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Working for Someone vs. Being Self-Employed


High Grade Specialist
I HATE working for other ppl.
The fact alone that somebody tells me when to show up at some certain place, that messes with my head. What if i dont want to work one day? I cant just call in and say I dont feel like working today.

So im trying to make it as a freelancer right now and make my cash online. I hope within one year i can make enough money to live off it. Right now I sitll have to work regular jobs too, actually have a job interview in 2 hours ... hate those too!


lives on planet 4:20
No matter what one is doing currently, working for someone or for yourself, it is exactly what should be happening, because it IS happening. There is nothing wrong with one or the other...imho.

Right or wrong are only thoughts in our minds...in reality, they mean very little. Reality is always what it is ITSELF, and it always rules!

I choose to work for myself, because the country where I live, the average monthly wage is around $700 net. That is very little, taking into account how expensive everything is here. We have around 2 million people living, and little by little most folks are choosing to move to other parts of the European Union, like England or Germany or even the Netherlands.

But, I've tried that, moved to Amsterdam for 2 months in 2009, and didn't actually like it at all. I liked the coffeeshops, but I did not want to work for anyone there...lol. I did apply to about 20 coffeeshops, and it was Mr. Haze that motivated to pick my lazy-stoned-ass up and go around to give out my applications to the 20 shops where I have a chance of being hired. After a month of doing that no one called back, and I just got tired of living there, only spending the little savings I had.

So I came back here to my small, native country and started selling all kinds of stuff, including a weight loss book to overweight women...lol

And as soon as the real estate market picked up, I started selling real estate once again, and now am running a small real estate agency with one employee (a relative...btw) and simply loving it.

We work around 20 hours per week tops and make plenty of dough.

I am also starting a website focused on a VERY profitable niche that I stumbled upon while fucking around with Google's Keyword Tool. The average click is paying around $75, with very little competition.

I was even thinking about starting a thread in here, because I have lots of ideas, and obviously I can't bring all of them to reality. We can all start making simple Word Press sites, and see how it all goes.

What do you all think about that?

Making a $1,000 per month is quite easy if the niche is researched and chosen properly, and Google is paying good money per click.

I sold a site in 2008, for around $10,000 that was focused on the weight loss market, and all I did was wrote around 300 small and stupid articles focused on the best paying keywords. And those were only paying around $2 per click. I was making $600 per month from Google Adsense program, and all I had was Google ads on my site.

I sold a few weight loss ebooks, but nothing to write home about.

Imagine having a site where the keywords are paying $75 per click.

And building this site out for like 5 years. Bet it might make a penny...lol

headband 707

Plant whisperer
yes but employees dont want any responsibility, they get their free time after work or at weekends and holiday pay,, all the government taxes/council bills and utilities and stress and responsibility falls to the manager/owner and that is often 24/7.. when something goes wrong, usually staffs fault, the owner gets sued or can have his license revoked, the staff just search for a new occupation.. so yeah they certainly are crucial for making money but they dont have their lifespans cut short with the stress of running the show.. finding really good staff well worth their wage gets harder everyday..:2cents:

See that's what I like no responsibilties lol let the owners worry about who is doing what and who owes what to whom. Me I couldn't careless about that shit..I didn't say I don't know how to make money I just said I'm no boss of ppl lol... headband 707:)

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I HATE working for other ppl.
The fact alone that somebody tells me when to show up at some certain place, that messes with my head. What if i dont want to work one day? I cant just call in and say I dont feel like working today.

So im trying to make it as a freelancer right now and make my cash online. I hope within one year i can make enough money to live off it. Right now I sitll have to work regular jobs too, actually have a job interview in 2 hours ... hate those too!

you might have to change the way you look this pic is just not working lol headband 707:tiphat:


Active member
my last job was chill. i knew when i could blow off work. called in sick from my kayak a few times lol. one of the crews busted me once as they saw my ride at a lake. had to get em all stoned .


Active member
...i spent 27 years working for the man in the retail music industry. and mostly loved it...dealing with politics and corporate bullshit blew but the oppertunity to build a team and mentor the younglings was nice....i learned alot about business and working with different kinds of personalities. i always tried my best to put people in position to succed rather than punish them for thier shortcomings..and also to create as diverse a team culturaly as i could. no time for drama when everybody has something cool and different going on! damn...metalheads, hippies, punk and hardcore kids, gay, brown yello puerto rican and haitain...old and young. my goal was simple. extract the best from my staff. ensure they were learning something that would help them out in life...and not to be that dick manager we all hate!

that being said...i switched gears and am now self employed. and i wouldn't have it any other way. yes...i must now wear many different hats and the reasponsability has increased ten fold...but having total control and the satisfaction of building something from scratch myself feels real good in a way working for somebody elses profit never did. there's no going back...

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