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why dont they make rapid rooter soil?

rapid rooter plugs are name specific"rapid rooter". hydroponics is one of the worlds most competative industries. an educated guess would be that a bale of rapid rooter, like sunshine or pro mix, would probably cost 3-4 times as much at least. i mean, imagine how much a bale of rockwool would cost, people would never pay the money, so the product is never created. remember that behind every product there is a profit/market based mentality, if it dony make dollars it dont make sense:)


it'll happen..

think - a giant rapid rooter plug you can pop down in an ebb and gro..much like them new sure to grow cylinders. might hold too much water however.

rockwool bales.. they do got em. water repellent and absorbant. $70 for 45lbs

rockwool also sells tiny diced growcubes and are coming out with larger chunks of rockwool used in the same manner. I could see rapid rooters being packaged in the same manner in the future.

The problem would be when guys start cutting down rapid rooter "bales" to make plugs - and their plug money drops off.

The market IS very saturated and competitive. With new companies like sure to grow and other medium producers coming out be prepared to see other names doing anything they can to hold onto their market share- whether the product works well or not.

as far as rapid rooters..look how many brands are already out.. GH rapid rooters, Clonex Root Riots, Botanicare has some plugs, Sunleaves has some plugs...this hydro industry sure does move fast..


Clackamas Coot

Active member
And they're all made at the very same factory over in Eugene, Oregon.

The 'Rapid Rooter' product(s) are a wood products by-product. It's a 'foamed' deal, injected into molds and stabilized. There isn't a dime's worth of difference between any of these types of products.

Regardless of what the package says.




Active member
Rapid Rooter medium would be nice,but as already said they hold alot of water,so some form of countermeasure would be needed,that and algae has been known to grow on them.


Active member
Are rapid rooters preferred for cuttings that are being placed into soil, or RW? I just took 18 cuts with RR and 18 with RW.


I'd rather be using rapid rooters but I'm about to get some clones in RW that're going right into soil and it doesn't make the slightest difference to me. Once the roots are pouring out the bottom, who cares? It's a 1x1x1" cube in your gallons of soil. The roots will completely overtake it no matter what.
my only point was that a bale of dirt in canada is 20-30 bucks. a bale of rw is 3-4 times that. i cant see anyone switching from rw to rr mediums even if the price stayed the same. rr are the bomb, but for what they are made for, for me. rw is the bomb, clean, simple, efficient:) nice posts anyway yall


weed fiend
Soil, wood product, synthetic (or whatever) Rapid Rooters work much better than peat pellets IMO. Roots seem to love that chit.


Peat blows! I've rooted plenty in it... but rapid rooters provide much less BS than peat pucks. Peat retains too much water, bleh.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Personally I think coir pucks are pretty awesome. My results have been consistently better than with peat pucks. I use nothing but a fresh cut, a coir puck, and some honey smeared on the cut. I have yet to have a failure with this method.


Honey, you say? That is interesting. I have been reading a lot and have never come across that one yet.


IMHO...rapid rooter material is best used as a seed starting and cloning material..using it as a medium wouldnt be as good as it holds too much water...a better chiose is jsut using coco coir as the medium..roots grow VERY fast in this medium too....


Rapid Rooter medium would be nice,but as already said they hold alot of water,so some form of countermeasure would be needed,that and algae has been known to grow on them.

id probably blame that on the fact that new clippings cant take in the water given, plus with light hitting the rooters, your going to get algae.


Active member
Rapid rooter has its place.

It seems to be one of the best mediums to use to germinate if you plan to go to low pressure Aero and must start from seed. The rapid rooter plug can be crumbled away easily (if carefully) to extract your brand new seedling and taproot for placing in a neoprene sleeve and inserted directly into your Aero/cloner unit.

Try that with rockwool.


To Have More ... Desire Less
then why not just germ in the neoprene sleeve.....
sorry off topic.......
me self..... I us'em to start seedz.......get better inital control over the seed and the taproot development....better air /medium/to seed ratio......
less chance....for drownding.......ie.damp....NOT wet...........and i think the seed develops better in the root plug making for a better more defined rootball /system az the plant develops and iz repotted thru stagez........leading to healthyier happy mother plants from good seed stock.......

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