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Woman Develops Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder After Wii Fit Injury



Bothers me that we have one and i havent used it yet ....


A U.K. woman has been diagnosed with persistent genital arousal disorder after falling off her Wii Fit board and damaging a nerve, the Toronto Sun reported.

Amanda Flowers, who lives in Manchester, England, said she has sexual urges up to 10 times a day since she fell. A doctor confirmed her diagnosis.

"It began as a twinge down below, before surging through my body," Flowers told a U.K. newspaper. "Sometimes it built up into a trembling orgasm."

PGAD is defined as persistent sexual arousal syndrome as "intense feelings of genital congestion and sensations that are typically unaccompanied by any conscious awareness of sexual desire," according to Dr. Sandra Leiblum, who coined the term several years ago.

Leiblum is the former director of the Center for Sexual and Relationship Health at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey.

In the Journal of Sexual Medicine, Leiblum writes that sexual activities intended to relieve the symptoms can reinforce the sensations or provide only temporary relief.

In fact, Leiblum told FoxNews.com, the sensations can last hours or even days, and they truly are unwanted and intrusive.

The condition gained national attention when it was featured two years ago on "20/20" and in an episode of "Grey’s Anatomy."


be an issue for tho if i were still rocking parachute pants


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
For women persistent sexual arousal sucks, for men, you run the risk of losing your dilz (go read up on priapism)..

It isn't really anything you want.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Is it really the Wii's fault? That's a f.u.c.k.i.n.g. cop out if I ever heard one......it coulda' been a rollerskate.....a whimpering dog......a scurrying mouse......a paperback book......a misplaced shoe.......a mischievious child......
anything could have caused this lady to misstep....injure a nerve and then get this wacky ass disorder. This is just another example of where anatomy meets opportinity for profit.
Honestly there are alot of repetitive stress disorders evolving as a result of the novel Wii interface....but it's the same thing that happens whenever people misuse their bodies elsewhere...like in a gym, or during recreation....regular activities of daily living that exceed tissue capacity...........the Wii is just the latest scapegoat in an endless shameful parade of pickpockets and gloryhounding lawyers trying to carve out a piece.
What the F ever happened to self accountability?

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I fell and smacked my crotch on my bike a few times in my life.....never called up Schwinn and was all like, "you assholes broke my vag because you make bikes!" Jesus....I hope this condition doesn't last too long for her, hahaha.


I fell and smacked my crotch on my bike a few times in my life.....never called up Schwinn and was all like, "you assholes broke my vag because you make bikes!" Jesus....I hope this condition doesn't last too long for her, hahaha.


its times like this a womans insight is priceless

i always wondered as a young boy is this how girls broke their "cherrys" and how many times a young lover would hear the disparaging words "sorry, Shwin got there first"

now I know it take a Wii to do that, from now on i'm keeping that Wii fit board on my arm as a shield against unruly women
Of course the POS is gonna sue. Every time she gets moist she sees $$$$$$$$.

And accessnds...self accountability went away along with common sense and self respect. Now it's just self serving, self centered stupidity.
Does anyone get why people don't just have accidents anymore? Someone has to be the victim and someone must be at fault. Makes me sick......HH