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Why growing with partners wont work...let's hear your opinion


Active member
it suck. im doing it right now. now i know how really shady he is. and he dosen't know how to grow and is fuckin our grls up. never again. family only. well maybe just solo is da best
My last grow was with a partner and it worked out quite well. I think it really helps that we're neither growing for money (though we're selling the extra to break even) and because its all at his house, but I'm the one with all the experience/knowledge.

We're not growing that big (just a 1k) but we may be scaling up. I can't grow at my house due to roommates, but I taught him most of what I know on top of contributing the majority of the starting capital. In the end we split the resulting stash 70/30 (and we'll both eventually make our initial investment back) with me taking the smaller amt. since he's taking the majority of the risk. Since I have no other option, I love growing/teaching others to grow, and I'm not greedy nor need to sell for money, it has worked out very well.

I guess bottom line: if its mainly for fun and a smallish amount of green (I got 2.5 oz from our first grow), and you don't depend on it for money it can work out. Keep in mind, I put a lot of work into researching/picking out equipment and I have an exceptionally curious/scientifically minded and awesome partner. We also decided early on that stealth was our number one priority.

So I guess it depends largely on your partner. You gotta work out a deal that works for both of you. I look forward to being able to do it all myself someday, but its working out well for now!


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
You learn a lot about people growing with them and being partners in grows.

I could rant on about the 101 fuckwits I have encountered, but a large part was my own stupidity and naievity, I prefer to call it optimism.

However, there are some truly exceptional individuals out there that I have been privileged to grow with and know. Most of the untold story of my 2010 grow concerns one person who showed the most incredible resilience, drive, dedication and utter toughness. It was they who discovered and recovered 95% of the crop, stolen and stashed 800M away, in a thunderstorm, in a very dangerous situation, at 5am, when anybody else would have been recovering and getting into warm dry clothes.

Without this person and their help, I would have been truly fucked. Quality people are hard to find, partners harder, but they do exist and can make a huge difference.
well,as most are saying ive had nothing but bad experiences growing with others...especially family.theyre the ones who burn you for a few buds here and there.eventually it adds up and your short a p or 2.ive never once expected anything out of a partner other than water when i cant.do shit the right way.listen to my advice when your fucking up,and dont fuck me over.

not a lot to ask but still,they dont take care of shit.skip watering,get cocky when they dont get there way on something.never pitch in,and then act like i owe them something...like i dont deserve half just based on the fucking stress ive been put through fucking with these retards...

sick plants.shitty buds,worrying about possible jail time if someone fucks up and does something stupid...not to mention a lot of fucking headaches and upset stomachs.that pretty much sums up all ive ever gotten from any of my ventures...

friends,family,sorry but you all suck and you fucking know it.


Active member
i have had 3 partners in all these years. i am picky tho all worked out ok. but i like doing my own stuff . so no more partners.if i ever go really big again i might consider it. the only reason i had partners was they owned the grow spot and i really didnt expect much of them except keep mouth shut and let me do my thing.more of a landlord than partner


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Yea just got outta one, luckily before we got to deep. Growing with partners sucks if your the only who knows what they are doing.

ONly time i will ever partner again is when I am teaching my son(s)/daughter(s) how to do shit, and they will technically be slaves, so I guess i will never partner up again. Keep it green amigos.



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
funny..me and gro-bro been growing together for 3 years, split everything 50/50, he knows a lot about some things , I know more about others, we end up complimenting each other.

Also we happen to 1) be good friends 2) completely trust each other.

I am *very* lucky and I think my situation is the outlier NOT the norm.


Well-known member
My Partner and I have been growing for 25 years together. Besides the wife of my youth he is the only other person I fully trust. He is my brother from another mother.

He is better at some things, I'm better at others. Both of us know how to make the work fun and aren't afraid of it either.

Granted this is the exception, not the rule. He pulls his own weight, totaly honest, and I would, and have, trusted him with my life.

Went thru five other "partners" in the ten years before him. Every one wasn't worth a shit. From lazy to thieves with every fault in between.

There are honest people out there. Not many, and you have to look long and hard. Once you find one....hang on. Partners are not a one way street, both of you must bring somthing to the table.


Well,mega,you must be one of the few lucky in this world,i`ve done it once and never will again,it was guerilla,shared the secret with a very good friend,two people can carry more water,take the harvest faster back home,e.t.c.,but at the end it was all ripped off,i told none,maybe someone has seen us...Who knows..

I would never "burn" my OP like this,only me and wife knows,i`d rather give half my harvest as a gift and mention nothing!!Or even better give it a bit at a time!!But that`s just me..:smoke:
fuck a partner...i was born alone,i do my business alone,i dont need a etra mf to worry about keepin them quiet,babysittin them,or them f'n up my hard work.
i dont wanna share anything with anyone that dont deserve it....i do 100 % of the work so i get 100% of the return...i wouldnt think of takin on a partner,1st of all im too picky about the way things get done in my grow,and 2nd because i dont need anyone to help me fuck shit up :D
seriously,i wouldnt think anything good could come of it...lose a friend,and a good grow spot is about all i cld see....i have many friends but i have none to spare or lose over a grow op.especialy one i can handle all by myself...4k to 10k to 20k i dont need no stinkin partners.

no truer words have been spoken on this subject .. ive tried before but will never do it again and like many times ive said growing is a lonley buisness and it has to stay that way .. u cant grow from jail ..

ss ..


Active member
The only way that could work is if you have a multiple grows going already . But counting on someone else with your primary grow is a loose loose . Get 2 real motherfuckers who can carry there on weight together .Wolla .

avant gardener

depends what you mean by partner exactly.

if you're talking about someone who owns a 50% stake in the operation, who has equal responsibility, and whose opinions hold the same weight as mine regarding how things get done, then i'd say hell no to partners.

on the other hand, a competent helper allows me to do more than twice what i could do on my own. and while their stake sure isn't 50%, they still do have a stake in the operation. guys ask me why i don't just give a kid trimmer's pay and knowledge in exchange for their labor. the reason is simple. it's because i sure as shit don't want to be as low down as the bloodsucking oppressive corporate swine who are the reason i can't bear to work for other people in the first place.

a lot of clubs out here like to call themselves co-ops and collectives, but they're mostly just money grubbing whores who don't understand what those terms really mean. i get mine, but i don't play that shit either. i call the shots in my own shop, but my help still works WITH me rather than FOR me.
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its all about the trust and make no mistake in 12 years i have not been able to trust no one and they have proven themselve .. when i say trust i mean that in every way not just about safety ..

ss ..


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Update---we just expanded to a large outdoor grow, Gro-Bro and I are working together flawlessly, everything with him is STILL fine.


Because people choose the wrong friends. Someone has to direct the partnership and not everyone is ready to be a leader, and not everyone knows how to follow a leader when its important to do so. Some people are short sighted and can't realise long term goals or delay their gratification. Some people aren't ready to do what they are doing, or have learned how to commit themselves.

Many partnerships in the canna trade are built on weak values, everything is very thin, some people don't know what its all about, they assume they know. People don't get the canna trade.

The majority of the kinds of people you find in the trade are not strong noble people, in it for the wrong reasons. There is only a handful of well developed intelligent strong minded noble people in this business and finding them can be hard, but it is important that these like minded people form teams to carry out success.

People have a hard time reading other people, never really inquiring into their character. Like any business model, it has to be strong, if you don't team up with strong people it won't work, no weak links.
lol .. thats right ive always said that yall keep the dogs away from me doin just what u do .. so far be it from me to say .. yer keepin em away from me keepin them busy somewheres else .. thanks all ..

ss ..

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