]</SUP>
The cultivation of cannabis is currently illegal in Canada, with exceptions only for medical usage.
Several polls since 2003 have found that a majority of Canadians agreed with the statement, "The use of marijuana should be legalized", the latest being the 2009 Angus Reid poll, with 53% for legalization.<SUP id=cite_ref-AngusReid_1-0 class=reference>[2]</SUP> However, the current government, the Conservatives, are attempting to pass a law with "mandatory minimum" penalties and jail sentences for drug crimes. Specifically targeted, are cannabis users. <SUP id=cite_ref-2 class=reference>[3]</SUP>
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headband 707

Plant whisperer
Go on....believe that marijuana is legalized :biglaugh:

Marijuana legal in Ontario

<!-- regular node view template HTML here -->By Dana Larsen and Reverend Damuzi - Friday, May 23 2003 Tags:
Appeal Court judge rules that Canada's pot-possession laws are void.
Now legal in OntarioMarijuana advocates across Canada are celebrating a May 16 Ontario court decision, which effectively legalized possession in Canada's largest province.
On Friday, May 16, Ontario Superior Court Justice Steven Rogin upheld the lower court ruling of Justice Philips, concerning a case of pot possession in Ontario.
Justice Rogin agreed that the federal government had failed in its obligation to change the law to allow for medical use of marijuana, and so the entire law was void.
This decision is binding on Ontario's lower courts, which means that no-one can be convicted of pot possession in Ontario. This effectively means that marijuana is now legal in Canada's largest province.
It is expected that other Appeal courts across Canada will also ratify the decision. Related cases are making their way through the courts in at least four other provinces.
The federal government has appealed the case to Ontario's Court of Appeal.
The "decrim" legislation being contemplated by Canada's Liberal government will presumably be aimed at filling this void in Canada's pot laws.
Marijuana advocates are encouraging pot smokers in Ontario to enjoy their new-found freedom. "The people of Ontario should be celebrating this monumental victory!" said Marc Emery of the BC Marijuana party. "Anywhere you can smoke tobacco, they should be smoking marijuana."
Will focus on real crimes now?History of the decision
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It began in January in Windsor, Ontario, when lawyer Brian McAllister convinced Provincial Court Judge Phillips that Canada's cannabis laws no longer exist, and that his 16-year-old client should go free on charges of possession. In his ruling, Justice Philips agreed, adding that if a cultivation or trafficking case had been before him, he would have thrown out those charges as well (CC#42, Canadian judges toss pot prohibition).
McAllister's novel legal argument was based on a July 2000 court ruling relating to Canadian med-pot user Terry Parker (CC#28, Canada's med-pot push). In the Parker ruling, Ontario's Supreme Court said that Canada's marijuana laws were unconstitutional because they didn't adequately address the needs of sick people who required pot. The court gave the government one year to change the law and provide medical access to marijuana, or the whole law against pot would be struck down.
One year later, the government had created new medical marijuana regulations, but didn't change the actual law. The difference, argued McAllister, is that regulations can be altered at the whim of Canada's top ministers, but laws require debate and a vote by parliament. The judge agreed, declared that the government had failed in its court-ordered legal obligations, and that therefore Canada's pot law was null and void.
Now that the Ontario Superior Court has upheld the decision, it is binding on all lower courts in Ontario. Although Ontario's higher courts could reverse the decision, right now there is no law against pot possession in Ontario.
Overgrowing the governmentSpreading freedom
The earlier decision from Ontario lower Provincial Court had already been reinforced by decisions in PEI and Nova Scotia. In PEI, the judge explained his reasoning as follows:
"All persons in the Province of Ontario, all 12 million of them, have acquired an immunity from prosecution for marijuana possession, which may be anything from short term to permanent. If this prosecution [in PEI] is permitted to continue, in effect it would be tantamount to a ruling that more than one third of the population of Canada is immune from prosecution while the residents of Prince Edward Island are not."
These court decisions also reveal the true purpose behind the Liberals' impending new pot "decrim" legislation. Their new law would overrule these court decisions, and so the government is expected to pass their new bill as quickly as possible, to fill in the legal void.
A more far-reaching Supreme Court challenge to Canada's marijuana laws was heard on May 6, and a decision is expected in the winter.
Overgrowing the government

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I have no idea what that stuff is supposed to mean. It was legal to sell seeds in Canada but never legal to grow and sell. If it was why was Emery fighting for it to be legal in Canada? Doesn't make sense does it?

I truly do believe that Emery hurt legalization in Canada more than a lot of people will admit. If Lawmakers thought smoking Cannabis makes people act like him it's no wonder they went backwards. I mean I'm not trying to be mean, but do you think Emery and his following of kids looked professional? That's not how to get things done, although it is a good way for someone to continue making money.

Just google his name and watch some of the videos. How much more ammunition did the antis need to keep Cannabis illegal? I mean be realistic here. Lets get naked, rub oil on each other and think this is going to do anything other than humor a bunch of idiots. It sure isn't going to sway lawmakers into thinking Cannabis is a good thing.

Another example. Look at this forum compared to CC. I would have loved that forum at 14, but when you grow up doesn't it seem rather foolish? And tell the truth.

Until you guys start getting Doctors and other professionals to open peoples eyes without Emerys nonsense and comedy show you can forget things changing. He's left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouth that's going to take a while to get rid of.

Again, I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm a realist that looks at things in a real manner. And the unprofessional way that someone claiming to be the leader carried themselves was a no win situation for legalization in Canada...

Perception is each persons reality I guess. But I've never talked to one person in the States that didn't think he was a self serving moron. And that's wording it nicely. But hey, it's your Country so do what you want. But you know what they say about insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results...

The quicker you guys move away from the Emery comedy hour the quicker you'll get something going in a positive direction.

But that's just my opinion. And you know what they say about them.....

Yes I agree the" oil thing "the" prince of pot" thing all the shit is toooooo much .. No one agrees with that more then me.. but this is still not the point and we need to stay on track and try not to get off track. Marc is not our leader lol . No one is a leader that is stupid.. there is a good idea and a bad idea and go with that..
I look at it like this: If we hang him out to dry then next time that might be me or you and do you really want to be treated like this for cannabis or seeds? This is really the bottom line here. It's really about the sick and dying and stoners rights not about Marc. So try and stay on that track and help as many ppl as you can and all should work out well for all. We are all stoners here so lets act like that shall we and stop fighting about really petey things that some guys does who really cares in the sceme of things? Lets move on to bigger and better things.. peace out Headband707


~Resident Puck Bunny~
2003....need I say more? Your post implies marijuana is legal in Canada. It isn't. 2003 is a far cry from 2010. No offence, but those articles are quite meaningless in regards to the situation now. Very outdated.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
LOL yeah thats an old one but funny nonetheless those boys just walked out of there too .. Thats what was really funny... peace out Headband707


Well-known member
I noticed a bit of a discrepancy on the CC website:

"On September 18, thousands of people from more than 100 cities around the world showed their support for Marc by staging worldwide rallies, marching through the streets, dropping banners from bridges and buildings and holding "Google Marc Emery" signs at busy intersections."

"over 100 rallies around the globe in support of one man is nothing to cough at."

"Sizes of rallies varied from a few to a few hundred,"

The reports from CC say one thing, but the pics/videos of the rallies on CC tell another story.

The largest of the rallies was, naturally, in Vancouver - about 65 protesters; but the other videos just show a small, handful of people and none of them show "a few hundred" or "thousands" of protesters, even if you add them all up.

And doing a Google search shows no coverage from the mainstream media.

Also, except for the ICMag site and CannabisCulture, there is very little discussion on any of the other MJ websites about the issue!

So I would like to know, in the 'real world', was the 'worldwide' rally really a success or is the success of the worldwide rally just more hype and political propaganda?:blowbubbles:


Well-known member
I noticed a bit of a discrepancy on the CC website:

"On September 18, thousands of people from more than 100 cities around the world showed their support for Marc by staging worldwide rallies, marching through the streets, dropping banners from bridges and buildings and holding "Google Marc Emery" signs at busy intersections."

"over 100 rallies around the globe in support of one man is nothing to cough at."

"Sizes of rallies varied from a few to a few hundred,"

The reports from CC say one thing, but the pics/videos of the rallies on CC tell another story.

The largest of the rallies was, naturally, in Vancouver - about 65 protesters; but the other videos just show a small, handful of people and none of them show "a few hundred" or "thousands" of protesters, even if you add them all up.

And doing a Google search shows no coverage from the mainstream media.

Also, except for the ICMag site and CannabisCulture, there is very little discussion on any of the other MJ websites about the issue!

So I would like to know, in the 'real world', was the 'worldwide' rally really a success or is the success of the worldwide rally just more hype and political propaganda?:blowbubbles:

I've seen more people show-up for free government cheese on one city block than Marc Emery's Worldwide Freedom Rally.



ICMag Donor
I heard there were very few rallies in the States. But that's not surprising. I'm not sure about Canada but there's very few people here that give a crap one way or another. I know it's to bad but people here don't care for the circus.

The free cheese givaway comment was funny. Just today I went through a city and there had to have been a few hundred people on the sidewalk holding clothes baskets and boxes. Farther up there were big trucks and they were filling peoples baskets and boxes with food. They didn't have any Emery banners though, lol.....


Well-known member
The free cheese givaway comment was funny. Just today I went through a city and there had to have been a few hundred people on the sidewalk holding clothes baskets and boxes. Farther up there were big trucks and they were filling peoples baskets and boxes with food. They didn't have any Emery banners though, lol.....

Maybe the emery crusaders should take the hint and give out sumpin folks really want if they want to get their message out to the masses!!!:tongue::D

yanno what I mean?


ICMag Donor
I bet if I'd have given them a poster and asked them to hold it up until they got their food and I'd give them 5 bucks I could have gotten a lot of them to do it, lol....


in the thick of it
I dunno JJ, holding that sign is a lot like work. Most of the service users around my area wouldn't work if it saved their lives.

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