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Will this work? Concerning a Grinder, kief, and ISO


High all, hope everyone is doing well on this fine day! :joint:

I just have a question for all you expert smokers out there.

I have a space case grinder. I love it! One of the best things I've ever bought in my entire life. It has the screen and kief catcher on it, so I get lots of yummy kief, like so:



Anyhow, that's not the point (although it's pretty cool)

The grinder itself has gotten pretty dirty with plant material/kief and stuff like that. I do scrape it occasionally, but its virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get all of the stuff out of it as some is caked on the grinder itself, and other kief is in crevices that is hard to get out.

Previously when I clean the grinder I use ISOPROPYL rubbing alcohol...Usually just soaking it overnight and then pouring the ISO out in the morning, leaving me with a beautifully, squeaky clean grinder.

However, I just had the idea of salvaging that ISO. If I put the grinder in a metal or ceramic bowl/container, and then soak the grinder in that with the ISO....Can I harvest the kief by letting the ISO evaporate and then scraping the remains?

Is this possible? Worth it?? What is the best way to keep it clean? How do I ensure no dirt/dust floats into the ISO mix while still allowing it enough airflow to evaporate? Whats the best way to have the stuff evaporate?

Thanks in advance...Just want to get the most out of my grinder!


Active member
It is worth it, I done it myself a few times. I just drop the grinder in a small bowl of iso for a short while (like, 30 secs) then take it out then leave the ISO to evaporate, then you end up with a layer of oil to scrape up, same as making QWISO.


Thanks for the quick responses...

What's the best way to go about the evaporation process while not letting any dirt or dust into the ISO while it evaporates? Also wheres a good place to put it to evaporate quickest?


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya you def can...did the same thing with mine bout a week ago....hope it works for ya...peace


You should use your bag cleaning the way it is and transfer your iso to a pyrex pie dish for evaporation.
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Thanks for all the responses everyone!

So, I started the process...I had no idea that i didn't have to keep my grinder in there overnight! It really did get squeaky clean in under a minute.

Now I have this mixture of kief/plant matter and ISO all mixed up in a ceramic type bowl (couldnt find a pyrex dish)

Just wondering how long it may take to evaporate? There is about a half inch of ISO in there


Thanks for all the responses everyone!

So, I started the process...I had no idea that i didn't have to keep my grinder in there overnight! It really did get squeaky clean in under a minute.

Now I have this mixture of kief/plant matter and ISO all mixed up in a ceramic type bowl (couldnt find a pyrex dish)

Just wondering how long it may take to evaporate? There is about a half inch of ISO in there

You can pour the iso through a coffee filter to get out the plant matter. How long it takes the iso to evaporate depends on a lot of factors like humidity, heat, air movement, etc. You can heat it up, this will greatly improve evaporation times. Be careful, use an electric heat source instead of a gas stove.


Are you referring to my kief collection h^2 O?

I never smoke my kief...Just let it build up and build up...I want the whole thing to be caked up with kief!!

Nice Chesire Cat, I hope you enjoy your product...I have mine in front of a fan going on high right now trying to speed up the evaporation process, lol, im anxious!

edit: Gilles, thanks for the advice...Since I just used it on my grinder there is only a very small amount of plant material...mostly its just kief!