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Woke up this morning to a loud knock on the door, "Police, open up".


Well-known member
now that was the best reason to turn the damn tv off that i have EVER heard. that shit would give an ol' geezer like me a stroke! still funny as hell tho... :biggrin:


Damn that sucks. It gets the blood flowing indeed. This is what happened to me.

I was at home in my bedroom, midday, after just enjoying some herb. All of a sudden I heard what sounded like through a loudspeaker "This is the ******* County Police Department. We are searching......" at this point my heart was on the floor "......"for a missing child."

I had left the radio on in the kitchen.

The relief.


I am going to start a business, let me know if you could use my services!

I am going to get a retired k9 from tha cops, then I'll smoke some buds.

O yeah then I'll come to your OP and "Test" your security, if ole k9 Mck sniffs finds your OP we get some buds! if not I'll give you your certificate!

I'll do some snoopin to!


omg I would've seriously flipped! lol like mother F*CKER try to get in my house!!!! they best be knocking that door in cause like anti-matter said, IM NOT OPENING THE DOOR!!!!!!

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