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Wondering What Strains Dispensaries Are Looking To Buy


Active member
What happens when your crop gets confiscated? That 1K an lb go into savings or what? Cause it seems like that's gonna have to be a big haul to make it worth while...and is it even worth while when its that big? As long as you pass the savings along to the out of staters, too? Right?


Active member
i think the value of weed is crazy. i would love to see it cheaper. 1k an lb and i am buying alot. lol

h^2 O

let me know where i can get a pound of this la confidential for a grand
I am wondering what strains are desirable to dispensaries in Cali (or Colorado).
I know GSC and OG Kush are popular, but they don't yield well. What other strains would be "easy" sells to them?
Any high yielding strains?
How about "old" standards like AK47, C99, or Northern Lights?
Or is it strictly "flavor of the month" strains that are hotter sellers?
If you were growing for a dispensary, what strain(s) would you grow?
If you owned a dispensary, what would you be looking to buy?
Trying to get a feel for the scene out there.

I'll chime in, AK has been a pain to deal with for me. She tends to auto in my fluro room. She still yields like a mofo. Another issue is getting her big enough to take cuts like I want. Takes a while. I'm guessing it's me at this point and If I can solve it I'm sure to get crazy yields. I'm talking 1.5 grams per watt in organic soil.

Right now I'm running SSSDH as my main stash and hitting over 1 gram per watt. You got to have the right pheno, temps, and plenty of stretch room. I'll say this, I've been dominating with it. So much so that I've considered opening up for bids. I've seen alot come from Cali, some of it stellar which I was supprised but mostly sub par in comparison.


Active member
let the free market decide, no one ruins it for anyone and if you have GREAT SMOKE you will be able to get rid of it with PATIENTS but fuck the collectives especially if you are trying to vend.

I guess my question would be, where do you find "patients"?
How do you build this clientle?


Active member
i love telling my side of things because people refuse to believe it.

in southern arizona, pre "legalisation", major metro area, the going rate used to be $150 a qp. $50 an o and $20 a quarter. sure, that was for cartel weed, or homegrown. anyone i met, same rate. medical collective, same rate, and i repeat, that was for homegrown not brick.

two years later the collectives have driven the old folks out of the business, so now arizona pays cali prices.

these prices may be good business for you, but for me, they're EIGHT TIMES THE PRICE.

it's not healthy to be well adjusted to a sick world. screw business, people are trying to live here.


Most expensive place to live + Most expensive electricity + Low Prices = FUCKED

Ill second this one,only thing that helps some of my people out is they only want the indoor stuff so that helps out. butoutdoor still drives prices down, and sometimes that outdoor gets passed for indoor. you can tell most of the time its outdoor, but i have seen a couple kushs that will pass for indoor all day intill you smoke it. either way mid septemer -- april = FUCKED


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ Indoor smokes better? How?

I see indoor looking better and maybe having more trichs on it and less beat up by the elements, but the smoking part I do not get.

h^2 O

bottom line is there needs to be a cheap source of medical quality buds available, because im spending like a quarter of my income on my buds.And its a medicine, so Im just like that old lady down the street who is also paying a quarter of her income towards medications. Or how about a voucher for a grow setup? Insurance should cover an ounce a month or grow setup


Active member
the bubble has burst me thinks. sell when high,buy when low. i am waiting on 1k weed. that would be great. hell i would sell some stuff and stock up.


Its crazy SML gettin so many thumbs down.
You profit so much from suffering..prices are high because of the law and so many would rather keep it that way than see their profit margins slip.


Active member
it is what it is.superman is a bit of an asshole tho. somehow i dont think he cares what peeps think. while i dont agree with him always i myself like his honesty .


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
you all sounds like a bunch of sycophants when you're like... Oh no, please Mister Superman, don't lower the prices. Weed is worth 38+ a pack.

Bwahaha. If your weed is good, you have no complaints, and if your weed can't sell trust me its not the market thats the problem its your subpar weed.

How on Earth should weed cost more the 1k a pound, especially for outdoor. You can grow 3lbs per tree right if youre even close to good. With a 25 plant count you could grow 75k worth of bud a year... you could smoke off the hash from sugar trim for free. That sounds fair to me, most farmers I know grow a lot more then 75 lb of produce to make a whole lot less the 75 grand a year. At that rate with a 100% mark up we'd all still be paying over $100 per ounce.

INdoor product, I understand.. they kill you on renting and electric out there. Lets get with the TreeHugging peaceful stoner vibe and stop raping our planet to grow indoor bud with 1000 watt lights going off like christmas in July. All you indoor growers wasting power should be paying carbon taxes IMHO. Its a waste of energy and polluting the air on a major tip peeps. Pullleease


Active member
you all sounds like a bunch of sycophants when you're like... Oh no, please Mister Superman, don't lower the prices. Weed is worth 38+ a pack.

Bwahaha. If your weed is good, you have no complaints, and if your weed can't sell trust me its not the market thats the problem its your subpar weed.

How on Earth should weed cost more the 1k a pound, especially for outdoor. You can grow 3lbs per tree right if youre even close to good. With a 25 plant count you could grow 75k worth of bud a year... you could smoke off the hash from sugar trim for free. That sounds fair to me, most farmers I know grow a lot more then 75 lb of produce to make a whole lot less the 75 grand a year. At that rate with a 100% mark up we'd all still be paying over $100 per ounce.

INdoor product, I understand.. they kill you on renting and electric out there. Lets get with the TreeHugging peaceful stoner vibe and stop raping our planet to grow indoor bud with 1000 watt lights going off like christmas in July. All you indoor growers wasting power should be paying carbon taxes IMHO. Its a waste of energy and polluting the air on a major tip peeps. Pullleease

I guess once its gets legalized, we'll be all set on both ends, but RIGHT NOW....shit has to get taken care of in a different way.


Active member
we know why krunch wants top dollar. he got caught riding dirty and need to recoup his cash. i dont care what your reason for growing is personally. but dont cry like a baby when someone less greedy sells for less .

h^2 O


i bought four different strains, masterkush, chemdawg, la confidential, and afghan goo. All of them fucked me up the first time smoking. After that, it seems the more i smoke of one strain, the less the effect is. I need to smoke like 2 bowls of it as opposed to before i bought it and i took 2 hits and was done. i think people want something dfferent, ts about varety. If you grow a chemdawg plant like og kush or diesel they already have tons of it but might buy it. On the other hand if you have something different, it would go fast. You want your shit to go fast. As more and more of the SAME chemdawg genes are sold under different names like og kush or ecsd people in clubs need variety. I guess chemdawg could be equated to a nineties version of skunk1, its in EVERYTHING


Active member
ha ha ha . just made a deal on some land with a friend. i pay back taxes so he dont loose it all. perfect spot with water and remote location. free manure and use of machinery. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I guess my question would be, where do you find "patients"?
How do you build this clientle?

well if you are a home body you won't find anyone

just like with any business or industry you need to go and do some networking with those in the scene itself.

If you have average smoke you won't find much of anyone BUT if you have the best in the area you will never have meds available as it is usually gone pretty quickly unless you are smart and have perpetual grows going for an endless supply.

in every city there are various 420 hangouts, shows, expos, collective events etc