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will it be any good/mexican


New member
a few weeks ago my girlfriend went to accupolco.(probably spelt wrong) anyways she done went an got some smoke from a bellhop while she was there, she claims, he said, it was accolpuco gold.(probably splet wrong again)as that i am an old man now i thought real accolpulco gold was extinct by now, am i wrong ? will these seeds she smuggled back in an orifice i won't mention be any good to smoke? (i mean genetically not orificially)she said the high was long lasting killer buzz but it was very seedy pot. Am i wasting my time with it i got about 20 plants all bout 6 inches tall an lookng healthy!


smuggled back in an orifice? lol You better be glad they did not germinate in there



Active member
i have had this talk with many people. Mexican pot is good stuff, always has been. Just like canada, the stuff they send to america isnt too great. Mexico just plants a shitload, doesnt tend to em, lets males pollinate, the they cut it, speed dry, and ship our way. If they actually took care of their plants, tended them, and really went out of their way to make it top notch, i am sure people would be talking bout how they love mexi weed. I personally have smoked some non-seeded "bammer" weed or mexican, and it got me really high, nothing to go bragging about, but it was definitely good stuff.


Sharp_Pain said:
smuggled back in an orifice? lol You better be glad they did not germinate in there

no kidding!! Grow it out and you tell us! What could go wrong, if they go hermie then yank em but no harm in trying


Probably a sativa, but they do start out pretty potent, generally. They cut those plants and let them dry on the ground, don't separate out all the males like they should, then put the weed into trash compactors and crush it down as small as it will go. That's why it's such nasty smoke once it gets to the states.

I once had a nice 1/4 oz. yellow/purple mexican bud off some outstanding plant. Yielded about 10 seeds which produced some great sativas.


New member
cool,,,,,, IO I reckon i'll do just that.considering she's pissed that i made this post this now, guess i better make her happy and give em a go! thanks people!them seeds were soooooooo happy where they were stored 70 out of 70 germinated. oh god i'm dead now!


Im a neighbor to Mexico and in my country same thing happens but when I grow properly from a "native" seeds I get pretty good sativa stuff, as mentioned a speedy high. An just a kicker xxx bud here goes for $30.00
Come down and visit...for a treat in heaven


Active member
i was down in the riveara mya over the summer and picked up some weed for 20 a gram .. no they wouldnt come down ,, they know they have the tourists by the balls.. anyway it didnt look all that great , but i got so fing high i had a panic attack lol!!! ive been smoking 20 plus years and never felt anything like this .. i just kept getting higher and higher .. my heart racing .. i thought it was laced , but i was just normal high for abought 20 min .. then holy crap , it hit me like a train at the reasort dinner table.. i had to leave , go back to my room , take a cold shower , and convince myself i wasnt going to die!!!! crazy !!!! i havent been that high since early 80's . freaked me out !!
Thats the high U get from the Mayan Sativas fucking rush all the time unexperienced smokers might get paranoid around people with this kind of high....as I posted in the Introduce Yourself forum I will be growing some of this shit indoors and see what I get, I have finished some outdoors and man I can tell it might not look as good stuff, but it will get as high as U can possibly get.
If U know where to get it a pd. will go for $150.00 with the natives in the hills. so who cares roll fat ones each time and pass them on!!! :confused:


I would say grow them out and see how they turn out. Everybody is pretty dead on with the reason the states consider Mexi bud to be shit. The main goal down there is to grow as much as possible and get it out. I actually grew a couple bagseed from some mexi that turned out incredible. It was definetly sativa but killer stuff when taken care of.


Active member
lol.. yeah it was kind of stringy, brown ,and red .. but after 5 hits i was good and high . 30 min after that the rush wouldnt stop.. being in a different country , around peeps i didnt know .. forget abought it....


New member
Tooooooooo cool, Damn ya'll done convinced me so good i went into my grow room and turned on the plants stereo system (pink floydd, naturally!!) said good mornin to em all, loaded there tray with a fish emulsion nutrient, checked the room temp, i'm in the south part of florida, unless i want another 325.00 electric bill there's isn't much i can do bout the 80*-90*( sorry but i do all math in american calculation)=(1+1=BUSH is still president so it won't get legal for at least 4 more years!) except turn the fan on which is what i did. Now i'm taking the healthiest plants and transplantin em into bigger pots. I'll keep ya'll informed on em ,but, can't do any pictures till my disability annuity comes in, in january! There going from 6 in. pots to the 12 inch pots cause there starting to get root bound on me at like three weeks old, i use a grow medium called metro mix 500 and try to keep as organic as possible normally i grow indoors but its winter here and now i grow indoors and take outdoors to bloom seems they bloom quicker and get bigger buds in comparison to my 400 watt hps setup! ok ya,ll i'm a user of good advice on growing matters, so infin ya'll got any i'm open, feel free to suggest! if its good i'll try to incorperate it into my grow! peace out!


New member


HOWDY, i just went out to my grow room and checked my mexicans. Out of the 18 i picked as the healthiest looking at germination, i'm happy to say there all doing great. There all about 19 inches tall now,most have about 15 sets of branches(i say branches cause there past the node stage) that are spaced about 1 inch to 1 1/2 apart, the plants are all puttin out 11 finger leaves.( i was told the amount of fingers you see indicates its growing condition.) Anyways as ya'll said there probably sativas, which brings me to this question::::::::: how long should i veg em out to the only bout 1 month old now and 19 inches tall, i don't want big huge plants really. when it's time to bloom em they'll be taken outside in the florida sun (sinces its winter here i take advantage of gods metal halide without all the heat.) anyone thats grown mexican is welcome to give me some advice!! thanks people!!!

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i woukld stick the lights on 12 12 RIGHT NOW m8, or u gonna be workung like a dog to (attempt to) keep em under control, lol, it'll sure be some fun though ,


New member
After reading your replies, i took the two strongest looking plants an put em outside next to my papayas that are blooming like mad. The rest i reckon i'm gonna have to flush out since i just hit em with a strong nutrient grow solution, or does it matter? Just start the 12/12/ then after a few days switch to the bloom solution? At the present i'm using General Hydroponics nutrients and yesterday i hit em with a strong dose of the grow solution


Active member
If you don't want them to get to be too big, then start the flower right away. If it is a sativa, you may have already let them veg too long, depending on how much vertical space you have. That's okay, you'll just need to train them to be bushier than what they'd be no their own. You'll probably have to top them because sativas tend to stretch more.

I'm currently in the homestrech (well, bad term, because we're just recently finally done stretching) with a couple of JLP's C99 X Haze, and I only vegged to about 12 days after the seed popped/germinated. The more sativa pheno is 45 inches from dirt to tip.


New member
i kinda experianced the long stretch thing on my current papaya grow the wouldn't stop till i put them outside, now there loaded with bud and about 4 ft. tall from the bottom most branch. seems like i always have to take em outside here in florida to get em blooming in the winter! i put the mexi's into 12/12 today, gonna let the solution i got going now, get used up then i'll water em a couple times and give em the bloom nutes in a few days so they don't stress out on me. Guess i'm gonna get a few monsters here. I got the room ,i have three 4x4x9 malar walled rooms i grow indoors in. i also have the most wonderfull smelling back yard, from all my indoor/veg/outdoor/bloom papaya and one durbin poisonxskunk and one masterkush. anyways, i got the room just hate the hassle of the big ones, but i reckon my trimmin siccors will get a good work out then.