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Wisdom teeth removed, wondering if i should vape

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor

I agree - vape bags or a gravity bong to keep suction out of the equation. Want to add a warning - coughing sessions are dangerous for the healing wounds, as the vibration is really violent in the jaw area even if you try to stifle it.

Essentially I recommend lots of small hits so one doesn't cough at all.

Do these things and its no trouble to medicate while recovering from oral surgery.
I used a gravity bong and pushed the smoke inside of me! It worked well, but I just wasn't drinking water or eating and ended up getting so dehydrated I ended up in the ER...

mad librettist

Active member
2 hours after the surgery, first time was no problemo , second time gave me a dry socket... So a specific advice is pretty hard to give!!

no it isn't hard to give. don't smoke anything for a good while after this surgery.
Wow, thanks for all the replies fellas. Day two now and I've rocked the vape twice. Just made sure to have moist gauze covering the wounds. Got my fingers crossed that I don't have dry sockets, but I most def am not in nowhere near as much pain as I was the day before surgery... good news, I think?

Anyway, back to Mass Effect 2 hahahaha. What a great game


Active member
don't smoke anything if you just had your wisdom teeth out.

ever had a dry socket? i did. its the most fucking pain i have ever experienced in my entire life, and i've ruptured and lost entire organs. i dealt with that better than i did when i had a dry socket. my ex- had one too and she compared the pain to child birth in your mouth. i could feel the pain shooting into my brain.

just wait. or make apple sauce weed or something.


I smoked after mine got pulled. Just make sure there is no negative pressure in your mouth that would dislodge the clot and you will be fine.

Vape away.


when i had mine pulled about 20 years ago, my granddad came over with this thing he called a shotgunner. it was basically a plastic bottle (think sports bottle) with a small hole for a carb, the joint goes inside the bottle with only the ass end sticking out the cap. (this was a fancy one from the 60's and had a nice metal tip)

when you cover the hole with your finger and squeeze, the smoke shoots out the ass end of the joint.
was perfect for that week of no smoking (vaporizers weren't real big then).
Id show you a pic, but that thing has been gone longer than granddad.

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