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Wilma Hydro

Hi, I tried the topic is IC but could not find much in the drip systems like Wilma with tank underneath the roots inevitably find their way to get to the water, this system is designed for this purpose or should cut off the roots just emerge from the pot.
The problem of root rot with these systems do not think it's avoidable. sorry for my English


Active member
Just saw your question. Better late, than never. ;)
It's no problem if the roots escape from your Wilma pots.
I'd run this system for some time and I had never root diseases with the Wilmas.


🦫 Special 🍆
yes, put a good airstone with a high capacity pump on the end and run it all the time.

plus if you are afraid of rootrot, you can use h2o2 to prevent it


Active member
Water temperature and still water which causes root rot. Mainly the temps
In fact, root rot is caused by certain (bad) bacteria which -like almost every bacteria- thrives in high temperatures and when that is accompanied with still (sitting) water the problems are very likely to happen.
An air pump will eventually rise the temperature so I'd not say that alone would keep the bacteria in bay.
If that is gonna be an issue at all tho. In my first hydro runs I had plants reaching the reservoir from the ebb n flow tray...they did not suffer from any root rot. Once I even cut them back half way through. They ended up growing the same lenght roots by the end of the run. That reservoir was not even aerated and I only fed them 4 times a day....I would not call that circulated or moving water yet the roots were just as healthy as they should.
Btw, you'r good to go with anything below 25 degree celsius.


Dal nik credo tu sia italiano come il sottoscritto quindi scrivo in ita così ci capiamo meglio, ho provato sia il Wilma sia l'amazon e ti dico che con il Wilma mai avuti problemi alle radici e uscivano tranquillamente dal vaso... Come ti hanno già detto il fattore chiave è la temperatura dell'acqua, più stai lontano dai 24-25°C più stai lontano dalle malattie radicali, poi per prevenire hai due strade, o h2o2 o batteri benefici tipo subculture e great white, se opti per h2o2 io userei quella che trovi nei grow shop che è più concentrata e te ne basta meno... Aggiungila ogni 2-3 giorni. Comunque tiri fuori delle belle piante dal Wilma ;)

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