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World Health Organization: Swine flu could spread globally

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burnt out og'er
Man greenhead that tin hat picture had my sides hurting.

Folks, you just have to know benttech to understand what he's trying to convey., he means you no harm.

:woohoo: :laughing: :abduct: :Bolt:


i agree. the tin foil picture is priceless. that cat looks really pissed that he is a part of it.

ben ttech

Active member
bless you...


ben ttech maybe you should try smoking some of this


and you shouldnt be flogged for being a worthless pusher???


as we can be SURE, the sentiment YOUR PRESCRIBING would have been well suited to stopping the emancipation of the slave...

the DENIAL of the 40 hour work week...

the RESTRICTION of women from voting...

and of course...
the SUBSIDY of the force trying to KEEP AFRICAN AMERICAN denied their civil rights...

i find your offer...
to be hallmark of the WEAKEST SchWAG i ever had the oppertunity to note...

since i was in the rust bet [ USA ]

and passed on the DEAL a greasy white boy was offering me REGARING the 14 year old sister of his he SWORE would make my day...

in the mens room of the bowling alley...

nice grow MABE...
but im NOT thanking you for your STALWARD dedication in support of the forces dedicated in KISSING good american value goodbye...

mlm mlm


Now might be the time for me to get off the fence and choose, once and for all, whether to shit or go blind. Has it really come down to this?


I'm wondering what they are trying to distract us from with all this.
Human influenza kills around 63,000 Americans per year directly or indirectly through complications.


sunshine in a bag
this ben guy seems to be a douche

i shall put him on the douche list

you're on the douche list, ben.

it's a list.
full of douches.

ben ttech

Active member
oh i understand...
more people are scared of the dictionary today THAN ride the bus...

folks who RIDE the bus ARENT on the "scared" of the dictionary list...


ben ttech

Active member
but as we all know...
folks who ride the bus... CANT afford the internet...

id say funny that...
but this is america...
and its not funny...

unless your a dominionist


too many people called in to the tv stations and complained about all the michele obama gardening coverage... so they switched to the flu


this ben guy seems to be a douche

i shall put him on the douche list

you're on the douche list, ben.

it's a list.
full of douches.

yeah...your a douche alright...are you from new zealand?



Have you all never heard of the age old fable about the Trojan Pig Flu Virus. It is similar to the horse story but with a pig, obviously. I am unsure to who is behind this cunning attack on Northern America and potentially the rest of the pig loving world. Maybe the vegetarians are behind this.



depends on how cronically malnourished you are...

that and of course...
how close you reside to a CIA FUNDED aresol dispensor currently pumping this particular shit into a municipal enviroment....

do some reading folks...
pandemics only occur... when the laborers who serve globalizations HEALTH drops to the point they are EASY TARGETS of the pathogen...

oh and btw...
for you american fuckers...

EVOLUTION of viruses is what you have SUBSCRIBED to...
ie, given WELFARE...

via your acceptance of meat grown in such hellishly abusive enviroments...
that the animals have to be on medication from birth till slaughter TO survive the enviroment...

[ medication which btw... cover the NEED to keep your feed animals from commiting suicide while they grow.... ]

your a bunch of sick fucks...

Ok you are a bit extreme, but ya. The food in america is mostly abused in life, or with pesticide in plant form.

Try switiching your main protein source to soy/wheat/nuts/corn.

The soy has estrogen in it, the corn is sprayed with pesticide all year, you cant find nuts in america without salt all over them, or preservative/buffer in them the wheat is all processsed into white bread shit and mixed with flour and sugar.

The animals are beat to shit, depleted, slaugtered inhumanely for the most part, abused, pumped with steriods, growth hormone ,and fed inproper and food which is not natural to their diet. And then fed in massive portions so that they get big and fat even though they are in cages.


Registered Med User
your way outa line for grouping all americans together as if we all got the same values and are running our own country. This thread was designed to discuss the bird flu not politics.
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