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Wood cuts are 1/8 off, can I sand it down flush?


Calling all DIYers... Building a stand here for a turtle tank and am using 1 x 4s for the frame. The top is a box with the front and back pieces running the length of the aquarium and the side pieces running the width of the aquarium. So the side pieces "sit" in between the pieces that run lengthwise. The trouble is, on one of the side pieces I'm off by an 8th compared to the other side piece. Thus, the top frame will not be completely square and there's the fear that the aquarium will not rest properly on the frame, yadda yadda yadda.

So, can I just use some 50 grit sand paper to sand this fucker down to the proper length? Or do I need to toss that piece and make another cut? It's quite hard to get a precise cut with a handsaw.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya can def be done but, you have to make sure to sand it level...id make a pencil line at the 1/8 inch part you want to take off (with a speed square if possible to know its straight)and then sand to the line. IMO id just cut another piece to the correct length, I hate fuckin sanding :D peace hope i helped


If its been said I'm sorry but you need a plane without wings.I once found a plane on a plain in Spain,it was a pretty plain plane though