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Why growing with partners wont work...let's hear your opinion

I tried, it didnt work... Lesson learned.
Yes, me too. I did all the work, he and his mate made the harvest disappear. My seeds, my ferts, my expertise. Time, money and effort, and they enjoyed every bud. Even smoked the bud I'd bought but accidentally left there when I went on holidays (and called to find out if they'd found it - they had, and I asked them to hold it for me - they smoked it anyway, and shrugged at me when I asked for it).

Never again.

Never, ever again.

Zen Master

so rather than get a spot to yourself with a landlord that doesn't give a shit so long as you pay your rent on time and dont destroy the place, you deal with that BS?

I'd rather have the place in my name, take 100% of the risk, do 100% of the work, get 100% of the proceeds and 0% of the douchebaggery.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You learn a lot about people growing with them and being partners in grows.

I could rant on about the 101 fuckwits I have encountered, but a large part was my own stupidity and naievity, I prefer to call it optimism.

However, there are some truly exceptional individuals out there that I have been privileged to grow with and know. Most of the untold story of my 2010 grow concerns one person who showed the most incredible resilience, drive, dedication and utter toughness. It was they who discovered and recovered 95% of the crop, stolen and stashed 800M away, in a thunderstorm, in a very dangerous situation, at 5am, when anybody else would have been recovering and getting into warm dry clothes.

And there in lies the rub ..The growing is easy it's the ppl that are hard..There are quaility ppl with no cash and there are ppl with lots of cash with no qualities at all,, lol stay real and safe headband 707:tiphat:
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Guest 315072

100% Correct

100% Correct

ya i partnered with a cousin of mine who i thought i could trust cuz we are blood.. btu he tinks because he invested more cash on equipment in the beginnig that he deserves half of everything even tho he hasnt been helping for like 6 months.. he started fist fight with me over the grow.. he thinks he deserves more then half the equipment if we split because he paid for it but i already gave him harvests so that money is all paid off.. like i contributed all the genetics we run.. all the work is done by me.. and he wants half?

the kid went to school for business.. and cant see how if u dont put the hours in u dont get paid.. period.

i dont wana destroy are relationship but i need out i want diff things for my life.. and i cant be partners with some1 who trys to dictate my liife..

plus he wants me to drop everything i do .. for the day he can help a week.. but i work on it all week.. im sick of it .

i just need him to understand this shit anit working.. i mite buy all the same equipment we have with next harvest.. and just give him his shit and leave.

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
I may have recently stumbled upon a pseudo partner. Needed to move a couple really long pure sat's and got into a small space that another grower was using on commercial property. The other has been doing their thing, me...mine. Helping each other out here and there. In a perfect world, it would be spot on because we're both small personal growers with all the legit paperwork and the spot is fully secure and away from schools, kids, etc. Problem is the guy we're kind of renting from is a loon and is definitely the wild card in the equation. So, we've been talking about another space. As we both love the plant and don't care about the dough, I would consider it...but have to really consider. My knowledge is respected and would go a long way in establishing a protocol. Would most likely keep things somewhat separate. Partner is hydro, I'm organic coir/soil based but share lights, fans, scrubbers, etc. Also, incorporate a rotation plan I'm devising because I can guarantee an increase in yield using fewer plants. Anyway, we'll see if it pans out. Not too worried, because it's about the plant not the green.

Zen Master

What if I have to be out of town for four or five days. If I'm soil/coco what systems are there that self-water?

blumats come to mind immediately.

you could even do a drip on a timer with a reservoir. You've gotta know your plants really well or have a pondliner on the floor perhaps (or some other method of drainage) in case of an overflow.


my house , my room, my investment,my rewards, my problems ......... it is the only way to keep things simple.

to many cooks fuck up the soup every time ....... and they all blame the others.

one of the reasons i like to work alone is that if something gets fucked up i KNOW who's fault it is and it does not happen again. it is too easy to lay all the problems in a grow at the other guy's feet and learn nothing. if you work alone you are forced to accept your own fuck ups and adjust accordingly

not having to worry about getting screwed by somebody who is suppose to be helping you is PRICELESS


Active member
The only partners I would grow with are my dad and brother, when I do weed growing related stuff with them I usually don't have to worry about conflict because they know I'm the one with the growing knowledge :)

I would imagine it can be a very stressful experience to grow with people who aren't very closely related too you, heck its pretty stressful with close relatives sometimes.

Growing with family can turn out the worst sometimes....not worth it. :2cents:


Active member
I've always had land partners rather than growing partnet per say. In my situation, I had the property and the green thumb and my land partner had the capitol I lacked for dirt, food, ect. He puts up the cash and supplies, I round up the dna and do all the gardening, let me wife and trim crew do the trimming. In the end we split and everyone has always been happy. If I need general labor, filling pots, mowing yards, weed wacking, my partner helps gladly, but he lets me garden my own way, which is important. This is year 3 of this arrangment and no one has been screwed or butt hurt yet. We have had our losses and taken our lumps together and also shared in all the spoils of the project. Granted this is another person who I would trust with my life and the welfare of my family, so our situation is different/better than just two people partnering up. It can work, only with the utmost amount of trust.


ICMag Donor
Grow partnerships generally end badly, even with good partners. When the grow hits the wall, it's easy to blame the other guy. And, if one partner discovers a serious issue that demands immediate attention, and makes the wrong decision, they take the blame.

If the partner is a friend or family member, there's a good chance that relationship will be harmed because of partnership issues.
lol money has no friends .. just greed .. and everyone else goes under the bus if need be .. self preservation comes first no matter who is to blame .. human nature is a reality .. :tiphat:

ss ..


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
There are many reasons to find a partner for an illegal activity like growing weed. None good.
Imo it´s just the case of multiplying the risks and divide the profits. Does not makes any mathematical sense to me ;)
I have had three grow partners in forty years of outdoor grows. They some how decided that what was ours was really needed more for their needs. Somehow greed always shows its ugly head. Grow partners are like tits on a boar hog.


If you think you currently have a good partner that you are working with, you are probably the bad one! lol, all jokes aside...

Even if you have a good partner, eventually something will come up in their life and they won't be pulling their own weight, but will still expect half. Maybe the will have kids, get a new job, or something along those lines. Life happens.
All of a sudden, being able to get them to come over within an hour to do that PITA job, say lifting a 25k btu air conditioner into the window, becomes 'tomorrow or the next day.' Sorry, it's 95 degrees outside today and the 12.5k just isn't cutting it.
Also, if the setup is located at your place, you will be doing almost all the day to day stuff that adds up to the most work, as well as get set in the way you do stuff. Having someone else come in that is there say, twice a week, start switching stuff up is just frustrating. 'I had that set like that for a reason!'

I say all this out of experience, I started with a partner because he had the equipment that I just couldn't afford, and supposed knowledge on how to grow (I quickly learned this was not the case.) The partnership went well for about a year and a half, it wasn't an ideal situation but I didn't feel like I was getting screwed or taken advatage of either. But then life happened and he soon couldn't pull ANY of his weight. Then some bad luck came my way as well and I panicked and toe down the setup. This was the end of the partnership. There was some bad blood, especially since I was able to start up again soon after, but we were both adults and my buddy isn't the type that really feels entitled to every thing just because he breathes the same air. We are better friends today, but still haven't partnered back up.

Seriously, don't get a partner unless you ABSOLUTELY have to. Starting smaller and slower with a longer learning curve is definitely worth it compared to getting a partner. There is enough that can go wrong with your own solo setup, introducing someone else is just adding another (and definitely the biggest) variable to the equation.