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Windows 7



anyone running windows 7...notice any major differences between 7 and vista ?

only thing i have noticed is it uses less resources and does not come with a mail program, microsoft wants people to use their live essentials.

plz share your thoughts here ?

Forgot to mention that i just installed it 3 days ago...
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Active member
The commercials seem cool. I like the split screen you can do on it. I have yet to buy it however and will be soon.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Windows 7 is what Vista was suppose to be. If you have not yet updated DO SO NOW it rocks. I have been using it for almost a year now and you get better battery life on a laptop and all the things we hated about Vista are all but gone.

It's nor perfect but the closet Microsoft has ever come.

My Penny



I like the idea of not having to confirm every action, like in vista, it was a pain in the ass.


I have been running Vista since it came out & never had any of the problems I've heard people complain about.
Admittedly, I use my computers for fun & not work.
Basically, I surf the inter~tubes,
What is this "update" you speak of?
Does anyone have more info on IE7 and why should I upgrade to it?
What about the cost of going from Vista Home Premium to IE7?

Thanks for any info.


The "update" he is reffering to is an upgrade from vista to windows 7 :)

@Marshmello...if you are happy with Vista then stay with it. I personally like to try new things...i'm curious by nature :) also i like to keep pace with the development of computer and internet.
I'm running windows 7 on a laptop that would have choked on vista. 7 is really nice, great graphical touches for the UI, stable, fast...

I haven't liked windows this much since XP :)


yes i agree, xp was good but had it's problems when first introduced but became very stabel. Vista is a greedy resource hog...way too many services running in the background.
I am using Win7 for 6 days now.. I like it.. graphics are good, the new task bar is taking some getting used to.and the install was from hell... ( my pc Intel motherboard that runs Vista very well- crashes and burns with win7- had to buy a new one) -- but I have to put in a disclaimer.. I have made my living in computer support/repair for over 30 years.. I even have a beta CD for WinNT :) so I have worked with windows as long as there has been windows.

Win7 is probably the best windows so far... but I say that evey windows.. Peace!


ICMag Donor
Based on Windows history it seems to be better to wait a year or so and then change after the first, or second, service pack release.


Based on Windows history it seems to be better to wait a year or so and then change after the first, or second, service pack release.

I tend to agree with you except this time i believe they got it right at start....well time will tell :)


Active member
I like the idea of not having to confirm every action, like in vista, it was a pain in the ass.

that can be turned off in control panel, as you have to turn it off in windows 7 too. control panel -> user accounts -> UAC or something in vista, just turn that off.

i've been running windows 7 since the first beta dropped and it's been fast n flawless. pretty much what they said, vista done right. it even gets by on less resources. :woohoo:


i do a lot of video rendering, so i had been waiting for the release of win7 and picked it up the day it went on sale. i figured if i was going to be paying for a microsoft product, i was going to be getting the whole kit and kaboodle, so i got the (non upgrade)ultimate version. have to wait for a couple harvests till i can spend some bucks on the computer and get some proper ram for it now that the operating system can handle all i can stuff in there.

the install was painless and quick, right around or just under 20 minutes from start to copying over files from my old hard drive. speaking of that, just to be safe i had unplugged the old one during the install, didnt want any freak install stuff going on and wiping that drive as well.

the one thing i really dont like about it is the way it handles dual monitor cloning. i have two monitors, one 28" widescreen that runs a 1920 x 1200 resolution and one 17" regular monitor that displays a max of 1280 x 1024. i used to run them together as a clone system and the smaller screen would take the resolution of the larger one, but only display the portion of it that it was able to, always centered on the mouse pointer.
when you wanted to see something on the far left or right of the screen, the mouse had to be moved to that side. for general viewing purposes, it worked great.

with win7, that free float around the smaller monitor is not possible. when cloning the displays, the large monitor automatically takes the resolution of the smaller monitor, making everything horribly oversized.

hopefully there will come a 'fix' for that in the future, till then im just running the extended display with the clock, system performance tachs, weather and post-it gadgets open on the second monitor.

to complain about it a little bit more, i dont care for the new menu navigation in windows explorer.
i liked the + - menu tree that had been in use since dosshell, not the arrows that are now standard
[[***woo, 4:20 break!**]]

and really....thats about all i can say bad about it so far. everything else looks and runs pretty slick.

there was one issue with the 64 bit not displaying a clear picture with vlc player when the video was fullscreened, that has a workaround i found after a quick google. other than that i havent ran into any 64 bit incompatibles.
thus far i think it is safe to say that i like it.



Active member
I LOVE IT!!And I have run every OS there is,7 finally hit the mark!!Faster,easier,and way more stable.I have never payed for an OS in my life,but if I was gonna I would this one!!
Window 7 ultimate (activated) Thanks Bill:joint:

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I've put the windows7 RC on a few of my computers..

I agree with all of you that it is superior to Vista, but having mostly skipped vista and went from xp to 7, I feel like it is still pretty sluggish at times.

7 is close, but just not as snappy as a proper xp install. Seems to eat more battery life on my laptops than xp did as well.

When I have some free time, I will be going back to xp on all my computers.

Explorer seems to crash pretty often too, on really fresh installs.. Seems like the system hangs on something, gives up the blue 'chill out holms' swirly circle thing, then crashes for no apparent reason, like this happens 1% of the time when I switch from firefox and try to pop up the start menu or whatever they call it now.

Having some driver issues with my creative labs soundcard too.. Prolly not Microsoft's fault, but either way I'm tired of this occasional audio skipping with a very high end soundcard.

OK I'm done ranting. Bottom line - anyone happy with xp right now, I advise you stick with it until windows7 has a service pack or two under it's belt at least.


Active member
You got major issues then Bong,I have yet to have a hang up or seen a bsod in years,7 oob runs so smooth on even older systems it aint funny.There is no comparison to xp,it isnt in the same field as 7.There will be no service packs,its pretty polished rite from the box.Bottom line is.....if your having issues with 7,there is something wrong with yer gear.I like it anyways(can ya tell)
It was designed for laptops!