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Why was cannabis made illegal?


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The DEA Just Admitted Marijuana Has Never Killed Anyone And Causes ‘Happiness’

July 9, 2017 by Edward Morgan
The Drug Enforcement Agency just admitted that cannabis has never killed anyone. Ever.
They also acknowledged that the little green plant, which has been used across civilizationsfor thousands of years, causes “merriment” and “happiness.” But they still want to keep it illegal.

we're cash cows. the elites even refer to us a sheeple.

Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a derogatory term that highlights the herd behavior of people by likening them to sheep, a herd animal.
Sheeple - Wikipedia



Nixon is on tape saying it was to arrest blacks and latinos.


I could talk endlessly about the war on drugs. I think the evidence shows that the current method is a total failure. However, govt involvement is necessary for their own benefit. We've seen what the Medellin cartel did, and that was one group.

I don't like it, but the fact is that there is so much money in drugs, that if the govt is not in there taking their cut, and "legally" controlling who IS making the money, the govt's would shortly be overthrown. Those who have the money, rule the world. The govt's can't/won't allow someone else to become that powerful.

The only economic solution is for everyone to grow/produce/manufacture their own drugs. And make the sale of "normal" amounts of drugs legal. Spread the economic power to all the people, where it would be spread so thin a rise to power via insane wealth would be almost impossible.

I don't want to sound like I'm defending the WOD...far from it. I think it's the evil monster in the room that no one talks about. But so long as their is a govt that is labeled a "World Power," there will be some form of the WOD. It's self preservation. It's the untold misery it has brought upon hundreds of millions of people that could be bettered. In a number of states, there are people in jail, FOR LIFE, for 3 simple possession charges (e.g. 3 strikes)...prison.. FOR LIFE! There's a doc on Netflix I think called Lost for Life...it's heartbreaking.


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I find the root cause to be religious culture in most of the world. It is about brand of brainwashing.

They will have you believe that all natural drugs and illegal drugs cause brain damage. They aren't too hot about alcohol and tobacco either.

I don't find and ignorant life equates a trip to everlasting heaven but that is a very popular practice.

Ever notice that as people get educated and less religious they become more spiritual and open to plant medicines? The most religious states or so they claim to be, are the harshest on weed and drugs and crimes in general.

It's about people thinking they have the only truth and a corner on law.


I find the root cause to be religious culture in most of the world.

Strictly talking about the USA, I posted it in the link above. It was to quell the power of the now voting empowered black community, and basically jail who they wanted to jail, and they literally said, "the blacks and latinos." They couldn't stop them from getting the right to vote, so the next best thing, was to make it so they couldn't vote for a different reason. This carries on till current day. Convicted felons do not have the right to vote. It wasn't about religion, it was about full on suppression.

Religion might be the prop people use in the US, but their motives are usually much more sinister. Even temperance was packaged for the people as a "religious" standard that had to be met. In reality, it started because husbands were getting piss drunk and hurting their wives. Either with violence, adultery, or negligence, and the women were sick of it. And good for them. The religious aspect was just how they marketed it. Successfully too, as we saw with prohibition.


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I am a felon and can vote in my state. I am speaking about the religious in today's America. The religious Trump supporters all share similar delusions.


Well-known member
I am a felon and can vote in my state. I am speaking about the religious in today's America. The religious Trump supporters all share similar delusions.

no, not all. i know several Trump voters that voted for him solely because he promised to protect religious freedom. unfortunately, many people think "religious freedom" means being able to shove THEIR religion down YOUR throat because YOUR religion is the "wrong" one. plus, too many want to proseletyze in schools in a search for "converts". many of those same people, however, used to/still smoke weed & are for decrim/legalization & legal medical use. you cannot fit everyone into the same box just because of who they voted for. millions voted against Hillary simply because they hated her. i can't stand her either, but i did not vote for Trump simply because of that... in fact, i did not vote for him at all. that is what is called "throwing the baby out with the bath water".


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He promised to protect wasp freedom. Strictly Christian freedom. I have not known many that support cannabis. If they do that is one area I would agree with them on. But many are radical on the right as there are radicals on he left. Neither make the world a better place.

The original war on drugs may of been racial. But they also wanted to target the anti-war left. They still do. War makes money. It earns a place in history.

It's a war against undesirables. Employers are as much to blame.


I am a felon and can vote in my state.

You're right. I should have been clearer. I'm talking about the overall trend of disenfranchisement.

There are only two states that you never lose the right to vote, Maine and Vermont. (Very "Caucasian" states)

You can vote AFTER you are released, in D.C., Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Mass, Michigan, Montana, NH, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Utah.

The list of states where you can vote after you complete parole, probation etc is 28 states long. But we know that recidivism rates reduce the number of voting convicted felons to practically nil. And no felons can vote while in prison.

Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, Virginia, Wyoming a felon can only get the right to vote back through court action or the Governor.

So in 37 states, they have taken out a large voting block. In 2012, 5.3 million people weren't allowed to vote because they had a felony conviction. That's a substantial number.



It's a war against undesirables.


Well-known member
So in 37 states, they have taken out a large voting block. In 2012, 5.3 million people weren't allowed to vote because they had a felony conviction. That's a substantial number.

well, they were all Democrats, so... :biggrin:

St. Phatty

Active member
Hemp offered too much in the Good Free Stuff department, along the lines of Food Fuel Fiber.

Entrenched business interests, whose control could be time marked with a number of different dates, but the formation of the Federal Reserve is one example of movement away from democracy is one example.

What was coming on line in the early 1900's ? Big Petroleum, Big Petro-chemicals, Big Pharma - all of which Cannabis competed with.

Much of the history is official, some has to be deducted.

Rudolf Diesel somehow managed to fall off a boat going from Germany to England. He had wanted his engine technology to use plant based fuels - hemp oil being one example.

Spectacularly successful engineers don't normally commit suicide at the moment of their Triumph.

They also normally have good enough attention to detail to not fall off passenger ferries crossing the English Channel.

I believe he was murdered because he stood in the way of the Big Oil.

After his death, it was full steam ahead for petroleum based diesel.

The same entrenched interests that opposed Diesel - whether or not they had him murdered - also opposed and oppose Cannabis.


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I just finished listening to the below linked interview. 40 minutes long. Tony Gambino interview. Tony's grandfather, was Lucky Luciano. Tony was head of the Gambino crime family after taking over from his father's (Carlo Gambino) role as head of the Gambino crime family.

This is a head mafia boss saying exactly what I've been posting. It's about the money. The mafia in America has been absorbed by big government. big government, FBI, CIA, Vatican in Rome; all in on it.

The interview is not about cannabis but it has a head of the mafia telling you how it is if you care to listen:

Tony Gambino interview


if it smells like fish
It's the biggest conspiracy of our time......so many reasons..... yeehaw...but it boils down to corporations,money.greed,stockholders ECT...it affects so many industries.. it had very little to do with people getting high


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^yes. the denigrating descriptor "conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA after the JFK assassination. the CIA wanted to discredit any intelligent delving into what really went down in Dallas. they (CIA) came out with the nametag "conspiracy theory". That ploy has worked remarkedly well to impugne anyone and any discourse into "how it really works" discussions. this comes from a former FBI special agent whistleblower interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vdZIAYCg00


Well-known member
It’s amazing how small and confined Dealey Plaza actually is, must have been like shooting fish in a barrel. Interesting fact about the “conspiracy theory”. The guy that sets up shop on the grassy knoll and sells books, pamphlets, and spouts stories about the assassination and the conspiracy theory has been arrested by the city of Dallas 82 times. The city of Dallas has lost all 82 court cases.


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Tony Gambino said the fatal headshot came from a sniper (mafia employee) hidden in a storm drain and claims there is footage still available of the sniper exiting the storm drain and walking up a hill and getting into a car and leaving. all Secret Service guards were told to stand down according to both Tony Gambino and the FBI special agent whistleblower ( both linked above posts). The Secret Service agents did not surround JFK as is their normal procedure. Tony Gambino says he was there that day in Dallas. There are plenty of pictures of George Bush senior there watching as Kennedy got assassinated.

^ normally, this would be considered off topic but the reason I, special FBI agent John Desouza, Tony Gambino along with lots of others think there is a secret shadow government nowadays called the Deep State in alt media that is behind all of this stuff including imo why cannabis is illegal. It's a big topic and a big answer. Big answers don't fit into nice neat little paragraph size snippets.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
it had very little to do with people getting high

As bad as the modern mindset and drug war propaganda is, it used to be worse. At the same time that pot was being controlled state by state (1915-37), so was alcohol (1915-19 if not before), after opiates and cocaine by the Harrison Act in 1914. Most of this propaganda was probably not printed by Hearst, though his papers were known for sensationalism. For marihuana, lurid tales of insane Mexicans and criminal blacks were enough, for senators and publishers too. That's not even necessary for banning anything and everything today. Grind it up fine enough to snort that's almost all it takes.
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Garrett Morris Why is Marijuana illegal interview with Jeffrey Peterson

Garrett Morris Why is Marijuana illegal interview with Jeffrey Peterson


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