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World Class Genetics Grown On a Budget

Big diference in a few short days

This is the star of the show. Big Bud #1

I say star, but I'm not even sure. In the last couple days, it has developed a scent that is a dead ringer for that commercial clone I grew out on my last run along with my ak crosses. That plant was nicknamed "glue", for its sticky icky factor, but was a very bleh smoko. Im hoping like all fuck it's not the same strain/pheno of said.

Big Bud #2 - El Mutato

Big Bud with tiny buds. Go figure.

Kali #1

More trich laden than its counterpart, however much smaller bud structure.

Kali #2

Big yielder, by the looks, got a nice stink to it

Did a small pollenation on select buds this morning and again tonight. (2x Kali males, one more indica one more sativa. the most sativa male was eliminated due to its teeeeeeny tiiiiiiny sac formations<insert joke here>.) A small puff of the more indica leaning kali pollen escaped into the room, im hoping it doesnt shit things up too much.

Was one of those things were you have the cotton bud in one hand and the envelope in the other... fuck all ya can do.
seems like this thread isnt getting much love on icm, let me know if theres any interest...

ive got a fucktonne more replies elsewhere that this has been posted, so i dunno

is there anybody out there...

or am i just talkin to myself...

gonna keep posting this up so i have proof pics on icm, but i really dont know why im bothering...

My ph pen took a swim last week, so i was guessing with my ph down, think that may have contributed to the weird colourations, and it kinda messed with the smells a lil bit, hope its not a big deal

they still stink, just not as much. bit of a shame

bought a new ph tester, and the old one that took a swim started working again... calibrated both, and sometimes they agree, other times theyre a whole point out on each other...

think for next grow, i invest in a proper fuckin meter.

St. Phatty

Active member
Nothing wrong with budget genetics.

Best seeds I ever got was a film cannister of seeds collected from Humboldt & Mendo over a period of 5 years. Given to me at no charge.
bad group shot

kali #1. is just bud from top to bottom. good plant.

whats left of kali #2. the head got a bit of budrot. shame, as it was huge, wouldve been a good half ozzer. good thing i caught it early, as i cut out the small mouldy part and quick dried the rest.

even though its way early, a friend of mine with fibromylgia smoked some, and says it killed her pain good and proper. med potential. going to either organize her a kali cutting from next seed run, or from this plant if it revegges

Big Bud #2
weird fuckin plant. dont know what to make of it, to be honest. gonna give it the chop. been flushed for a week. already cut a couple buds off the bottom.

Big Bud #1 went herm and got put out the back. seems to be powering along. couple days after i put it out, it developed pink pistils. Motherfucking pink haired hermy. Anyone would think I was growing in thailand.
no pics.

big bud seems to be a bust. kali still looks the goods even with all the problems. going to reveg these two i hope, if not, no loss, i still have 8 seeds from the original pack, and i made f2s, as well as big bud x kali from both plants

what do people think i should do with the bbxkali seed? one plant hermed, one plant is a weird assed mutant. thoughts?

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