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Why growing with partners wont work...let's hear your opinion



I had a partner once.......We grew our asses off outside for over 12 yrs on 1000`s of acres of privately owned paper company land that he was fortunate enough to have procured a caretaker`s job for said company back when he was a botany major at a well known southern university......and.....

We rocked that shit till the last couple yrs I`d noticed he`d lost weight , gotten sloppy during the grow season , and was all sketchy every time I came to visit during the off season in the 3 month winter season down here in Hell.....and then......

I did some nosin around down there in the country and found out he`d got hooked on cocaine and was sellin the shit to the locals to support his fuckin habit and I freaked......

Told him I quit and never contact me again till he got off the shit and it was over.....well.....

3 months later he calls and wants a sit down , and we met at a local place and had a meal where he proceeds to tell me he`s clean and needs me to bankroll next yrs crop , and immediately I smell fish....and not from my plate...anyways......

I play dumb and say wtf are you talkin bout , and he says..You know......let`s grow some dope like we`ve been doin for the last 12 yrs ........and then it hit me.......

This motherfucker`s wired and he`s settin my ass up , so I deny everything and walk away like he`s crazy , and sure enough.....2 weeks later I get subpoenaed to a FEDERAL grand jury as the "target" of the investigation into mega marijuana cultivation , money laundering , tax fraud/evasion , and the brand new "ricoh" statute of racketeering , organized crime and conspiracy act......

Needless to say the dumb fuck sold dope to the DEA and tried to get out of it by sayin I was the Boss and he worked for me.....so.....bottom line.....

Cost me an arm and a leg for a good lawyer , but I`d always worked and insulated myself by saving and living modestly while the dumbass had blown every cent he ever made and got hooked on dope to boot......and.....

At the end of the day he went to prison for 12-25 for trafficking and my Lawyer mopped the courtroom floor with the prosecution cuz I was a homebuilder/remodeler with no extravagant bank account and flashy lifestyle , while he was a broke piece of shit tryin to get somebody else to pay for his fuckups by getting caught and turnin snitch.....moral to the story guys.....

Regardless of the guy/girl bro code......There`s 1 person on this earth yas can trust , and it`s lookin back atchas in the mirror.....believe that.....and move on with life....

.Partners NEVER work...period.......my 2 cents from all them yrs.....aight.....

Nuff outta my old retired ass for this day.......



Active member
Haven't had any problems with my partner...yet. He n' I only do outdoor. He's just as money hungry as I am to make it work so theres no fucking around.

If a guys done more time then I have...and the reason for that is keeping his fucking mouth shut...well that goes along way with me. If we get to a plot n' I start barking orders n' he does what he's told...also goes along way with me.

Homer J Pimpin

the one and only reason that growing with a partner may not work is.....EGO.....get over yourself,learn to compromise, and realise just how damn easy it is to grow pot plants....don't be a greedy fuck either.......if you can manage those 2 very fundamental things then you can be just as successfull growing with a partner as you could be solo.......


the one and only reason that growing with a partner may not work is.....EGO.....get over yourself,learn to compromise, and realise just how damn easy it is to grow pot plants....don't be a greedy fuck either.......if you can oumanage those 2 very fundamental things then you can be just as successfull growing with a partner as you could be solo.......

Still. Kinda hard to swallow when your partner lacks the same drive and stamina as you and costs you multiple kilos at harvest(mold and rippers) by not keeping up with his work schedule.


The worst one I've had I was with for 2 years because when I started I wanted to learn from someone who had grown weed before, literally terrible at growing plants which I should have realised within our first few harvests and stopped accepting his "...uh I guess the seeds weren't very good" or "Nah mate it just happens, two grams per plant is ok, you can sell that" what I didn't know until later though was:

He watered plants with shit tons of auxins even through flowering... and without re-potting them or telling me that he'd been adding so much unessesary rooting hormone to the fertiliser, really potbound plants! He almost got us caught when the landlady came to get rent then asked to to go and admit to our landlady that "I had some weed plants" apparently "so that she doesn't realise", got me involved in selling his share (I ate mine, because I'm not so money obsessed as him) which I almost got done for, planted 20 more seeds than we had room for without telling me, then asked me to keep them in my bedroom, also brought around maybe half a dozen girls he was trying to impress over the course of the grow and (I didn't hear this until recently) not only TOLD THEM WE WERE BOTH GROWING but also SHOWED THEM WHERE THE PLANTS WERE and LET THEM TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS despite the fact that SOME OF THEM ARE QUITE ANTI-CANNABIS...

I just said to him, look buy me out for the price of the seeds and lets just pretend this didn't happen...

the next week all his vegging plants died, root rot...

He's a good grower :yes:


Active member
Im currently in a very bad situation because of a partner,Ive been stressed so bad to the point of going to the emergency room to find out ive been exhausted,overtired and dehydrated, all these related to the stress of dealing with what i thought was a great opportunity and partner.the day i moved in i knew it wasnt going to work when he failed to show up for the entire relocation and transpo process.Do not partner if you dont have to,you will eventually split up.im sure there have been some great partnerships but id take a shot and say 99% DO NOT WORK. Good post DHF thanks for sharing and there should be an entire new thread called "Why to grow with no partner"


Active member
Wow some crazy stories for sure makes you think..I've always had good luck with my partner for outdoors anyways.I count on that extra help carring bales,nutes and water to sites.I've had major back problems along with other alliments and his help is anyways handy.


hear hear... i have got 3 partners - one lend´ed equipment and was back then more experienced grower - no problems i knew´d my place and believed him.

then i get mix´ed up whit two newbie´s who did what ever they like, first one thought it would be good to induce uv-light during night whit out asking me first, the reason was he had read somewhere that there are some amount of uv-light reflecting from moon during nights, hes first grow and he was engineer - end result we got hermie bud what make me only yawn like hell..

second guy did not believe me as i said that when we are growing in basement (what has air intake under the house whit out any screening or filter) that we have to use pesticide and seal the hole and get filter on it... couple weeks before we had mite web all over plants, also this guy locked the door from me even i owned+ all the equipment and hes effort was buying few nutrient bottles and help me to change nutrients, hes first grow..
as i come last weeks to our house he had chop the plants and give´d me few nug´s saying that´s your half of the weed, there was 5 plants - yes i move´d out never thought that guy knew §8 years could be thief and idiot and stab me on the back for few plants, haven´t seen him after i move´d three years ago.
hardest´s lesson in life is, you can´t really trust no one.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
WOW I must be the only person who ever had a good gro-bro to work with, been "hoonin" (thanks DHF for teaching me souther slang) with my gro-bro for over 3+ years, now we are small time just a 3200 watter pumping 4 bows every 9 weeks and a outdoor grow in my backyard (60+ plants) but we have never had a problem, now we have LOST a few crops due to my incompetance and ignorance on growing issues but...he has never given me a reason to doubt him and we split everything 50/50...(shrug)...has worked fine for me, actually BETTER than fine, he takes care of our house and cats when my g/f and I travel, he has helped me on countless projects NOT related to our (cough) business....he is also one of my closest friends.

I am truly blessed.


WOW I must be the only person who ever had a good gro-bro to work with, been "hoonin" (thanks DHF for teaching me souther slang) with my gro-bro for over 3+ years, now we are small time just a 3200 watter pumping 4 bows every 9 weeks and a outdoor grow in my backyard (60+ plants) but we have never had a problem, now we have LOST a few crops due to my incompetance and ignorance on growing issues but...he has never given me a reason to doubt him and we split everything 50/50...(shrug)...has worked fine for me, actually BETTER than fine, he takes care of our house and cats when my g/f and I travel, he has helped me on countless projects NOT related to our (cough) business....he is also one of my closest friends.

I am truly blessed.
There are exceptions to EVERY rule Mega , and yes.......

You are waaaaay more than truly blessed cuz yas found someone that actually holds your best interest at heart.....but.....

Those animals are few and far between.......Pretty sure your sig reads the more people yas meet , the more yas like yer dawg......

I`m just sayin........You can trust you.....everything else is a variable and X factor.....and...X can be anything and fuck up your world outta nowhere for no apparent reason......anyways.........

Luck don`t get it with partners......No offense , but I`m jaded and been there with as close a friend I EVER had and he rolled on me to "try" and keep his ass outta jail and continue his drug addiction ........

Bein in Medville`s a lil dif Mega , but the same principles apply as soon as greed ,anger , and ego get involved......

Trust yourselves guys.......that way yas don`t haveta blame anyone but yerself if shit goes sideways ........

My 2 cents from all them yrs.......


Homer J Pimpin

Still. Kinda hard to swallow when your partner lacks the same drive and stamina as you and costs you multiple kilos at harvest(mold and rippers) by not keeping up with his work schedule.

now who's fault is it that someone can't choose a decent partner ?


Moon-grass farmer
WOW I must be the only person who ever had a good gro-bro to work with, been "hoonin" (thanks DHF for teaching me souther slang) with my gro-bro for over 3+ years, now we are small time just a 3200 watter pumping 4 bows every 9 weeks and a outdoor grow in my backyard (60+ plants) but we have never had a problem, now we have LOST a few crops due to my incompetance and ignorance on growing issues but...he has never given me a reason to doubt him and we split everything 50/50...(shrug)...has worked fine for me, actually BETTER than fine, he takes care of our house and cats when my g/f and I travel, he has helped me on countless projects NOT related to our (cough) business....he is also one of my closest friends.

I am truly blessed.
You are very lucky to have a gro-bro like that then man, that's awesome. I trully applaud the both of you.

Like the post I made earlier in this thread, it's very rare, but it is possible when you have two of the same personalities, invested interest, motivation, passion for growing, and get along well.

I grew with a partner that was a family member... Not blood... but family. And he fucked me more times than I can count in more ways than one, all the way through the end. I had a feeling in the beginning that I should've acted upon sooner.

And with that in mind.... I'm just about to chop my first solo run from start to finish in a couple years. And it feels GOOD.


now who's fault is it that someone can't choose a decent partner ?
Partly true.
He is my brother and a very decent and hardworking guy whom I respect and trust with my life.
I just didnt realize that he lacks the physical stamina and my will to succed in THIS project.
Or put it this way: His dreams are other dreams than mine.


Hi,many buisness partners fail in legal circles and even kill each other so its hard for weed ventures to take off,I've tried and failed every one thought he had a right to help theselves to the drop ,I even done one it went well but I hated the dude at the end don't ask me why ,I've known my so called ex partners for 40 years ,there's no friends in this job.now I won't do cash crop only Percy don't jneed any greif,maybe im the problem who knows .I noticed in holland yearrs ago crews would work togethet no probs ,maybe cause of danger is less as then if you got caught theyd slap your wrist other than heavy jail which causes stress allround.peace


I have been growing for almost 15 years and have always used "partners" and i haven't had to many problems.

though we usually call them "rotters" they get free rent to live in a grow
higher level rotter gets money to maintain grow

and the 3rd way is someone who owns their own house and wants to maintain the setup gets 50%

in 15 years a rotter got his rib broken and one his arm and a single fight at a trim when alcohol was brought in

i have seen real businesses have more incidents then that over that many years ;-)

Panama Fred

New member
it depends on the partners, the unique circumstances and inevitable unforeseen variables. i can't really flower enough plants in my apartment but i have an extensive gene pool of mothers and clones. so i work with friends who live in houses where we can grow year round here in Santa Barbara. we flower outdoors all year long. only 1 of 6 mutual grows produced this year in the regular outdoor season, so that partner gets the best and the most of the clones over the winter. those who still want to grow will get clones according to the results produced in 2012. if they do better over the winter they get more in the spring.

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