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World Health Organization: Swine flu could spread globally

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Hello I haven't had time to read this thread but I thought I'd throw out some input. The virus I believe is a combo virus that originated in pigs. We don't have a vaccine but there are some treatment options, including tamiflu (oseltamivir). This drug acts to prevent the virus from spreading within your body, giving your body time to clear the infected cells. There are some side effects but this drug has been prescribed to children safely and marijuana will ease the side effects including GI upset, as well as body aches/pains from the flu. The important thing though is to wash your hands frequently, especially make a point to wash your hands before you eat, and before you hold any small children. Grow your own, smoke your own. This flu will likely continue to spread but it's only a flu and most people will be able to take it no problem, just the inconvenience of having the flu. The problem comes with infants, elderly, and people having other conditions such as HIV where their immune system is weak. Anyway I'm out.


swine flu - who names this crap, idealy maybe the asswipe in the labcoat that made it shoud be abel to name it, i mean swine flu is just a boaring name. should name the virus cha ching flu, more appropiate name since somebody is getting rich selling vaccine.


Pigs are getting a bad rap here,actually its a combination of human,bird and pig viruses and you cant get it by eating anything.


Active member
Pigs are getting a bad rap here,actually its a combination of human,bird and pig viruses and you cant get it by eating anything.

Great Sparky has got it! Eat more pork guys while it is cheap.

But the BBQ brisket is selling well as well as the sliced BBQ beef.
And BBQ chicken AGAIN after the Salmonella Scare.

Years ago they were picking on beef for Mad Cow Disease.

Fuck it!!!! we are getting out of that damn business as ppl have gone flat whacko and he is tired of it anyhoo. He has been buying up depressed Florida foreclosure real estate and will make a fortune in 10 years off of that and the yankees can make their own damn BBQ when they come down here.:wallbash:


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Well the federal stockpile of supplies is being set up for the hospitals and nurses are getting meetings to prepare currently....Vacations are canceled and my daughter had a cruise to Mexico coming next month....
Glad she ain't going now.

But if it is PARANOIA the Federal government and our hospitals are currently getting ready at this time.

So believe WTF you will but my money is on staying close to home and hoping I don't get it.
madrecino, I plan on shooting anyone that sneezes or coughs in my general direction. I'd tazer 'em if I had one but since I don't....lol.
The flu of 1918 started mild in the spring and came back with a vengence in the fall to cause lots of deaths.
Today I read where the lab boys are saying this is a mild flu. Let's hope they are right.
And I'm just joking about shooting folks...I'm hitting them with a ball bat. Bullets I'm saving for the food riots. Kidding again...or am I?


Iv found the answer :woohoo:



Active member
This fall I predict a "shortage" of anti-bacterial soap and hand sanitizers. This will create a panic, and lead to an actual shortage.
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