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Will a small possession ticket stop my from getting a job at whole foods?


New member
Just wondering if anyone knows from experience.

Recently was charged with possession under an oz and I'm wondering if this will effect my chances of getting a small job with a major company like this.

I don't wanna waste my time and apply if its a dead end


Active member
ICMag Donor
TBH any company can not hire you for pretty much anything they want. If I were you I would put your energy into interviewing well, that is the skill most people do not have!

Interview skills are key. Easy eye contact, don't fidget in your chair, don't look nervous, say the key words, "dependable, hard working, work well with a team, willing to go above and beyond my normal duties, here are some examples." A warm smile and easy back and forth conversation are what you are looking for. Also be sure to know a little about the company you are applying at and cite casual references to such during the interview. No need to overdue it, one is good. ALWAYS have some good questions to ask. When I do an interview and I ask if they have any questions and they say no it is a key sign that person is full of shit.

If you get the basics down you can pretty much land any job regardless of skill because the person hiring will be blown away that you don't look like 99% of the other people applying who are nervous.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

since when has applying for a job a waste of time? and why you would place your financial future in the hands of anonymous internet users?

one person and one person only can determine whether you qualify for a job @ Whole Foods, their personnel manager.

Recently a friend of mine applied @ a Holiday gas station for a job, the application asked if she used any illegal drugs including 'marijuana'; she noted on her application "I don't use any illegal drugs, I use marijuana to manage my migraine headaches and I don't consider it a drug, it's an herb." She was hired w/out any other questions being asked about it.

We live in Minnesota where even small amounts of cannabis are still considered misdemeanors, we have no mmj laws here.

It's up to hiring personnel and yourself if you apply in the first place.

btw, lying about your offense is grounds for firing later if/when they find out, best to be upfront about it. good luck.......


New member
Thanks for all the encouraging advice all.

I think my biggest concern is that the charge is so recent that it may reflect bad on my judgement skills??

I need a job so I will continue to look and apply. I was just hoping someone here had some first hand experience or possibly the inside scoop.

I think I'm just stressing it and need to stop


Dave didnt mean to come off as an ass but I have been in prison in 90's over possession you will find your way my friend to a good job!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

and btw, when you say 'ticket' is that the same as a stay of adjudication? where the offense isn't/doesn't stay on your record if you don't re-offend within a year?

usually the reason behind minor possession statutes is because they don't want a simple offense to stop you from being gainfully employed. a simple ticket likely won't appear.

I was issued a ticket for a nickel bag of weed in The Bronx the first week they were issuing tickets instead of arresting NY'ers for that shit, '85 I think.

The ticket never showed up on any searches by leo to my knowledge.

Shouldn't matter at all, tho if you want a job at whole foods, you need to stalk the supervisors. Ok don't really stalk them but go in asking people to talk to different supervisor in what ever aera your trying to get a job at and try to an interview and follow up on it. If its anything like the one I work at then this is your best bet, don't just wait for a call after you apply, you will probably not get one. Basically they are really lazy and if the see someone really trying to get the job then it just makes it easier on them for hiring. Good Luck.


New member
Shouldn't matter at all, tho if you want a job at whole foods, you need to stalk the supervisors. Ok don't really stalk them but go in asking people to talk to different supervisor in what ever aera your trying to get a job at and try to an interview and follow up on it. If its anything like the one I work at then this is your best bet, don't just wait for a call after you apply, you will probably not get one. Basically they are really lazy and if the see someone really trying to get the job then it just makes it easier on them for hiring. Good Luck.

Hey thanks for the advice! I actually have a good in with this company but she's not gonna be able to do much for me if its their policy to excuse all applicants with recent arrest or convictions.

Do you remember how the question is worded on their applications or finally paperwork like

Any felony convictions last ten yrs?? Ect ect
Do you remember how the question is worded on their applications or finally paperwork like
Any felony convictions last ten yrs?? Ect ect

I dont really remember being a stoner and all, but I remember not having any problems at all. I've been arrested twice, once just a misdemeanor and the other I got off in court, but neither were even brought up at all (tho they were in different states, same principle applies I think). I doubt a little possession charge will even matter to them, its whole foods, probably about 85% of the employees smoke on the regular.


Just wondering if anyone knows from experience.

Recently was charged with possession under an oz and I'm wondering if this will effect my chances of getting a small job with a major company like this.

I don't wanna waste my time and apply if its a dead end

WholeFoods? Tell them it was organically grown, pesticide free bud. You should be good.:biggrin:


To Have More ... Desire Less
I was a Team Leader w/ WFM f0r years...
the background check done by that company is for more retail related crimes...
theft, forgery, fraud, and cash related thievery...
and to verify U'r a legit American and not using fake ID & SS....
they got busted big-time in '07 for illegals in there TX stores....

simple drug possession will not be a concern....
if it was the kitchen and produce dept for EVERY ~ WFM store would be empty...


New member
I was a Team Leader w/ WFM f0r years...
the background check done by that company is for more retail related crimes...
theft, forgery, fraud, and cash related thievery...
and to verify U'r a legit American and not using fake ID & SS....
they got busted big-time in '07 for illegals in there TX stores....

simple drug possession will not be a concern....
if it was the kitchen and produce dept for EVERY ~ WFM store would be empty...

wow thanks yortbogey!
that's really the kind of information i was looking for. i think my biggest worry is that the charge is so fresh. i was arrested 2 months ago and plead guilty and am on a deferred sentence for 6 months.

i havent found a job since being arrested and have been feeling a little defeated.




Deferred sentence? I had something similar at one point.

It probably differs from state to state, but here if you pass probation on a deferred judgment you get it expunged from your record.

This type of charge won't show up after your record is expunged.

I don't think ya got much to worry about. I was hired at a pharmacy where I deal with drugs and I clearly put down that I've been charged with possession of paraphernalia and I didn't say shit about the other expunged record of possession. They still hired me.

Just be prepared with some synthetic pee if ya actually get a job, and need to pee! That's also how I passed my drug test lol.


New member
Deferred sentence? I had something similar at one point.

It probably differs from state to state, but here if you pass probation on a deferred judgment you get it expunged from your record.

This type of charge won't show up after your record is expunged.

I don't think ya got much to worry about. I was hired at a pharmacy where I deal with drugs and I clearly put down that I've been charged with possession of paraphernalia and I didn't say shit about the other expunged record of possession. They still hired me.

Just be prepared with some synthetic pee if ya actually get a job, and need to pee! That's also how I passed my drug test lol.

yes after i complete my deferred sentence it will be as if i never plead guilty and i will have the option to seal my record.

the possession tickets is over 3 years old but i was recently arrested in my home state on a warrant concerning the possession ticket.

i spent a night in jail and was arrested on a fugitive warrant concerning "dangerous drugs"

im not sure if i will ever be able to seal the records that show my arrest.
this in itself almost seems more damaging than just a simple possession ticket

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