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Why doesnt anyone know whats wrong with mine?


New member
Ok, Ive posted my problem on forums and no one can figure out whats wrong with my seedlings.They are about 1 week and the bigger is little over 2 weeks. Ive grown for over 5 years now and never came across this problem. Im losing sleep over it and tried everything. I first had a soil mix that i always used and saw this problem so i switched to lamberts pro mix which has peatmoss, vermiculite, perlite, and the right amount of dolimite lime. The P.H. is reading 7.0 for the soil and the water i water them with says 6.0-6.5. I have two 600 watt digital hps's and since its summer now the temps have gone up in my grow room. During the winter they stay a even 75 but now it goes anywhere from 78-83. I havent ferilized yet but i did use Advanced nutrients revive 1-0-0 since they were looking shitty and i used their B-52, Cal/Mg Grow, priranah, trantula, and voodoo juice. Do you think its the heat? or maybe the soil? Or to much or to little cal or mg? Deficiancies? i have no idea ive re transplanted and flushed. Some one has to know


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New member
on another forum a guy said it might be from the soil being to hot. do you guys think 83 degrees in the grow room would heat the soil up that bad?


Registered User
Highly doubt the mix is hot... basically Promix HP by another name... assuming he is talking about the LM3... 'professional' mix. Just has more perlite in it.

The basic charge isn't much of anything. They just look hungry to me.

Are you actually measuring the pH of the soil, or is the 7.0 what it says on the label? And just based on the pics of seedlings... why are you running x2 6's???


New member
see i saw this problem when i used my soil mix of just regular unfertilized potting soil mixed with perlite and vermiculite. i thought that time it was the soil so I switched to the lamberts pro mix. but i didnt know it had starter charge in it.Maybe it is over fertilizing


New member
the room is pretty big i have 40 of them in a decent size room. When i had one of the
600s on i felt like light wasnt hitting the corners bright enough so i turned the other one on. And like 7 of them are pretty big from clones before i did these seedlings. Its not the promix that he linked its got a white bag with just a LM on the side no number. i went to their site and didnt see that one but all of them say strarter charge in them. And the soil i have a digital soil meter and when i took a 2 inch sample and wetted it with distilled water it read 7.0 i kinda wondered about it becuz when u turn it on the default always says 7.0 and it didnt move i dunno.


New member
manitobamedical do you really think this is nute burn? they arent crispy looking on the edges and only affect the edges then stop and start on the next set. some people say they are starving and some people say its burn. i dunno


New member
you using tap water? it's possible that you need to use filter reverse osmosis treated water. Untreated tap water will kill off allot of your microbiology. This being the case the plants will not uptake any nutrients in the soil. One thing I suggest you may want to look into is silica blast, this will help with stress of heat and more. I'm open to second opinions on this, but that is my food for thought.

One Love 731

Senior Member
on another forum a guy said it might be from the soil being to hot. do you guys think 83 degrees in the grow room would heat the soil up that bad?

You could get an automated Ice machine that would drop 1 Ice Cubes per plant, when they get a lil bigger you might need two. 1:ying:


I havent ferilized yet but i did use Advanced nutrients revive 1-0-0 since they were looking shitty and i used their B-52, Cal/Mg Grow, priranah, trantula, and voodoo juice.
Can you explain that sentence? Did you or didn't you fertilize. If you did fertilize, what exactly did you give to them?

If you look at your pictures where they are visible, you can see that cotyledons are very green. This would suggest to me that your plants are receiving fertilizer. If the plants weren't receiving enough nutrients, those would be yellowing.

If they were my plants and I had 40 of them and some people were saying not enough nutes and some were saying too many nutes, I would give some of them plain water and give some of them light nutes.

However, I don't think your plants need nutrients. It looks to me like a magnesium issue (the necrotic spotting). But I would look at pH. Sorry I'm not a soil guy so I don't know what your pH should be. But looking at the nutrient charts available, the top range seems to be marked at 6.8.

My personal opinion on Revive is it is a waste of money. It's less than half the strength of Cal Mag + and it contains urea.


Active member
are you still trying to figure this out? your soil is too hot, that's nute burn. just give em plain water for a while, when those damaged leaves turn yellow and start falling off, you can feed again. check the pH of the water coming out the bottom of the pots keep it between 6 and 7.

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