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Working out nutrient causing leaf droop @ end of light cycle. Help please!

Well I am not sure how or exactly why, but I keep running into this leaf droop problem. Everyone is fine when the cycle starts or so it seems. Then sometime after say 10-12 hours this sets in (they are still in veg at the moment, just transplanted and are ready to flip).

I using coco-perlite 50/50 with a dose of EWC. It's not the medium though, I am fairly sure it is the nutrient.

I used 200ppm MagiCal and 550ppm Pura Vida Grow. I watered several times with lighter Pura Vida and worked up. It seem the ideal level might be a little lower.

Anyhow, my run off the coco was at 850 yesterday, and so I watered with just RO. They looked nice and happy till way into the cycle when they look like these pics.

The ph runoff is at 5.8-6 so I am good there. I am thinking its overfert, but how?

The room is well air flowed, temps are at low 70's and feeling good overall. RH around 55%.

I have watered once a day by hand into 1.75 pots, and this is effecting plants that were transplanted a week ago (who were showing nutrient def, cause I introduced it slowly) as well as the ones I transplanted 2 days ago. The newest transplants barely got any feed too, they were still wet from transplant. So I am sure it's nutrient, just not sure what is happpening exactly.

My general solution would be to flush again with just RO and 200ppm MagiCal.

Any help would be great and awesome! I am ready to jump back on to the H3ad Coco formula if I need too. I don't think its the Pura Vida, just something about dosage and medium holding it.


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Ran in RO water, and got runoff of 270 from the older plants, and 380 from the newer.

Underfert then it would seem. My guess is to dose the MagiCal at 200-220ppm and the Pura Vida to about 450. That seemed to be goodish range.

I have to hand water for now, but have drip up real soon to keep it always leveled out.


Aleksis Stoned

I would say that it is rather an environmental problem than a nutrient one but I'm not a pro so...

Quite possibly- but what? I am at 70 degrees, nice circulation, and about 55% rh. I backed the lights off a bit too.

Somew new ones went in last night, no feed. They seemed happy this morning. However ALL of them have the tucked leaf look. Not so bad, but its there. It's got to be environmental. I'll see in the morning.
I have been dealing with the same problem. Plants are perky in the morning showing good growth during the dark phase, and by the 16th hour out of 18 they all begin to droop. Water temps 62 to 65, air temps 70 to 75 during lights on and 68 during lights off.

Pulling air out of the cab with a 6" vortex on a speed control with a 6" Phat Filter. Lots of air exchange. Plants show no other problems except for that late droop.

I have no idea either what this could be caused by. All ppm and ph levels are kept well in check. It is a mystery. :)

I am switching over to HPS today to see if that makes a difference.
Some folks are telling me they just droop once they have had enough light. It's a mystery. I watered some, not others, different medium nutrient levels- nothing; no difference.

So nutrient is out. They did this last round, then stopped after awhile. I am just afraid its some unknown stressor.


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
I am having the same issue running some Autoflower strains on 18/6 when they get to about the 13-15th hour they start drooping some.

Mines just the tip leaves- actually the very crown of the growing tip leaves stick straight up. It's a trip. They tighten in, the next level or two of full leaves droop.

Maybe they are just full. But my veg system doesn't do this, and its on 20 hours.