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Why don't you like Ron Paul?


Active member
I want to know reason, without this turning into a pissing "Paultard" contest. Keep it clean, on point, and above all, factual and opinion free.

Whatever point your bring up why you dislike Ron Paul; you then have to list a counter proactive point why his opponents have a better way of doing it.


I dont like Ron Paul because he wants to end the Federal Reserve.

I like Mitt Romney because he has no plans what so ever to reduce our 16 trillion dollar deficit.

That is what Im looking for.

Example not what to do:

I dont like Ron Paul because he is old.

I like Barack Obama because he is black.

Let me hear what you got...and please keep it factual and opinion free!


Andinismo Hierbatero
I don't like Ron Paul, Obama or Romney, because they are dinosaurs in terms of their approach to our modern world.

what can be done when you have no intelligent runner to vote for?

sit down and watch the circus go on perhaps.


Well-known member
Actually I do like Ron Paul becaue he has stated that Marijuana is none of the feds business. I am afraid he doesn't stand a chance in hell of being elected and if I vote for him I will be wasting my vote. I will probably vote for Gary Johnson (former gov of NM) just as a protest vote.


I like Ron Paul on many issues, but I really, SERIOUSLY detest his stance on the Defense of Marriage Act. While I agree with him that the government should not be in the business of meddling with personal relationships, making marriage a legal contract, there is NO WAY the government will get out of meddling with these relationships. Therefore, marriage is now a legal contract as much as a religious contract. Therefore, any number of people, no matter the sex, should be able to legally enter into a legal contract with each other presuming all are of sound mind and are adults. Defense of Marriage Act says otherwise, says that even if any number of people have committed no crime, they may NOT enter into this specific contractual agreement IF they are more than the number of ONE man and ONE woman.

I voted for Paul back in 1988.


Active member
...i don't like Dr. Paul because there is just no way he has enough support to get the nomination, let alone the election, ...so his being in the race can only help Obummer.

...this country may not survive another 4 years with this current asshole in charge, ...he has already begun fundamentally changing this country into something decidedly un-American.

peace, SOG
...i don't like Dr. Paul because there is just no way he has enough support to get the nomination, let alone the election, ...so his being in the race can only help Obummer.

...this country may not survive another 4 years with this current asshole in charge, ...he has already begun fundamentally changing this country into something decidedly un-American.

peace, SOG

I believe that started long before Obama. This nation is doomed because everyone places the blame on the current MASCOT. If you seriously believe any of these puppets will do something other than what the string pullers allow them you're extremely mistaken.

Amber Trich

Active member
I don't like Ron Paul because he supports offshore drilling, coal, and nuclear power

I vote green party - clean renewable energy

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I won't say that I dislike Ron Paul, because I don't. But I believe that the support he has here is somewhat misguided.

Ron Paul doesn't personally feel that everyone should be free to decide for themselves whether or not to make cannabis part of their lives. What he believes is that the federal government has no constitutional prerogative to regulate such. He does believe that the individual states do have that constitutional mandate. So if the legislature of your state passes a law providing for a mandatory life prison sentence for possession of a single joint, Ron Paul could care less.

edit; I was called on this, did some homework, and I was wrong. Ron Paul supports the states' right to regulate, but personally feels that prohibition in and of itself is a failed and unjust policy.



Active member
So far so good.... a lot of good points. I'm taking notes and thank you to all whom contributed.



Active member
I believe that started long before Obama. This nation is doomed because everyone places the blame on the current MASCOT. If you seriously believe any of these puppets will do something other than what the string pullers allow them you're extremely mistaken.

...and if you believe there aren't fundamental, philosophic differences than it is you who are mistaken.

...all of them are in it for themselves, with the possible exception of Dr.Paul, ...but the conservatives are only greedy and that we can survive as a nation, ...the progressive liberals want us all on foodstamps.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
Seems to me that both sides are full of greed and corruption and that both sides say things that are designed to appeal to their bases. They shake their fists at one another above the table while shaking hands with one another under the table.
They all want to fix this broken system!! When we need to remake a new system!!! This is the only way we can come to real change!! EXAMPLE: if you break a piece of glass into a 100 small shards you dont try glue it back together!!! IMHO


I do not like Ron Paul because he is a politician. I do not like politicians because they are all interested in power over another person, which I cannot respect or support.


Active member
I don't like Ron Paul because he's another clown in the political circus. *shrug*

It's all the same game they're playing... there is no "Changing the system from within" when it comes to politics... that's like changing the stripes on a tiger.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Zen Master

the people that are interested in this thread might get a kick out of this vid

it runs 30 mins so pack a bowl or two, I really enjoyed it.


(here's the link if ICmag runs youtube vids slow for you)


so simple even a stoner can understand.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
...i don't like Dr. Paul because there is just no way he has enough support to get the nomination, let alone the election, ...so his being in the race can only help Obummer.

...this country may not survive another 4 years with this current asshole in charge, ...he has already begun fundamentally changing this country into something decidedly un-American.

peace, SOG

i felt the exact same way when bush was president.

in fact, in 04 when he won again, my feelings were that half of my countrymen had lost their fucking minds...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
oh, and i don't like Ron Paul because he is a politician... ;)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Because his foreign policy is borderline psychotic. Unfortunately 90% of what he says is awesome and 10% is so dangerous and radical he is unelectable as POTUS. I absolutely love the libertarian movement I am huge fan of the Cato institute, Neal Bortz, Ron Paul, and http://www.overcriminalized.com/ but the foreign policy just completely hinders the entire movement and forces me to not vote for them even though I consider them the party that as a whole represents me.

I have a feeling that if Ron Paul was elected as POTUS his views would change upon his first briefing like every presidents does concerning foreign policy (including Obama's), but the risk is not worth it when one takes into consideration what is at stake. If Romney fails to deliver liberty I will go ahead and start wasting my vote.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I won't say that I dislike Ron Paul, because I don't. But I believe that the support he has here is somewhat misguided.

Ron Paul doesn't personally feel that everyone should be free to decide for themselves whether or not to make cannabis part of their lives. What he believes is that the federal government has no constitutional prerogative to regulate such. He does believe that the individual states do have that constitutional mandate. So if the legislature of your state passes a law providing for a mandatory life prison sentence for possession of a single joint, Ron Paul could care less.

Mostly true. except for this part.

So if the legislature of your state passes a law providing for a mandatory life prison sentence for possession of a single joint, Ron Paul could care less.

While he does observe states rights as intended by our founding fathers and mostly observed until FDR Ron Paul has always been an advocate for the legalization of all drugs. If it was his state he was elected to as a legislature he would be fighting for legalization of all drugs not just watching the state do what it wants. Tons of youtube videos of his speeches where this is clearly explained. He does not believe anyone should ever be persecuted by a government for putting what they choose into their body.


Power Armor rules
I like Ron Paul because he is mindful of history, especially the part about the rise and fall of empires.
