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WINNERS! Halloween Photo Contest 2010

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Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
Let me be the first in to say I received Oger99 and Mystic Gem when I got my mail today!!! DG, awesome contest.. even better prizes. Many thanks. Can't wait to grow these darlings.


I hold El Roacho's
I'm happy for you WJ as it has only been a month since I was a winner for tieing 1# place prize and SB advised me they mailed out my paid order and my prize (3) pks of DG gear on the 24th of November so I'm hoping they arrive soon and hope this isn't always the shopping experience when buying from SB as the boo gets my orders to me within 5 business days after placing my order, buying from the Bay is a complete different beast.

Kudos to you again WJ :yes:


I hold El Roacho's
I hope the same BD, December 11th will be 29 days from November 24th when the Bay e mailed me that my order was sent but today nothing again so they asked for me to wait until 28 days and I hope if nothing arrives I cross my fingers and have faith the Bay will honor my paid order and my 3 pks, from Ms. DG as well.

I'm crossing my fingers for you BD :yes:


I hold El Roacho's
*Update* Well seedbay e mailed me a FAQ sction of their policy and because I somehow upset them by e mailing them to many times I never received my Paid order or my 3 packs of Top Gear from my #1st Place Prize which was my biggest most Important to me Gift are now just a thought.

I didn't have to buy any seeds to receive my first place prize the 3 packs of DG seeds but wanted to also support SB but because I was unfamiliar with my order taking a Month to arrive I e mailed them to a point they have no care to assist me which is understandable.

I am Spoiled when I order online and get my gear from the Boo within 5 busness days and after Winning the Ms. DG Contest and acting like a big kid in a candy store wanting Ms.DG gear I couldn't wait to be a part of the DG family and SB does not resend so it was something I never thought would take over a month to receive and was nice to Win as I never won anything that was that Important to me personaly and wish that I would have received my 1st Place Prize.

My thoughts do not reflect any bad feelings or digs towards sb or it's staff I am just deeply disappointed today and that seedbay will not hold up or replace my order or prize I won and waited over a month to receive.
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Active member
RoachClip - sucks dealing with Seedbay doesn't it. Horrible customer service. They think by sending you the FAQ that will answer your question. In other words, "piss off because we are not going to replace shit."

I am having the same problem. Still have yet to receive my beans and no answer what so ever from seedbay. Big surprise. You mean the people that will make you wait for days to order the seeds, wont give you the time of day when your seeds are missing and they already have your money.

Check out that other website I sent you. They guarantee delivery.


Active member
O yea, and don't forget. They are really stressed right now because they have to do their jobs. Packing seeds and finding addresses.


RoachClip - sucks dealing with Seedbay doesn't it. Horrible customer service. They think by sending you the FAQ that will answer your question. In other words, "piss off because we are not going to replace shit."

I am having the same problem. Still have yet to receive my beans and no answer what so ever from seedbay. Big surprise. You mean the people that will make you wait for days to order the seeds, wont give you the time of day when your seeds are missing and they already have your money.

Check out that other website I sent you. They guarantee delivery.

When was you order shipped? I had one that says it shipped on the 22nd and it is still a no show. This will be 600 bucks i have lost in about 4 months. My testers showed up and around the same time that my order should have showed up. Free ones are great but now i paid 300 bucks for them which sucks. I love this place but dealing with the bay i might go another direction.


Active member
When was you order shipped? I had one that says it shipped on the 22nd and it is still a no show. This will be 600 bucks i have lost in about 4 months. My testers showed up and around the same time that my order should have showed up. Free ones are great but now i paid 300 bucks for them which sucks. I love this place but dealing with the bay i might go another direction.

Mine was shipped on the 23rd. I have also lost a lot of money in the last 2 months with Seedbay. I find it hard to believe that I had only 1 delivery not make it to me in three years. Now, at the end of this year I have lost several orders and have several pending. Funny this is all happening when they are having employees quitting. Seems to me like somebody from Seedbay didn't care if people got their seeds for X-mas. They were pissed off at Seedbay and were going to quit anyway. I think the proof to this is the lack of return e-mails from Seedbay, they don't care about you guys. They got their money, what do they care if your order got lost in the mail or never even sent out for that matter. They don't care is the answer.


I hold El Roacho's
I think that 35 days and nothing but rude remarks telling me to stop e mailing them Isn't that I am being rude at all I just asked for answers because I have ordered so many times from the boo and got my gear within 5 to maybe 7 business days and never received this type of treatment and I didn't even have to buy a pack of seeds to get my 1st place prize * shared with DD :yes: * but to get my prize faster I ordered a pack of blubonic and the bay said it was mailed on the 24th of Nov,

When I e mailed them to ask how they sent it they said read the faq's like I owed them something?????

I have always had a class act unbelieveable service from the boo with never any problems or rude comments and this is why I stick with the boo.

The horror stories and poor people who never got their seed orders from the bay makes me back off from buying gear and wether it's only my $55.00 or $1,000 we shouldn't have to get a thumb up our asses and be told if it doesn't return to us in 80 months then it's lost or stolen bla bla bla so you have a better chance at hitting a lottery then getting your gear when you buy at the bay.

sorry but let's get real we come to the bay because we support our home ICM and have kept our end of the deal by (trusting) we will get our gear and some things do happend and no it's not a perfect world but don't send me a faq's link or tell me to read were it tells me NO REPLACING = YOUR SCREWED!!


Mine was shipped on the 23rd. I have also lost a lot of money in the last 2 months with Seedbay. I find it hard to believe that I had only 1 delivery not make it to me in three years. Now, at the end of this year I have lost several orders and have several pending. Funny this is all happening when they are having employees quitting. Seems to me like somebody from Seedbay didn't care if people got their seeds for X-mas. They were pissed off at Seedbay and were going to quit anyway. I think the proof to this is the lack of return e-mails from Seedbay, they don't care about you guys. They got their money, what do they care if your order got lost in the mail or never even sent out for that matter. They don't care is the answer.

I like this website so i have tryed not to lose my temper but its getting harder. i know to some of these guys it nothing to lose 600 bucks but thats a hit to me. i think that this is going to be the reason why i stop posting around here

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I'm so thankful to live in a state where I can pull my dick out the window on the 5 fwy and piss on about 30 places to get genetics. For those of you in non-med states, get out and start the campaign. Fuck sending money overseas let's get all states on board and keep the money in America (we have the best strains and growers anyways...)


BHT - can I come live in your basement for awhile ... promise not to pull my dick out and piss on anything that doesn't deserve it

ps nothing in the mail for me yet. soon come I'm sure.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
BHT - can I come live in your basement for awhile ... promise not to pull my dick out and piss on anything that doesn't deserve it

Basements are considered worst than illegal immigrants out here. I got a sweet attic though that is just big enough so you can't lie down or stand up....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
how about some space in that backyard were I can setup my hammock and a rain tarp? :D

If you promise to pick up the 30+ lbs of daily dog shit i'll let you stay as long as you'd like. There's even a pretty badass gazebo for you to post up in...


If you promise to pick up the 30+ lbs of daily dog shit i'll let you stay as long as you'd like. There's even a pretty badass gazebo for you to post up in...

hmmmmmm..... Sounds like you either have a large quantity of dogs or one huge hybrid Rhinoceros-dog. Maybe I'll bring a snowblower to fling the piles into your neighbors yard.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey Guys....

my apologies for any miss-understandings...

There has been quite a few probs lately back at base, in the office that processes orders/contest wins etc....

Some staff members have been off sick, some couldn't make it into work due to the UK being snowed in for a while and the post could not be delivered due to the Royal Mail being stopped/slowed, one staff member went on holiday for a week then couldn't get back due to some strike in Spain for another week......right at our busiest time....

....so it's been a bit stretched, but things are looking a bit better as we come up to the Christmas holidays....

....I am out in Asia atm.... and will have Christmas with my family here, but as soon as I get back in the new year, if you still have not found peace with your order/contest win then just P.M. me and I will sort it out to more than your satisfaction......
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