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Will structure-changing additives effect seed development?


Registered Med User
will addatives such as bushmasters which makes plants stop verticle growth and gravity which makes nugs hella dense have an effect on the seeds that are being developed? For instance, since the plant was given bushmasters and then formed the seed, could that in turn change the genetic structure of the plant grown from that seed?


Registered Med User
anybody experimented with this? Just think if you could hit a sativa with bushmasters, than polinate it, and the resulting seeds were sativas that grew short like indicas!


Registered Med User
why wouldnt it be able to change its DNA? I mean they change the plants dna, like the silver used to cause male flowers on a female plant...
why wouldnt it be able to change its DNA? I mean they change the plants dna, like the silver used to cause male flowers on a female plant...
Ok, I am putting myself out on a limb here.

Nutrients could not change a plants DNA anymore then taking vitamins will change your genome. What you are talking about there is more like triggering what's already there. No new information was created at the DNA level. Chemicals can change behavior, but not your DNA, and again I am talking nutrients.


Registered Med User
Fair enough. So maybe it doesnt change the dna... maybe it activates or deactivates something that is already there. Im pretty sure short and tall plants are in most dna, one or the other is just dorment.
I saw a show on the science channel where they were activating and deactivating dna in chickens to make them resemble dinosours. turns out the traits of dinosours are in chickens and they are just dormant or deactivated during the growth in the egg. the same dna that makes feathers makes scales, they would just do something real small to it and the chicken would develope scales instead of feathers, same with claws and wings and a tail that actually starts to develope in the egg but is then deactivated for some reason.
So maybe an addative or something that is given to a seed while developing could alternate the end result, triggering something in the dna that was previously inactive....
Fair enough. So maybe it doesnt change the dna... maybe it activates or deactivates something that is already there. Im pretty sure short and tall plants are in most dna, one or the other is just dorment.
I saw a show on the science channel where they were activating and deactivating dna in chickens to make them resemble dinosours. turns out the traits of dinosours are in chickens and they are just dormant or deactivated during the growth in the egg. the same dna that makes feathers makes scales, they would just do something real small to it and the chicken would develope scales instead of feathers, same with claws and wings and a tail that actually starts to develope in the egg but is then deactivated for some reason.
So maybe an addative or something that is given to a seed while developing could alternate the end result, triggering something in the dna that was previously inactive....

Yeah yeah I saw that, pretty cool! Evolution is a fascinating topic.

My thought process was, if nuts change DNA, in no time the lineage would be lost. Genetics/breeding would be meaningless.

While nuts might be able to trigger on/off, the seeds should be unaffected.


Active member
I have experience with using Gravity on plants producing seeds, and have not noticed anything wrong/different with them.
Bushmaster contains a chemical that doesnt change the dna of the plant, just inhibits vertical vegetative growth after its application. Although it is a synthetic chemical and not really natural, I'm not sure it would have a drastic affect on seed production. And I am fairly positive that the inhibited vegetative growth would NOT be passed on to the progeny as it is simply a chemical physiological reaction within the individual plant, not on the genetic level. If someone has more info to include please do. I remember reading all about bushmaster and the chemicals contained within some time back, I'm going to try and find the article.

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