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Why don't you like Ron Paul?


what votes or policies in his vast history in congress have shown he is a nutjob?

how has he used his office to push for a state sponsored church?

what church has the doctor voted to become the state church?

just curious

He believes Church and State should not be separate

that is a nutjob, sorry, but there is NO room for any religion in any politics


Game Bred
He believes Church and State should not be separate

that is a nutjob, sorry, but there is NO room for any religion in any politics

i think there is a misunderstanding..
i was looking for some vote or policy that leads you to believe Dr. Paul would attempt to implement a state sponsored religion.

a single bill introduced that draws your concern?
a single vote that endorses a theocracy?
any political action in a 25 year history that in any way promotes an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof?

anything at all?


Active member
i think there is a misunderstanding..
i was looking for some vote or policy that leads you to believe Dr. Paul would attempt to implement a state sponsored religion.

a single bill introduced that draws your concern?
a single vote that endorses a theocracy?
any political action in a 25 year history that in any way promotes an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof?

anything at all?
I never got the whole no mixing the two, as religion could have its place by knowing a man by his principals, but if its the same idoligy of the Vatican then I understand not mixing, but to say no religion means that if a man holds God in value, and lives by principals that can be looked at, and judged we can see him accordingly, but if we demand no, then he is bound to be a liar on fundimental foundation if he does believe in God just to appese the ppl, and if he has no values, or principals of at the very least of God, how can he be trusted either?

Yes I said the Vatican! Yes I am talking bad about them, sorry if your catholic, I have no beef with you other than not ousting the leadership of the Vatican, they protect pedifiles, they lie, and control many things that are evil, opis dai, Knights of malta, The Jesuit, and their schools, I truly believe this COUNTRY the Vatican is the whole reason for the debate to not mix the two, but whats also funny is they found a way around it, they have ppl trained, and controlled and put them up for elections, they flood the market with ppl who are created in a think tank to be veiwed buy us in acceptance, they do this on dem, and rep sides even liberals are agents of the vatican, and they know one of them will be picked!

If you can not take this statement as the truth, I ask who owns America? Very simple answer, it aint the ppl, it aint the American banks, it aint the Bank of England anymore! China bought out the debt of the U.S from England, so what does that tell you fellow Americans? The election to me is no different than a movie now, just some soap box durby going on that only few enjoy to partake in, and we are so clueless in the majority, now all these zombie movies seem to have their place, because the way we walk around numb to facts like these! Just amazing!


Who owns the world? rothchild. Until that ends we are screwed. Sad thing is everyone that was ever opposed to them were nuts, hitler hated the wrong jews the public jew wasnt the problem just the rothchilds (i am no hitler fan dont misread this) and ron paul's dumb ass wanting to fuck the money system. I'm the first to say the money system is screwed but the gold standard isnt the best idea when we owe more out than the amount of gold we have. Not to mention there is not enough gold to cover everyones money so everyone would have to take a adjusted amount. We would make less, and owe the same effectively increasing our debt.

this is how the bailout worked a few years back if you didn't know. the fed reserve printed money out of nowhere, the us goverment lent it out, the fed reserve gets paid interest on money that never existed, then they get to "recover" the principle they lent out that came from nowhere, the fed reserve profits, the rothchilds own the federal reserve, we just gave the rothchilds more than a trillion dollars for free.

The fucked up part is they own almost every central bank in the world profiting on every one of thier bail outs.


Game Bred
If you are gonna subscribe to the theories of the fringe...

Learn SOMETHING about the theory!!!

Like how to spell the name of the family you believe does whatever they do.

Who are the living progeny of mayer today?


Active member
Who owns the world? rothchild. Until that ends we are screwed. Sad thing is everyone that was ever opposed to them were nuts, hitler hated the wrong jews the public jew wasnt the problem just the rothchilds (i am no hitler fan dont misread this) and ron paul's dumb ass wanting to fuck the money system. I'm the first to say the money system is screwed but the gold standard isnt the best idea when we owe more out than the amount of gold we have. Not to mention there is not enough gold to cover everyones money so everyone would have to take a adjusted amount. We would make less, and owe the same effectively increasing our debt.

this is how the bailout worked a few years back if you didn't know. the fed reserve printed money out of nowhere, the us goverment lent it out, the fed reserve gets paid interest on money that never existed, then they get to "recover" the principle they lent out that came from nowhere, the fed reserve profits, the rothchilds own the federal reserve, we just gave the rothchilds more than a trillion dollars for free.

The fucked up part is they own almost every central bank in the world profiting on every one of thier bail outs.
Indeed pip Rothchilds own the money system, but not the world, we the ppl do, we just give it away though. We Americans can make it without banks, just go to your closet and notice the green(MJ) we are back to bardering, which is fine by me, depending on someone to live my life for me is ridiculous, and that what is leadership is today.

And by the way they (rothchild) controls all banks, not just the 12feds, many of his banking luetinants and their off spring filled in the spots of a group ownership who own shares, thus so it would not appear one man owns them all, just for example, just one of Rothchilds banks is the Vaticans personal banks=federal reserve for us.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
I don't like Ron Paul because he supports offshore drilling, coal, and nuclear power

I vote green party - clean renewable energy

I love Ron Paul, but this is something I have to agree with you about. I wish he saw the benefits of renewable energy. It could be a profit monster for the U.S. if the big energy companies would update their infrastructures. It would also save our environment. I think conserving nature and natural resources is one of the biggest parts of being a real conservative.

I dont understand how so many people can ignore recent history. we really want off shore drilling after what happened in the gulf. just wait ten years and look at the life expectancy in the area. I guarantee it will drop.


I love Ron Paul, but this is something I have to agree with you about. I wish he saw the benefits of renewable energy. It could be a profit monster for the U.S. if the big energy companies would update their infrastructures. It would also save our environment. I think conserving nature and natural resources is one of the biggest parts of being a real conservative.

His philosophy revolves around a "hands-off" policy with the government. Right now, for example, the government funds multiple different industries, directly or indirectly through corporations who have an interest/make products for them. And look at the shadiness surrounding Solyndra. All of this government interference and crony capitalism distorts the market for actual, innovate clean energy companies. This concept is true for many industries, the airline industry for example.

Reading Austrian economics is an excellent way to start understanding Dr. Paul.


Active member
His philosophy revolves around a "hands-off" policy with the government. Right now, for example, the government funds multiple different industries, directly or indirectly through corporations who have an interest/make products for them. And look at the shadiness surrounding Solyndra. All of this government interference and crony capitalism distorts the market for actual, innovate clean energy companies. This concept is true for many industries, the airline industry for example.

Reading Austrian economics is an excellent way to start understanding Dr. Paul.
I have 3 questions for any supporter, of any elected official- Do you totally 100% trust anyone who continues to ignore 911 and who truly is responsible? Do we trust anyone who will not stand up for MMJ?, and last do we trust anyone who will not go green?

I really think a immediate withdraw of troops from all other soil, and take a month at the most to get them home. Yes this would give an unbalance to polices, but thats last of our concerns, we got to fix us before anyone else. Next Bring commerce and manufacturers back to U.S, and give tax cuts for only Green companies, tax the hell out of ones who dont, like BP oil should of been broke after all the fines the Govt should of impossed.

Next, Decriminalize MJ, and spend major funds to benifit from all the uses of MJ, not just medical, but all forms that would jump start our economy again! Last Put together a panel of citizens with authority to charge all crimes that are found guilty of all STATE, LOCAL, and FEDERAL representitives that hold, or held any seat in government, in crimes against humanity, any conspircy crime, and most of all child abuse of any kind, with LIFE sentences, they had the chance, but screwed us, and the world, and deserve no freedom for manipulating ours.

All this should be accomplished within 6months in office, no escuses, no buts, get it done, and move to the next half of the years duties, like our education system, health care, social security, roads, and infostructure, and human sevices, matter of fact scratch health care, we go free health care like lots of countries, and back this health care system by re-educating our nation of agriculture, and HIGH BRIX methods of growing, and remineralizing our land to grow more healthy foods, and band all GMOs, and disban CODEX ALIMENTARUS from the books forever!

Yes quite a long list that seems impossible, but hey why have a leader who doesnt even at least try, or speak of these things with action! Yes major problems could arise, and other goals could be just important, but unless these main things are done, nothing can be done, and I am a man who would at least see a man fail at something giving his all, instead of showing me how much money he could raise at speach dinners at 5 gs a plate.

What you think?


Active member
Oh, and criminalize Phama drugs proven to harm ppl, and again TAX the hell out a company that does such evil practice of healing! When I say tax I mean fines, like 250 million off the top, and put them out of business! Oh you think its not fair, well dont create drugs that harm, and practice good ethical policies for everyone, if you cant dont cry, screw off, and find another field of work, No tolerance for shady workings anymore, and all fines goes to schools, roads, and health care taxes! Now how bout that?


ruger 500
i support ron paul but ran paul just turned his back on the movement his dad is trying to bring around ,ran is a sell out to liberty


Active member
I’ve been a Ron Paul supporter for a long time now.

Over that period of time, after studying his ideologies, beliefs, and views I cannot help but conclude America is a Zombie land.

You see, I feel as though this country, our country, is already dead. We are being kept alive by artificial means.

Like a human vegetable in an intensive care unit on life support. Their already dead but they are being kept alive by a machine. At any given moment a command decision can be made and the cord can be pulled, stopping life.

Just like this Country. It is alive but it is on life support. At any given moment the powers at be can pull the cord and you will see the true side of evil.

No piece of paper like a constitution, law, or regulation can save your life and that is the truth.

When there is utter pandemonium on the streets, people are killing one another for food and water, homes are being ransacked, and complete order of law is lost; no one can save your life except you.

If men truly understood their way in the jungle, we would understand that our way of life and freedom comes from no man made entity but from our creator, our passion, and our inalienable rights of being human.

You see America really is a Zombie land, it is already dead but it is still up and walking, just like a zombie.

So let me ask you a question. When the walking dead comes walking up on your door step, what are you going to do? Run and hide under a constitution while your elected officials are on a flight to an unknown bunker or will you stand and fight?

Ron Paul or no Ron Paul, what’s done is done and the crisis is on its way, full speed ahead. Be prepared.

You remember Katrina right? That was a complete mess and failure. Now imagine it only worse and on a national scale. No government can save you then.

Call me whatever names you want. I am only being completely honest with myself and that took some real moral contemplation. One day I stopped day dreaming and started taking real world events for their face value and growing my readiness. Be prepared folks because history does and will always repeat itself but as long as men die, good and hope will always prevail because it is our instinctive need to want and desire good. Its the evil that turns it into what we have now.

My prayers for all of us for we have been forsaken and let it happen in front of our eyes.
I’ve been a Ron Paul supporter for a long time now.

Over that period of time, after studying his ideologies, beliefs, and views I cannot help but conclude America is a Zombie land.

You see, I feel as though this country, our country, is already dead. We are being kept alive by artificial means.

Like a human vegetable in an intensive care unit on life support. Their already dead but they are being kept alive by a machine. At any given moment a command decision can be made and the cord can be pulled, stopping life.

Just like this Country. It is alive but it is on life support. At any given moment the powers at be can pull the cord and you will see the true side of evil.

No piece of paper like a constitution, law, or regulation can save your life and that is the truth.

When there is utter pandemonium on the streets, people are killing one another for food and water, homes are being ransacked, and complete order of law is lost; no one can save your life except you.

If men truly understood their way in the jungle, we would understand that our way of life and freedom comes from no man made entity but from our creator, our passion, and our inalienable rights of being human.

You see America really is a Zombie land, it is already dead but it is still up and walking, just like a zombie.

So let me ask you a question. When the walking dead comes walking up on your door step, what are you going to do? Run and hide under a constitution while your elected officials are on a flight to an unknown bunker or will you stand and fight?

Ron Paul or no Ron Paul, what’s done is done and the crisis is on its way, full speed ahead. Be prepared.

You remember Katrina right? That was a complete mess and failure. Now imagine it only worse and on a national scale. No government can save you then.

Call me whatever names you want. I am only being completely honest with myself and that took some real moral contemplation. One day I stopped day dreaming and started taking real world events for their face value and growing my readiness. Be prepared folks because history does and will always repeat itself but as long as men die, good and hope will always prevail because it is our instinctive need to want and desire good. Its the evil that turns it into what we have now.

My prayers for all of us for we have been forsaken and let it happen in front of our eyes.

Outstanding post!

There is nothing that I can disagree with here.


If USA didn't have to protect freedom & commerce worldwide I would vote for him! Wish we could isolate our selfs for a while and get our shit together. Not saying I agree with how we go bout things regarding foreign policy.


New member
It sucks he dropped out (or so I heard) he still has my vote. The news hates Ron Paul because they do a good job of keeping "the old boy network of politics" happy. The people gather their political information from the news and the news has no problem with telling bold lies that keep the same old morons in control. AMERICA CANT TRUST POLITICAL NATIONAL NEWS ITS A CONTROL TOOL. Romney and Obama both suck VOTE RON PAUL.
Ron Paul had no intentions of running for president. At least that's how I see it. I mean why isn't he a third party candidate? Sure Ron Paul has some great ideas. But how many of those cool ideas would ever see the light of day if he were elected?
Bottom line, I could never vote for anyone who named their kid after Ayn Rand! Besides, Johnson & Grey make a good enough presidential team if you ask me!
Love Dr. Paul as a whole but disagree with him on a few things as I would any poilitician.........

Someone mentioned his stance on marriange....

Also, when debating the income tax rate, Dr. Paul mentioned wanting to totally get rid of it. In the current debt we're in and projected deficits were expected to be running in the future, I think we're decades away from that being a viable option.

Disagree with him/disappointed in him not breaking from the Repubs and going independant/libertairan to keep a more open debate going.


I do not like Ron Paul because of his sons views.

Ron Paul has some great ideas , but his son seems to be a true dick head.

PLease note i dont live in the US and am not american. While Bush was a war criminal, Obama has fucked you country instead of fixing it.

who should you vote for......

If i were american i would move to mexico.


Active member
I’ve been a Ron Paul supporter for a long time now.

Over that period of time, after studying his ideologies, beliefs, and views I cannot help but conclude America is a Zombie land.

You see, I feel as though this country, our country, is already dead. We are being kept alive by artificial means.

Like a human vegetable in an intensive care unit on life support. Their already dead but they are being kept alive by a machine. At any given moment a command decision can be made and the cord can be pulled, stopping life.

Just like this Country. It is alive but it is on life support. At any given moment the powers at be can pull the cord and you will see the true side of evil.

No piece of paper like a constitution, law, or regulation can save your life and that is the truth.

When there is utter pandemonium on the streets, people are killing one another for food and water, homes are being ransacked, and complete order of law is lost; no one can save your life except you.

If men truly understood their way in the jungle, we would understand that our way of life and freedom comes from no man made entity but from our creator, our passion, and our inalienable rights of being human.

You see America really is a Zombie land, it is already dead but it is still up and walking, just like a zombie.

So let me ask you a question. When the walking dead comes walking up on your door step, what are you going to do? Run and hide under a constitution while your elected officials are on a flight to an unknown bunker or will you stand and fight?

Ron Paul or no Ron Paul, what’s done is done and the crisis is on its way, full speed ahead. Be prepared.

You remember Katrina right? That was a complete mess and failure. Now imagine it only worse and on a national scale. No government can save you then.

Call me whatever names you want. I am only being completely honest with myself and that took some real moral contemplation. One day I stopped day dreaming and started taking real world events for their face value and growing my readiness. Be prepared folks because history does and will always repeat itself but as long as men die, good and hope will always prevail because it is our instinctive need to want and desire good. Its the evil that turns it into what we have now.

My prayers for all of us for we have been forsaken and let it happen in front of our eyes.
Very good way of seeing it, and your 100% right, waking up right now is like waking up to your house on fire, what do you do? We are too late in my opinion, we have no food source here in america, and if your growing your own food, how long before others who are hungry start hitting you up? Sad to see how bad we are off now, this is one of the main reasons ppl dont wake up, they dont want to, sleeping is good, awake is bad, hit the snooze!

Hell-is anything opposite of heaven, so can we all finally agree where we are, and do we finally understand Gods words when he comes to judge he will the establish Heaven on earth forever. So it sucks for ppl to even argue any fact of where you would like to go, when Heaven aint in your understanding, so much so you ignore the Hell you are already deemed to be! Maybe hell is exactlly that, just realizing for once where your at!