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With Age Comes Wisdom? Bullshit!


weed fiend
I watched a tv show showing body hair being transferred from the water-treatment plant to the dump. Said it's the single largest substance in the joint, lol.


Well-known member
I watched a tv show showing body hair being transferred from the water-treatment plant to the dump. Said it's the single largest substance in the joint, lol.

I still have a full head of hair, although the majority of it is gray, I still have plenty to pull-out if someone upsets me enough.

When I go across the pond to London to visit family it's always "peas" that seem to stop-up the drain in the kitchen.



yes, the melancholy of a man who begins to realise his mortality is FOR SURE.

I have a coupla years on you and what was a preoccupation with my death seems to have gone away.
but what's replaced it is an understanding that death will not come easy if you have UNFINISHED BUSINESS! if you carry SECRETS!
so there is an urgent need at our age to recapitulate one's life story. to make sense of life. to have a perspective ... be objective. admit wrongs done ... even in primary school!

free yourself of the burden by sharing it. result: no more melancholy.

but hey! have you noticed how we are made up of 'parts'? some parts of me ARE wise. but other parts are still nineteen years old and as stupid as fuck! so for me LIFE is IRONIC.

thanks for the post! most would shy away from the subject. (and just have another joint I suppose.)


Crotchety Cabaholic
I spent 3 months working at a WWTP removing and installing fuel tanks.
The worst was the incinerator building. We had to install an underground waste oil collection system inside. Made it hard to eat lunch smelling burnt shit all day.


Active member
At 55

At 55

At 55 i shall reap what i have sown.
It seems to me than many of us fuck up big time at 50 .
lol ive been busted 1st time in 30 years lost everything i built up
moved country lost another house and a grow but not busted.
yet i wake up happy within myself .
I have my honour and integrity .I owe no money anywhere.
Thankfully ive kept in shape with gym n fast walking ,a good diet ,no alcahol.
Id say you become a man at 50
If youve kept in shape,been true to yourself and others.A


in the thick of it
For what it's worth...I don't really think that as you age you gain wisdom...people who were idiots at 25 are idiots at 55, barring some kind of life changing situation. I believe that as you age, you gain perspective. Wisdom is the quality of being wise and that is reserved for the wise....not necessarily the foolish who may/may not learned from past mistakes. Perspective on the other hand is a realistic depiction of depth in space. All to often we make a mistake and think for a second we won't do that again, but we do....which is not wise, but knowing the consequences and not being surprised by those outcomes...that's perspective.
I have so much to learn and am blessed with a teachable spirit. So many of us act like we know it all for whatever vain reason all the while, ignoring what is trying to be taught.
What unites us all is that we're all human beings and any of us will suffer and all of us will die. The way respond is what makes us who we are.
Happy birthday trouble.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If we are not wise after 50 years of life, that is on us. We had plenty of lessons come to us, if we ignored them...... I do not consider myself wise btw, although a little bit wiser than I was.


Also, I think dying alone is not the worst fate that a human can face (more conventional wisdom) In certain cultures people actually leave their loved ones to go be alone for their "spiritual journey" or some such thing, I say make the most out of life and death, alone or with the ones you love.


stoic stoners

stoic stoners

it's heartening for me to see so many of us are comfortable with ourselves at this later age. clearly you all walk the path with Heart

to the member who noted other cultures behave differently when death is close: the desert aborigines here used to simply walk toward the western sun until they lay down and died. they were goin' home. you dig?


Well-known member
It seems like yesterday
But it was long ago
Janey was lovely she was the queen of my nights
There in the darkness with the radio playing low
And the secrets that we shared
The mountains that we moved
Caught like a wildfire out of control
'Til there was nothing left to burn and nothing left to prove
And I remember what she said to me
How she swore that it never would end
I remember how she held me oh so tight
Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then

The years rolled slowly past
And I found myself alone
Surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends
I found myself further and further from my home
And I guess I lost my way
There were oh so many roads
I was living to run and running to live
Never worryied about paying or even how much I owed
Moving eight miles a minute for months at a time
Breaking all of the rules that would bend
I began to find myself searching
Searching for shelter again and again


Against the wind
Bob Seger


Ojo, thank you for the kind words & well wishes.

One of many great classic Bob Seger songs, and one of my all time favorite songs as well!

May you & your loved-ones, have many days to come filled with much peace, good health, ,happiness, and prosperity!


The Trouble Family



Active member
I don't know.
I'm older than most of you, but still do stupid things.
I find myself saying, "how could I have been so stupid?"


We are Farmers
the older I get the more I realize that age doesn't bring wisdom, it only brings weary

I'm not any smarter than I was 30 years ago I've just grown too tired to juggle the lies and hide the fears

self awareness doesn't reveal my indiscretions, exhaustion does

From Sons of Anarchy

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
long live TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!

i know when i start realizing my own mortality i am going to donate money to a college and have them name a building after me, or i will set up some sort of scholarship program set up in my name so that my legacy will live on forever.... well atleast until they knock the building down, or the scholarship money runs out! :biglaugh:

trouble you are a good ass human being..... i know you are...

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Time to buy that shiny red sports car and start dressing like a 20 year old :)

Belated Bday greetings dear friend :wave:

Time to buy that shiny red sports car and start undressing a 20 year old :)

Seriously, I'm past 50 and still fill 25. I do feel wiser than I did, but that may just be the dementia kicking in.


I'm in that over 45 club, I don't feel any smarter or wiser...But I do have a slew of younger men,in varying degrees of coming of age, in my family who enjoy my stories and seem to want to spend more time with good ol' Unc as time goes by.

I know it's been said in many ways, but when you truly understand the meaning of 'Stop and smell the roses', that 'final stop' means as little as ever before.

Be well fellas :tiphat:

Someone once wrote that the journey is the reward...I'm a firm believer.


I will be 70 in February. A disabled Veteran. I had kidney cancer 4 years ago and had to come to grips with my own mortality. I beat the cancer and now realize how precious every hour of every day is.

The only advice I can give is don't worry about bullshit. Enjoy your life. Do whatever it takes to be happy.

30 years ago I was upset about nearly being 40. That seemed to me to be very old. Those 30 years have passed like the blink of an eye.

Be happy, have fun, keep smiling. --EP

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