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Will thse yield a pound? Need help with disease.

Hey all.
My plants are in week 5 of flower.
There are 4 plants all ab out 4 feet off the ground.
I am feeding them seaweed and potash sulphate.
The buds are getting sticky. I hope to pull one pound off them. Do you think this is feasable?

They're under a 100 0w HPS.

I have a problem though. In the last week the leaves are getting these white spots on them. I've had spider mites in the past and know they are not them. Any ideas? Cheers :tiphat:


rick shaw

Sounds like you have PM,powder mildew. Do a search you'll find plenty of info.
As far as yield,I don't see a pound.


Your pics are not helpful because they are overexposed. From what you've described, I agree with rick shaw. PM is bad; I'd prefer mites. Get right on it.

The Revolution

Active member
No offense but the pics are terrible. Theres no way to judge my man. Get rid of the PM or u wont have any LBS.


You have a 1k.......a good grow goes about 1g per watt. That is 1000 g´s. BUT it is not just the light and the size of the plant. You need the atmosphere correct, the soil correct before you worry about the yield.

Learn to grow HEALTHY plants first and then worry about the yield.

You have a long way to go by the looks of it. Sorry to be that way but that is what I see.

Good luck.

And if you have PM.....that is bad. Health plants first..........and then the yield you are looking for will come.

You have a 1k.......a good grow goes about 1g per watt. That is 1000 g´s. BUT it is not just the light and the size of the plant. You need the atmosphere correct, the soil correct before you worry about the yield.

Learn to grow HEALTHY plants first and then worry about the yield.

You have a long way to go by the looks of it. Sorry to be that way but that is what I see.

Good luck.

And if you have PM.....that is bad. Health plants first..........and then the yield you are looking for will come.


Yeah I'm a shit grower. This is my second grow. Last one I only got 1.5oz's. Mind you it was only 1 plant which was smaller than these.

I've read all the grow books yet I'm still crap :(
Quite a lot of the leaves are yellowing rapidly.

I know I won't get 1 pound. Hopefully I can pull 10 oz's.
Damn that sucks I have PM. I had spider mites last grow and killed them easy with petrolium jelly spray.

I really hope this isn't the end of my crop as I've been running the lights for like 4 months. Huge electricity wasted if true.

I'm going to go for a drive to the nearest town tomorrow and pick up some pesticide. What should I get? I read something about potassium?

Cheers all for the help :tiphat:

The Revolution

Active member
You can read all the books you want, but hands on goes a long way. Its all about listening to your plants, and knowing their needs. It sounds easy but it comes with experience, as anything else. 2lbs off 1k is a high hope but with the perfect room, and the right genetics to begin with it is attainable. I agree, work on your environment, and the rest will come

I would begin with disease, and pests. Get rid of those plants and start with something new on the next run. Clean your room thoroughly you dont want those mold spores getting onto any other plants. PM can come into your garden from sharing clones, so be weary of that. I used to accept a lot of different clones, until my entire garden was infected, and I had to start from scratch again. For now on, its seed only, unless I know the garden the plant is coming from, PERSONALLY, and I know its clean of disease and pests. Good luck
Oh and tomorrow I'll try to take some pictures when the light just starts to turn on. It's impossible to see anything in full brightness.

Oh well cheers guys.


Sativa Tamer
I've read all the grow books yet I'm still crap :(

Some of the books are not very good. Of they few that I read prior to starting up, Greg Green's The Cannabis Grow Bible was probably the most useful - and most basic. I think I might of mentioned this you to before, but try to find a grow diary where someone is growing successfully in the style that you want grow in, figure out what they are doing, and try to adapt it to your situation. You can learn a lot by reading through good grow logs (and actually bad ones also).



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!

{I've read all the grow books yet I'm still crap :(} dont be to hard on yourself first few grows are allways a learning curve.

as for the problem you think you have be sure to diagnose correctly

Marijuana Garden Saver: AKA The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
i've personally never had a PM problem because i have fans on all the time they never shut off. my air flow coming into and around grow erea is a mini vortex

have you inspected the leaves closely or just from a distance because there is a garden pest whose leaf damage looks simular to PM. the insects name is thrips
Thrips 101: Introduction to Western Flower Thrips
alot of times these are introduced into gardens by accident say your doing lotsa yard work triming bushes trees and such. then go directly into garden erea BINGO your just most likely introduced some kinda pest into the garden.

as for good growing books i've never read a book on MJ growing so i couldnt say which is best. personally i started out reading ppls grow logs on this forum and others in the past. i noticed who was BA in soil what i wanted to grow in then took a few ways tweaked for myself.


Active member
for powder mildew get yourself a bottle of EAGLE20....this shit works. spray once in veg, then again 1-2 weeks into flower....never had PM again.

everyone sucks their first few grows...its a learning curve. you will learn more from hands on experiance than reading a book. most important things...CLIMATE CONTROL.....you need to have lots of air movement and keep that heat below 85 and humidity below 50. for nutes, LESS IS BETTER> dont overdose your buds....increase gradually.

if you want to get an LB off a 1k light...there are many ways. some people will put 1 huge 45 gal monster under a light....but for more economical ways try using 2-3 gallon pots, and cram 20-25 into a 4x4 tray with a 2-4 week veg. no way you wont be able to get at least an LB...i just pulled 1.5 with a low yeilding OG kush and i still left a few Ozs of larf on the branches because im too lazy to pick...i let my trimmer take all the larf for personal smoke or making hash.

the longer the veg the more yeild too....train those bitches down to create even canopy....a good veg area will let you have "reserves" ready, so once you finish flower, you have some nice 2 month veglings ready to flower..instead of having to buy new cuttings and veg them out.

{I've read all the grow books yet I'm still crap :(} dont be to hard on yourself first few grows are allways a learning curve.

as for the problem you think you have be sure to diagnose correctly

Marijuana Garden Saver: AKA The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!
i've personally never had a PM problem because i have fans on all the time they never shut off. my air flow coming into and around grow erea is a mini vortex

have you inspected the leaves closely or just from a distance because there is a garden pest whose leaf damage looks simular to PM. the insects name is thrips
Thrips 101: Introduction to Western Flower Thrips
alot of times these are introduced into gardens by accident say your doing lotsa yard work triming bushes trees and such. then go directly into garden erea BINGO your just most likely introduced some kinda pest into the garden.

as for good growing books i've never read a book on MJ growing so i couldnt say which is best. personally i started out reading ppls grow logs on this forum and others in the past. i noticed who was BA in soil what i wanted to grow in then took a few ways tweaked for myself.

Wow holy shit, you're right. It is in fact Thrips. Had a look at these threads you provided. Thanks dude.

Is this better than mildew? I'll pick up some pesticide to kill them.

Cheers for the responses guys. :tiphat:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Wow holy shit, you're right. It is in fact Thrips. Had a look at these threads you provided. Thanks dude.

Is this better than mildew? I'll pick up some pesticide to kill them.

Cheers for the responses guys. :tiphat:
i would remove a effected leaf and inspect with a magnifing glass i used a 10 x eye loop for jewelery. you'll see the larve crawling you'll also notice some small black spots on leaves.

if i had to choose 1 or the other to get rid of i would rather have thrips. PM can ruin the crop

word of advice i would cut all Nitrogen {seaweed} from the ferts by end of wk 3 flower.

i grow in soil i use Fox Farm Ocean Forrest with perlite added

my ferts
veg - Pure Blend Pro Grow n Dash Growmore seaweed extract
flower - Pure Blend Pro Bloom n dash of powdered koolbloom at certin times

i veg under CFL's untill recently i got a 2FT 6 bulb HO T5
i flower under 1 k horti bulb

last yr my average yield from 12 plants in 2 gal grow bags 50 day runs was 1 n half pound, i harvested 7 times.

keep plenty of air circulation even during lights out also air exchange in room {ie} plenty of fresh comen in exhaust hot out. tryn keep temps 80 or below humidity 50% or lower

look at any of my grow logs i didnt hold anything back i kept em detailed especially my 06-08 logs

hope you understand theres to many variabels in yield with a unknowen strain. something to consider

amount of veg time for Rootmass = yield

if you start off in small containers and transplant few times upto finial contanier your rootmass will be much better and have colonized the erea better. also the better the roots have colonized the soil the less stretch you'll experince 1st 3 wks of flower. i can average transplant every 10-14 days n/p
i would remove a effected leaf and inspect with a magnifing glass i used a 10 x eye loop for jewelery. you'll see the larve crawling you'll also notice some small black spots on leaves.

if i had to choose 1 or the other to get rid of i would rather have thrips. PM can ruin the crop

word of advice i would cut all Nitrogen {seaweed} from the ferts by end of wk 3 flower.

i grow in soil i use Fox Farm Ocean Forrest with perlite added

my ferts
veg - Pure Blend Pro Grow n Dash Growmore seaweed extract
flower - Pure Blend Pro Bloom n dash of powdered koolbloom at certin times

i veg under CFL's untill recently i got a 2FT 6 bulb HO T5
i flower under 1 k horti bulb

last yr my average yield from 12 plants in 2 gal grow bags 50 day runs was 1 n half pound, i harvested 7 times.

keep plenty of air circulation even during lights out also air exchange in room {ie} plenty of fresh comen in exhaust hot out. tryn keep temps 80 or below humidity 50% or lower

look at any of my grow logs i didnt hold anything back i kept em detailed especially my 06-08 logs

hope you understand theres to many variabels in yield with a unknowen strain. something to consider

amount of veg time for Rootmass = yield

if you start off in small containers and transplant few times upto finial contanier your rootmass will be much better and have colonized the erea better. also the better the roots have colonized the soil the less stretch you'll experince 1st 3 wks of flower. i can average transplant every 10-14 days n/p

Thanks man.
I will stop feeding them seaweed. I'm going to get some thrip killer tomorrow. I can see heaps of dark brown bugs about 1mm long.

Buds are looking great though. Covered in trichs. Sticky as. Can only imagine what they'll be like after 1 more month.

I'm glad Thrips are better than PM.

Will post some budshots when it's done. This is Nirvana's White Rhino.

Thanks dude. :tiphat:


Active member
thats crazy how they took over...ive had thrips for as long as i can remember...they dont do shit! i see a few leaves with damage but ive only seen a thrip once.....i do preventive sprays with floramite and azamax so maybe thats why they dont get outta control...

but honestly you can still grow some pretty damn good buds with thrips, mites, etc....its the mildew you DONT WANT....that shit will make your crop unsellable even though i see PM infested weed all the time. 99% of kids would have no idea that there are dead microscopic bugs or larvae on their bud.....bet money everyone in this thread has smoked insects before. only moonshine with his crazy warehouse and decontamination area is truely insect free.....
thats crazy how they took over...ive had thrips for as long as i can remember...they dont do shit! i see a few leaves with damage but ive only seen a thrip once.....i do preventive sprays with floramite and azamax so maybe thats why they dont get outta control...

but honestly you can still grow some pretty damn good buds with thrips, mites, etc....its the mildew you DONT WANT....that shit will make your crop unsellable even though i see PM infested weed all the time. 99% of kids would have no idea that there are dead microscopic bugs or larvae on their bud.....bet money everyone in this thread has smoked insects before. only moonshine with his crazy warehouse and decontamination area is truely insect free.....

Haha, yeah man pretty damn lucky it wasn't powdered mildew.
Although heaps of leaves are dying most of them are green. Although badly infested.

I grow in a shed outdoors so I guess I have to expect these things.

Do you reckon I should use these sprays just as a preventative measure even if my shits not infected?


New member
Those pictures are incredibly difficult to see. Not sure if you thought anything was visible in them when you posted them, but I can confirm, they are useless.

Maybe dial down your ISO levels in your camera before you post pictures next time :)
Hey all.
Update, I took some pictures today when the light was turning on, so you should be able to see them.

2 of the buds are now infected with spider mites. I got this stuff today called rose gun by yates. Kills mites and thrips.
Sprayed everything hardcore. Used up the whole thing lol.

One thing that weird. Everyone seems to grow such fat buds. Mine are always thin and crappy. It was the same last grow.

I though it was because I didn't use potash in flower. But they're still not fat like everyone elses. Cheers. :tiphat:

Oh well. How do they look dudes? Cheers.


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