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Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas.....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
As another year draws to a close I would just like to thank all of you on the site especially the Admins and Mods for making our growing community happen and bloom over the last year here ......

Its been a difficult year for me and many others around me.......Shantibaba is back in jail.....but should be out in January.....I saw Eddie Lepp at the Cannabis Cup and he is still fighting his case over the destruction of his Lake County farm....but still free to travel overseas.....The pot activist M.Emery is still fighting extradition to the U.S. from Canada for seed sales and the medical marijuana dispensaries in California are being hastled and busted by the federal government daily when they are legally allowed to exhist by the state ......There have been many more arrests and siezures throughout the industry in Holland due to a much more concerted crackdown on cannabis cultivation........

But.....saying all that..... we still see the majority of growers being left alone in secret mostly growing their own erb' for medicinal or recreational use.......and I wish all of you that have been un-molested by the un-just laws regarding this plant over the past year another year of contentment and joy in your gardens........to bring forth the forbidden fruits of your labours for you to savour and enjoy.......and for those that have fallen foul of this cannabis inquisition and have had to pay some penalty of loss of property or freedom because of it I wish you a much happier new year free from the shackles of oppression that vainly attempt at criminalizing us for basic human freedoms..........You will always find a friend in me.....

.....Members: 6,878 Threads: 17,184 Posts: 267,402.......and still growing....

.....We have the 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup coming up in Amsterdam on the 18th-19th and 20th April this year as usual and I would love to see more of you show for the event and party..........It's the 3rd year now and we are expecting a good crowd and many entries to materealize for the competition.......So if you have a mind......drop by and see what fun you can have......


Active member
thx m8 for the kind words ,in fact it was strange year for cannabis business with many good peole had problems with law issues.that because the comunite is growing world wide and more people by seeds and grow just for recreational use.they cannot get all of us insted they pick some of the gurus just to impress the comunity,but they will fail and we will prevail.thx gipsy to kepp leading us to the right way,i will join 4/20 wait for me

peace and merry chrystmas
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Active member
Happy Holidays to you as well Gypsy...Dutch too :wave:

I ve really enjoyed my time here & glad you haven't got sick of me :bat:

Also i hope to shake your hand in april & share me very best 'homegrown' with you & Dutch. A quality site you've established & im honored to be a contributor.

A safe happy new year to all


Well-known member
THANK YOU GYPSY FOR GIVING ME A PLACE TO HANGOUT EVERYDAY (ICMAG) i hope you and yours have a safe and healthy holidaze grow on my friends


Active member
Merry chrissmas Gypsy you've made my year a happy one keep up the good work in 2006'

Merry chrissmas Gypsy you've made my year a happy one keep up the good work in 2006'

thanks for doing what u do and providing us who LOOOOVE to grow cannabis flowers access to seeds for some of the finest cannabis IN THE WORLD.Merry christmas & happy new year to you & Dutchgrown :dance: :joint: :wave:.Bm :friends:


Merry Christmas Gypsy, Dutch and all the great members here. I hope everyone has a super holiday and makes it home safely. It has been a long and hard year for me and others, but i'm looking forward to the new year. Take care all and see you soon.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor


Gypsy and Dutchgrown thankyou so much for the love you show us all daily :)
Much love from The Babba's

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Thank you Gypsy and DG, much love from the cold north, I hope to meet you both tomorrow, or next week anyway...


New member

Merry Christmas to you all.

Thanks to Gypsy for their service and the operators/mods of this site



biggest best wishes to gypsy and dutchgrown and a very merry xmas to everyone here at ic mag