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Wisco's 2010 woodland misadventures


Wisco, the woodpecker was most likely a pileated woodpecker, their about a foot tall and can make a lot of noise, one of my favorite birds, and your red bird there is a scarlet tanager very good pic, i dont see many of em in the north.

Thanks North, you have a wealth of information.

I returned to the woods today for a little planting and some checking. I checked the Diesel Ryders quickly, they are doing fine though I didn't take any pictures.

The mini greenhouse had 6 sprouts. I gave them a little water, hopefully those 6 keep going and a few more seeds break the surface. But, at least some seeds germed so I know the concept is sound.

The covers on the swamp tubs were not as successful. I think they got too hot and cooked/dried out the seeds. I opened up one side and rehydrated the tops of them. If there aren't any sprouts in a week or so, I will replant with a different setup. Its been sunny and 80 the last couple days, with the tubes being in full sun I guess I should have expected it. For next year, I will probably try these again but quite a bit earlier, like May 1st. Either way, its no worries as the seeds were mostly seeds I made and have many more of.

I didn't get over to check the tub that didn't have a GH on it, its a hike but I will try to get there next week.

I also planted the clones of Texada Timewarp IBL from NGSC. They both had awesome root systems from the air pruning pots, these should do quite well.




New member
Your grow looks great, will be checking in to see how things turn out!
I just read through the thread and wanted to add something about the mullein, its not native to to north america, its from africa and eurasia and was introduced here in the 1700's. I think its on the invasive weed list for wisconsin, so it wouldn't be planted intentionally.
and it makes great TP.


Active member
Hello, spots look great, plants are healthy... that's good!
I wish you a nice grow season :)


She looks tasty

A Fisher crossed the road ahead of me also. Didn't get a pic, but they are always cool to see.

Today I put out 4 clones of a mother I started this winter of TT x (Congo x GG). I'm hoping I don't have any early flowering issues, but I'm only putting out 4 of these so its not a big deal either way.

I think I saw some male preflowers on one of my seedlings, so hopefully they are starting to show. I'll take a closer look at them in a few days.


Thanks for the compliment #1cheezebuds, but we shall see about that. I still have ample opportunity to screw things up.

Here's a little update from a trip to the woods today.

First up are the TT clones in the 25 and 15 gal smart pots. Pretty amazing growth in 5 days, these things are going to get freaking huge if all goes well. I gave them both a good top dressing of guanos and kelp meal. The 15 gal was still mainly coco, so I worked in as much cow manure as I could to help with water retention.


The Diesel Ryders are also coming along nicely. The male is quite the vigorous bastard. I culled the other male as this guy looks like he can get the job done. The girls were also looking good. Pretty god damn sweet having buds forming before June 1st :)

6 more clones also went out today. My last 5 clones of TT and one last clone of TT x (Congo x GG).

Its all seeds after this. I culled 2 males out of the seedlings yesterday. That leaves 15 unconfirmed. I will probably have to take some leaps of faith on unknown plants June 1st, but hopefully a few more early males show to improve my odds.

5 minutes after I left the woods today its started raining. Pretty good thunderstorm, should be a good half inch of rain for the ladies. The forecast looks like awesome midwest farming weather. Sun, then rain, then sun. Rinse and repeat for fat corn and buds.:jump:


Active member
That's a very good start. I wish you all luck for this season!
Stay safe!
Peace :rasta:


New member
Hey there Wisco, looking very good and you are alittle ahead of my so far but I think it is going to be a very good growing year. YESSSSSSS

I will work hard getting my pics this week end for all to see.

Happy growing to U and be safe!!!!


Thanks for the compliments haxi and hillbillybuds. I wish you both the best of luck this season.

Well today I got 4 of my holes with guerrilla collars planted. 3 of the seedlings of TT x Congo x GG showed female so I planted those. None of the Manitoba Meds #2 have shown yet, so I just picked the 2nd shortest one and will have to hope for the best.


I'm gonna get out this holiday weekend so I should have a big update Monday.


Happy unofficial first day of summer everyone!!:jump::jump:

First off, the smart pots. I gave them a top dressing of some worm castings and a foliar feed of seaweed extract. The side branches are almost long enough to start training through the fencing, then its on.


Next up, 9 seedlings were planted this weekend. Unfortunately they were all of unknown gender so I will have to cull some males in a few weeks. I also forgot my SD card on the second round of planting so I don't have pics of them all. They were about half Manitoba Medicine #2 plants and half TTx(CxGG).


I also replanted my swamp tubes. I didn't use any covers at all, just a lot of snail killer and some fencing around the tubs. Hopefully I will get some sprouts. I planted them with seeds of Early Misty x White Rhino and MM#2xTT. Also, a few seedlings of GGxC99 and Rocket Chunk are started, I'll put those out in a week or so.

I haven't been needing to water because the weather has been amazing. Rain, sun, rain, with more to come in the forecast. I know it won't hold up all through summer but I'll take it when I can get it.

The ticks are still kinda thick, but they seem to have passed their peak. Surprisingly, the mosquitoes aren't really out yet. My biggest adversary this weekend were deer flies. Those things are so annoying and boy do the bites hurt.


Alchemical Botanist
Great job on the site selection and prep work wisco. I'm west of wisconsin, but same latitude. Keep up. :)


Sorry for the lack of updates, I had internet troubles.

Things are so-so, some better than others. Here are some pics from today.





B. Self Reliant

Things look good! Can't wait to see how things turn out for you.


Great thread! some laughs too, pictures are awesome... I haven't seen guerrilla collars before that's a new idea to me..I'm planning on putting some hash plant clones out next year in my desert southwest climate and they'll need some type of auto-watering or just extra help..I like Backcountry's buried bucket wick system, but I'd like to avoid carrying in a five gallon bucket..then burying it. Maybe those collar things are the ticket..