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Working out nutrient causing leaf droop @ end of light cycle. Help please!

Well I am not sure how or exactly why, but I keep running into this leaf droop problem. Everyone is fine when the cycle starts or so it seems. Then sometime after say 10-12 hours this sets in (they are still in veg at the moment, just transplanted and are ready to flip).

The leaves bunched at the tip all point straight up and look tightened in.

I using coco-perlite 50/50 with a dose of EWC. It's not the medium though, I am fairly sure it is the nutrient.

I used 200ppm MagiCal and 550ppm Pura Vida Grow. I watered several times with lighter Pura Vida and worked up. It seem the ideal level might be a little lower.

Anyhow, my run off the coco was at 850 yesterday, and so I watered with just RO. They looked nice and happy till way into the cycle when they look like these pics.

The ph runoff is at 5.8-6 so I am good there. I am thinking its overfert, but how?

The room is well air flowed, temps are at low 70's and feeling good overall. RH around 55%.

I have watered once a day by hand into 1.75 pots, and this is effecting plants that were transplanted a week ago (who were showing nutrient def, cause I introduced it slowly) as well as the ones I transplanted 2 days ago. The newest transplants barely got any feed too, they were still wet from transplant. So I am sure it's nutrient, just not sure what is happpening exactly.

My general solution would be to flush again with just RO and 200ppm MagiCal.

Any help would be great and awesome! I am ready to jump back on to the H3ad Coco formula if I need too. I don't think its the Pura Vida, just something about dosage and medium holding it.

Can't get my pics up, there are some in the Organic Hydro thread under the same name.


------------ Update-----------

I ran some RO into the containers to catch some fresh runoff.

It came out at 380 for the new transplants (still some tap water in the coco running out as well), and 290, low 300's for the older plants.

I knew I was too light on nutrient with them, but it seemed the droop (with the tips being very tight and straight up in the air) was more an overfert issue.


ICMag Donor
you are growing in coco. I'll trust you on the ph because I know NOTHING about coco. if it were hydro I would GUESS a few things,,,,rootbound, abnormal ph, heat stress, nuteburn perhaps but again.......coco. Sorry I'm not more help. Ps The plant in that pictures does NOT appear to be UNDERnuted. There IS a pest out there; called a leaf roller but I'm really stretching with that one.

good luck


Hi Citizen, Hi Weedy. My last grow was in pure coco and the plants tended to droop at the end of the day too. I attributed it to the coco getting too dry after a full day of the plants drinking. I started watering twice a day and it helped. Now I use a soil/coco mix so they won't get too dry.

I had trouble looking at your pics, they were corrupt or something. But from what little I could see, it didn't look like overnuting. No burned tips.

What is the pH of your water/nute solution? A runoff pH only tells half the story.

My thinking as well Dillhole. I had them do it in veg before, and it was a nutrient issue it seemed. I have a light mix, and have not yet gotten the drip quite on yet, so its a once a day hand water. 50/50 mix.

Now whats funny is, even without watering them- the next morning they are all up again. That could be just because the water rebalanced through out the coco during the night.

In my last run this happened too, and I was only watering once a day. But my nutrients where not quite balanced. Once I did get them balanced (proper amount in the medium) they were cool; even with one a day watering.

My in ph is the same as my out ph. I collect runoff after letting them sit for awhile and squeezing the containers to get it out. Its right around 5.8-6.0. I do have bacteria at work, I tea'd them a couple days ago, along with Sugar Daddy and Catalyst.

But the new ones haven't tea'd yet and they are doing the same thing- so it's not that.

And it's not any of the other things homeboy listed above, and no pests.

I am going to water again with 200ppm Magical, 450-500ppm Pura Vida Grow.


Sounds like you have it going your way. Yeah, the plants will look better in the morning since they don't transpire much at night. Don't be afraid to up the nutes, the plants will tell you when they've had too much. Coco is easy to flush too.

It's over fert cause you force it to much with a low PH that is acidic! There is no way of pleasing every grow guideline these are purely suggestive! Your in a real problem, the PH of the plant is now acidic. Thus lowering the PH of the root zone is going to take awhile!

I suggest doing that as well as using tap water that naturally has lime! Mist the plants with that to raise the PH of the tissue while the root zone adjusts. Trim back burned plants after you notice signs of improvement (that can mean not more growing damage!).

Then have some pretty girls in flowering and not even bud has to be a cola that breaks a skull in.


Active member
ICMag Donor
dillhole may have the answer - the medium is drying out. Have you dug into it to see if its dry?

Also plants will droop when they have received all the light they can use in one day. For example on a kush plant after 18 hours they will droop a little. Also it depends on the light intensity, its total light per day.... (hours X intensity).

Think how you would feel if you stayed awake for 24 hours.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
to much info man..

from this Working out nutrient causing leaf droop @ end of light cycle. Help please! , its normal for plants to droop last couple hours before lights off
Hmmm. I have been wondering all the above, thanks gang for the help. They ALL do it, around the same time regardless of watering. Last night I watered some early, some way later. Didn't matter, all droopy around the same time in the morning. The medium is definately not dry. I skipped watering some to see if it is oversaturation- they drooped too.

Lights are about 3 feet or a bit more up, so don't think it is light stress. They did this last cycle too. I switched off the RO, onto tap, and a nutrient formula I was sure would be balanced, and they seemed to pull out of it. I could have been totally wrong though, and it was never nutrient related at all- current thinking is more that way.

Good news is everyone looks nice and happy early in the light cycle. I am suspicious of Pura Vida Grow in general, and just go to PBP since I know its a no fail solution. Pura Vida Bloom I have locked in and it rocks the house.

Anyhow- all things given, I cannot figure it out! I might just have to go with it being that they just droop. The good news is I am seeing them grow AND I am less inclined to believe it is a watering or nutrient issue.

Any more suggestions?
They are fine in the morning, and they are blasting away 8-10 hours into the cycle. I retract any misbelief about the Pura Vida. Solid for me at 450-500ppm with 220ppm MagiCal in RO. Dark green growth and good vigour.

I have come to believe they simply droop the top once they are full. It sounds nuts. But really, its like they droop the top leaves, pull the tip tight straight up and shut 'er down. The rest of the plant looks normal the whole time. All of em do it; regardless of strain, nutrient level, watering cycle; all those factors made zero difference as I tinkered with them. Light intensity seems to trigger some to start earlier then others- but they all do it, regardless of light level.

AND- they are all growing very well. Shooting mega roots within days of the transplant, darkening green, and growing. When they are not drooping they are banging. There are a few I had some nutrient issues with that are putting out some wavy leaves, but overall it looks solid.

Sept when they droop. I am going to flip to 12/12, turn on CO2 real soon, and see what happens.

Pictures on the way- i am having a fuck of a time getting it on here right with them.


gets some
Droop is normal if it's only the last hour or two of lights on. My mothers do it more (veg?) than my flowering plants. If they're perked up and growing when the lights come on and stay that way until drooping again last hour or two then they're fine. Are the growth tips progressing as they should? If everything looks ok except for this droop then they're fine.


I was curious about this as well, I noticed my plants looked way overwatered last night, and looked fine this morning.
My growth is great, tip is healthy. It just tightens up and pulls all the new leaves straight up. But- later on, they unfurl and look healthy as can be. Must be something that causes it, even if it is nothing to worry about.

I am in coco with 50% perlite. Very loose mix. There is no way it's overwatering for me, not in the too soaked sense. And regardless of when last watered, or if I skip a day. . they still act exactly the same.
Did you solve the problem? cause i have been experiencing similar issues and it has never been a normal issue for me in the past. Curious as to whether you found a solution.


Active member
i've had this issue before; in my case it seemed to be strain related... one strain drooped the other didn't... the one that drooped was very sensitive to light intensity as well; fan leaves were like a canary in a coal mine... that being said i never really had any drooping issues with the dcxgoo strain i'm running

i would think it might be environmental; possibly related to the rh in the room... i'd get the droop when the air was dry and water was being sucked out of the leaves faster than the leaf could pull it out of the air... over the light cycle this would incrementally get worse until the lights went off and photosynthesis stopped

i know what worked great for getting rid of the droop now that i think about it.... foliar feedings... penetrator gold with the ultimate foliar recipe thread... got rid of the droop; new growth was more vigorous; and existing growth stayed healthier longer

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