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Wiring help needed


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
hiya Tech.

I was out all day, hadn't checked in on em since last night just got in and they all look amazingly healthy (well, when I took my clones I had actually had a temper tantrum and hacked the sh*t out of the alpha diesel and ultra sonja mums because they were getting so big in the veg cab that the airflow was f*cked and nowhere to put my new seedlings, so the chopped bits were tossed into a cupboard where I chuck leaves and stuff until I go looking for stuff to make hash out of or somesuch, so that chopped stuff sat there for a couple of hours and then I surprised myself by actually installing the cloner and getting lighting right, so i grabbed the chopped stuff and tried to find alive-looking tips) hehe :)

They're all stretching to the lights now and I think it's actually gonna work.

Check the poor ol' ultra mum after my hack job, on far right hand side hehe
