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Woman told to lose pot shirt at Willie Nelson concert

I know of a couple very large state fairs that are very pro marijuana. I never go to Nebraska, but have to assume the politics there are not too progressive. What is Nebraska even known for? Corn and College Football?

They are a decriminalized state. Also marijuana is #9 on the list of cash crops. Ahead of oats.


Now you are going zen master on me? Get back under your rock. Sorry, go back to DC. You are making a real difference there. LOL Should I quote you the degree's I hold? Or can we just assume everybody is Ivy league.

Why are you so angry? Zen? Your degrees? Ivy league?

I believe that "shedding the stoner image" is the single most important step to cannabis reform. If that makes me elitist, then I am. I am in no way original or alone in this mentality.

I know I sound like a dick mentioning any of the work I did with norml or ssdp. You told me I'm under a rock, I was showing you that I crawl out every once in a while, and do something for cannabis reform.

Was she wrong to wear that shirt? No. She should pursue her legal options.

In my opinion, would it have been more productive to collect signatures dressed similarly to other fairgoers or professionally? Yes.
Why are you so angry? Zen? Your degrees? Ivy league?

I believe that "shedding the stoner image" is the single most important step to cannabis reform. If that makes me elitist, then I am. I am in no way original or alone in this mentality.

I know I sound like a dick mentioning any of the work I did with norml or ssdp. You told me I'm under a rock, I was showing you that I crawl out every once in a while, and do something for cannabis reform.

Was she wrong to wear that shirt? No. She should pursue her legal options.

In my opinion, would it have been more productive to collect signatures dressed similarly to other fairgoers or professionally? Yes.

Why do you keep assuming she wore that to collect signatures in? She wore it to a willie nelson concert...


You said she was there collecting signatures. You're right, I shouldn't have assumed that she was wearing the shirt at the time.

Please elaborate on my zen-like prose.

And I went to a state school. Explain the ivy league thing too.

All I've tried to do here is express my opinion that wearing cannabis shirts does nothing for cannabis reform and may actually hurt credibility, in the eyes of the general public. If you disagree, ok. Why did you insult me?


Professor Organic Psychology
I didn't go to an Ivy League college, but I did go to college. Not sure why that kind of bragging would hold any weight in here. If you were running for president it may matter. Seems those guys usually go to the most expensive colleges.


Active member
The court always wins. There is bureacratic biasing that happens.

The shirt, maybe for a fair wasn't right. Also the sexy shows on TV are not correct either.

If the shirt was MORE medical and had a woman that isn't in pain smoking from a vape, that would be appropriate.

It is a right of the state to do this, but the constitution is even above that.

A person who see's that plant is somehow their innocence is taken, because of people. They don't want their child associating with stoners and what they call criminals.

As far as I can see, the gansterish writing or whatever promotes it, not the pot.

If I had some vicoden which is way overprescribed and abused for years by people where they OD


I had that pot shirt.

I would pick the vicoden, to tell people I am actually promoting a reality that scares them.

A good thing is to not change your image, but redefine what they think the image already is. People take me for a stoner sometimes, until I get way scientific and they feel their ego could get bruised if they engaged in an argument with an intelligent being.

We stoner's do have an intelligent way. I define a stoner by someone who habitually smokes cannabis, and likes peace, but will demonstrate their ideas by what they wear.

Tons of ideas like peace, self-sufficiency, not eating so many animals, protecting trees........


You must teach a person, they are the vagina that is afraid of merely LOOKING LIKE A PUSSY.

Sorry for the words, but being a bigger man and stepping down from a fight, and bringing the fight back to reasoning and then to resolution IS a lot stronger than fighting, and winning.

All of these pussy things, here from "God" apparently from the tree of life. Capitalism is against that, under the ideals of a Christian nation that is creating jobs and being tough as a nation. It seems republicans fall under the luciferian way also, not the "devil."

It's all metaphorics, and the people who wrote these books disagree with each other and are determined to bring about a second coming because of that.


Active member
I agree with Miway...

Camel toes have caused more mayhem, death and destruction than our friendly lil ol' plant.
The plant is guilty of only the destruction of bags of Doritos.

I smell a civil rights violation and a news-worthy lawsuit against the police.
I'd settle for a public apology and a 2 week ban on donuts for the offending officers.

"Because we say so" only works for Mommy and Daddy.


I think it's one of those things where stoners and squares alike will be divided on the appropriateness of the shirt and the setting it was worn but it's strange to me that there is even a debate about the legality of her wearing it. It's a flower lol!

It's the parents job to tell their kids how they should interpret the shirt. I don't believe it should be the governments job to shield us from free speech.


ruger 500
you must demand your rights ,even when in standing in court befor a judge ,and you must use those words ,i could go into a long explantion in the underlying problems of or court system ,but instead i would incourage you all to understand what the BAR assoiation is and what it stands for ,and thatr it is diametrically oposed to your constitution and your rights so is the mearitime laws


Well-known member
Now its illegal to wear shirts? Fuck those cops. I would have had to been arrested to make my point.
Im with u all the way.

I wouldn't have taken off my shirt, changed, turned it inside out or anything. if he wants to throw cuffs on my for a shirt so be it! I'm down to be on the news. And maybe even get a lawsuit out of it if i can get him to man handle me without resisting.

i love thinking of outcomes of suing cops.
the best part of this is: I'm down to be on the news. And maybe even get a lawsuit out of it if i can get him to man handle me without resisting.

take a man, have him bit shabby, unshaven, traveled in clothes. dude is sick and depressed
and he will get lots of unfriendly stares and stopped at every airport he goes through.

take the same man, now healthy and good mood and dress him up nice, clean shaven and he will get nothing but friendliness and breeze through security.

personal experience.

lesson, to the common herd, appearances are 1 2 and 3
I use to wear pot tshirts all the time, but I keep getting bothered by the cops. so I stoped wearing them and started dressing more GQ and no more bothering me by the cops. and I still toke up ever where I go. :D

my 2 cents.

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